

中文摘要 本年度依合約所定工作項目,包含了維持系統正常運作與連線品質、系統介接、100年度資料統計分析與配合環保署未來整合為環境資源部系統調整規劃說明,以達到提昇與強化系統服務之計畫目標,首先在維持系統正常運作與連線品質工作上,本計畫定期的監控各項硬體監測數據,發現在尖峰時間,部分監控數值有超過標準值等異常情形,應與使用者人數成長有很大關係,因此本年度提出了系統效能提昇評估規劃,藉以改善系統尖峰時間時之效能,另外,配合監資處定期進行資安檢核作業,詳細說明可參閱第二章,而在系統功能強化上,係依據現有系統功能,提供使用者更好的使用服務,因此除了依需求調整系統或功能開發之外,本年度完成的系統調整,還包含了系統美化改版作業、即時查詢待辦案件、公務報表查詢案件功能以及配合環保署未來整合為環境資源部系統調整規劃等既定工作項目,主動提出服務精進方案。此外,本年度依審查委員建議,進行系統問卷滿意度調查,各項調查結果之滿意度多在90%~95%左右,獲得大多數使用者肯定與認同,而系統功能提昇上,本年度依使用者所提出之需求與問題,共計完成97個,在資料介接工作項目方面,本年度完成與非法棄置案件管理系統、新北市環保派出所系統等系統介接工作,另外,也配合過去已完成介接的系統,調整新增所需介接欄位,如環境教育講習系統、環境保護許可管理資訊網、土壤及地下水管理資訊系統、水環境保育網、回收基金管理系統等。在使用者輔導方面,本年度客服電話量從一月到十月共為4,537通,共完成6場次的教育訓練,並協助縣市環保局自行舉辦之教育訓練,派遣講師到場,共計7場次。 綜合以上所述,本年度的工作項目中包含持續功能強化與新增服務二部份,系統不斷地往精益求精的方式進行,不僅要求穩定,更要求讓系統功能更完善,在已完成的系統中加入更多元的服務,讓系統更貼近使用者的業務需求,進而增加使用者使用意願。 相信在系統功能不斷提昇與提供附加服務的情形下,能讓本計畫不僅是做一個系統維護工作,而是成為一個能夠作為支援業務與政策擬定的應用工具。 以上為本年度之工作說明與成果摘要,其它工作項目之工作內容細節與成果請詳閱本報告書各章節,本系統最終目標希望能在資料建置面、列印面與應用面等三大面向,提供更好的服務,達到系統開發與計畫執行最大效益。
中文關鍵字 稽查、裁處、催繳,罰款,環保業務


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-K103-02-202 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2980 千元
專案開始日期 2012/02/15 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳冠章 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「101年度環保稽查處分管制系統功能提昇及推廣維護」專案(第1年).pdf 52MB

First Year Tasks Associated with “Efficiency Upgrade, System Maintenance, and Promotion of the Envir

英文摘要 The work items specified in the contract include maintenance of normal system operational connection quality, system function enhancement, system connection, statistical analysis of the 2011 data, and the plan of the adjustment in the Environmental Protection Administration’s (EPA) integration with the Environmental Resource Department in the future. Details will be addressed below accordingly. Firstly, with regard to the maintenance of normal system operational connection quality, regular monitoring was performed on all hardware monitoring data, and some of the data showed abnormality over the standard value in peak hours. Such a phenomenon could be mainly resulted from and related to the growth of users, and, therefore, the plan of system performance evaluation was proposed this year, in order to improve the system performance in peak hours. Additionally, information security inspection was undertaken periodically in compliance with regulations of the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management. See Chapter 2 for more information. Secondly, the existing system functions were strengthened and enhanced to provide better user experience for visitors. In addition to system adjustments made based on needs and new feature development, a series of improvements was actively proposed this year, including system modification, instant search of to-do lists, government report search, and the plan of the adjustment in the EPA’s integration with the Environmental Resource Department in the future. Moreover, based on reviewers’ suggestions, the survey on system satisfaction was held, and the result of satisfaction was mostly between 90 and 95 percent, acquiring positive responses and acclaim from most users. And on the system enhancement aspect, 97 update requests and problem were addressed to enhance system functionality. Thirdly, regarding data connection, the management of illegal disposal cases and New Taipei City’s Environmental Police Station were completed, and to go with other already connected systems, demand columns were adjusted and updated, such as Environmental Education Instruction System, Environmental Management System website, Soil and Groundwater Management Information website, Water Environmental Conservation website, Recycling Fund Management System, and so on. Fourthly, concerning users’ counsel, there are a total of 4,537 customer services calls between January and October, 6 education trainings, and 7 Department of Environmental Protection’s self-organized education trainings which is assisted by our assigned tutors. To sum up, this year’s work focused on both the pre-existing functions strengthening and newly created services, allowing the system to proceed not only in a stable manner but also in a functionally complete way. With a more diverse range of services offered, the EEMS becomes more capable of meeting the business needs of its user, thereby increasing users’ willingness to use. It is expected the continuous system upgrading and offering of value-added services will enable the effort of the project to go beyond merely performing system maintenance to facilitating work efficiency and policy development. The above summarizes important achievements obtained this year. The contents and outcomes of other work items are detailed in the project report. The ultimate purpose of the EEMS is to provide better services with regard to data establishment, printout, and applicability to maximize the effects of the system and the project.
英文關鍵字 inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty,