英文摘要 |
1. Continuously the automatic monitor facility laws and regulations degree of conformity and the function checks and evaluations.
Chiayi county area meet the Environmental Protection Administration, the first and second installment of announcement stationary sources shall be equipped with continuous automatic monitoring facilities, a total of 4 factory 10 connection flue; This project has been completed daily the connection data reporting circumstances confirm, monthly report content and format review, monitoring data effective monitoring time statistics, analysis of the pollutant concentration of all factories in the average monthly emission trends and related laws and regulations in line with the degree and function check. Include: the relative accuracy test audit 9 pipeline, opacity check 9 pipelin, criterion gas audits 9 pipeline, zero/span audits 9 pipeline, gas offset test and pipeline leak rate check 9 pipeline, RATA supervision and audits 10 pipeline, OP supervision and audits 10 pipeline, and regulatory compliance audits 10 pipeline. (FCFC P501 pipeline due to the installation of a real-time parallel system, it is not the function of checking.) Perform the connection flue monitoring data system checks 3 pipeline, continuous automatic monitoring facilities connection job description had been a session held on March 29, 4 field experts and scholars CEMS site assessment job. Year in order to prevent public and private premises without a reported unauthorized update the system program to strengthen checks, shall be in accordance with Article 9 of the continuous automatic monitoring facilities management approach stationary sources, Replaced or changed, the public and private workplace monitoring facilities and connection facilities required to submit a relevant proposal for EPB review, replaced or change operation only after the review. The plan also keeps track of and review of the plant to improve situation, and the factory also for monitoring facilities and connectivity facilities replaced or change part of the reported plan for review by the Environmental Protection Agency, according to the replacement or change of content. In view of the 100 annual FCFC CEMS monitoring the concentration curve of abnormal situations, modify the relevant parameters of the data acquisition system (DAHS) to prevent public and private premises, and send altered or false false monitoring data, to build a set of monitoring data and instant than instant comparison of P501 pipeline in the FCFC. Continuous monitoring system of stationary sources only draw single-the factory day concentration graph, so this year to increase CEMS database year, month, day, interval commenced curve, and build in the CEMS data analysising portal combined historical monitoring data, so that it can be directly presented the specific pipeline pollutants of long-term emission trends, and to compare the annual data.
2. Audits and inspections of stationary sources jobs.
Year of this project has been the implementation of 5 points perimeter odor or offensive smell in the air, particulate pollutants / sulfur oxide / nitrogen oxides in the discharge piping detected 30 pipe, hydrocarbons detected 3 in the discharge piping, detected 4 of the heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury) in the discharge piping, detected 2 of the dioxin in the discharge piping, perimeter of 17 air quality monitoring and liquid fuel oil sulfur and detection 30, other testing operations (flue perimeter odor, VOCs composition analysis, perimeter TSP). Glorious Energy Industry Co., Ltd discharge piping odor pollutants lush Development Corporation Newport factory perimeter odor pollutants the three friends the line Corporation and fast and Jie Industrial Co., Ltd. particulate pollutants in the exhaust pipe, the test results are insubmit such test results exceed the value of air pollutant emission standards, for subsequent disposal of matters by the Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the project has been planned to the the rapid industrial zone line, and standing three stainless steel bottles in order to facilitate emergency occurs, immediate sampling operations.
3. Indoor air quality management.
This project has been carried out to a public place or place of business IAQ scene investigation and CO2 patrol a total of 30 points, and to promote public and private premises IAQ independent management 20 points. Five points in this year indoor air quality testing, Chuchi township established nurseries, East Dan Xiangli nurseries, Chiayi County Library, and Trans Union Welfare Center, Newport shop and three other part of the contaminants detected above the recommended limits, the meter painting four times subsequent to improve counseling. In addition, indoor air quality advocacy will this year, according to the Environmental Protection Department is expected to own a place of management of the announcement of the first batch of the filters, invited prefecture related businesses to participate in the indoor air quality advocacy will be prepared for next year the place.
4. Operation and maintenance of the implementation of air quality artificial station facilities.
This project has been completed holes correction retrospectively a correction, to perform artificial stations TSP sampling 154 points times the amount of fallout sampling points 77 times, and the implementation of the first to the fourth quarter of maintenance and multi-point calibration work, the related monitoring results in accordance with environmentalDepartment quarterly format-time reporting and are published monthly, and review and analyze monitoring data.
5. Implementation of aviation, the environment and traffic volume monitoring, environmental non-ionizing radiation detection and aviation noise monitoring stations and monitoring center to check.
This project this year, the degree of implementation of the first to the fourth quarter of environment and traffic noise monitoring a total of 104 points and a total of 8 stations (80 days), the implementation of the parallel monitoring of aircraft noise, convene a general noise control zones and aircraft noise control zones redistricting publiclisten will each perform aviation noise monitoring stations and monitoring center to check on a session, to assist in the implementation of the construction engineering noise control inspections 21 times, inspectors five times and convene the the field decrement Association talk about the meeting, and complete existing noise monitoring meter Council 4, the sound the corrector four wind anemometer a test calibration work. To assist noise control work part, noise detection of motor vehicles and complaint cases have performed 1,048 pieces the with EPD 101 annual noise law enforcement stopped the search was handled a total of 10 performances, and stopped to check all types of vehicles, 340 motorcycles, 172 motorcycles intercept extremely low frequency, the implementation of the non-ionizing radiation monitoring operations have been measured 10 times with RF 10:00 times total monitoring to 20:00, are in line with the recommended value of non-ionizing radiation environment.
6. Other with the handle matters.
This project in addition to the review meeting, the Bureau of Internal affairs meeting to attend various commissioned projects, and fit to participate in the Environmental Protection Department to handle the relevant laws and regulations governing the Chamber of Commerce, and the air quality maintenance or improvement work forum ... etc.; This project alsowith participation in the Council for the relevant promotion activities, such as "Chiayi County temple activities noise Control propaganda events will be" handled in Chiayi County City Hall conference room on February 15, March 26 to 27 in Chiayi CountyTownship Mukden Palace held the "2012 Matsu clean" activities to be held April 14 at the Budai Township Seaview Park 101 annual Chiayi County spring expanding beach cleaning, 3 June in Chiayi Aogu wet organized"air quality net area of wetlands to promote Aogu press conference, October 20 101 annual fall parent-child beach cleaning cum photographic competition activities.