

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自101年4月21日至102年1月31日止,共計9.3個月。其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、執行排放量網路申報審核、連續自動監測設施管制及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。 本年度許可審查作業延續ISO9001及為民服務精神,持續落實許可前查、督測及核證前的協商,同時採簡訊方式通知申辦進度,供業者即時掌握退補件狀況,平均補正日數10.01日較100年度10.98日及99年度19.14日顯著縮短。同時,完成500製程許可查核,整體不符合率為4.8%,尚未完成改善之製程,已提報予環保局查處。 資料庫清查更新部分,計完成651家清查建檔作業,清查後其中有599家公私場所屬於有污染排放行為且需持續列管之固定污染源。另,清查結果顯示,主要排放量變化原因和個別污染源產能變化有關,而硫氧化物部分,因台中發電廠100年度排放量較99年度增長19.9%,因此差異較大。 每日檢核連續自動監測數據並定期備份資料庫,確保上傳數據品質,目前各廠之上傳率及有效率皆能符合法規規範。相對準確度查核稽查檢測執行9根次,稽查檢測皆符合規範。另,計畫執行期間中龍鋼鐵公司計發生1次監測數據超出排放標準且累積時數逾2小時狀況,已協助環保局彙整監測數據,並已完成告發處分。 TEDS7.1與固定源清查資料庫比對結果發現硫氧化物與氮氧化物排放量接近,但粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物差異較大,其差異和TEDS資料庫中部分污染物排放量重複計算或係數選用不適當有關,其中TEDS清冊中巨力混凝土工業股份有限公司大里廠粒狀污染物排放量高達2,171公噸/年,差異最大。101年度已配合環保署排放量管理計畫進行排放量更新及確認,屆時TEDS8.0之排放量將與固定源實際排放量趨於一致。 配合環保署推動三級防制區既存固定污染源減量改善至二級防制區行動計畫工作重點,辦理容許排放量重新核定作業,計已回收粒狀物585公噸/年、硫氧化物516公噸/年及氮氧化物2,003公噸/年。同時,101年度訂定「燃煤固定污染源許可審查原則」,粒狀物、二氧化硫及氮氧化物分別削減25.7公噸/年、175.1公噸/年及189.2公噸/年。
中文關鍵字 許可;連續自動監測設施


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 17620 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/21 專案結束日期 2013/01/31 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 趙重周 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年度臺中市許可計畫期末正式報告.pdf 20MB
英文摘要 The scheduled implementation of the Program herein shall be covered from April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013, a total of 9.3 months, among of which, the tasks mainly include, but not limited to, Maintenance & Management of Database, Permit System Practices, Review of Internet Reporting on Emission Practices, Management & Control of Continuous Automatic Monitoring Facility and a variety of propaganda, which each task has been on schedule. The review for approval operations this year inherits the spirit of ISO9001 and serving the public to carry on discussion on pre-check, monitoring & test prior to the approval, and prior to the issuance of certificate persistently, while any progress in application is with a notice given on SMS service for operator’s seizing rejects/supplements in time resulting in the average number of days in the supplement; that is, 10.01 days, is shorter than that of 2011, 10.98 and 2010, 19.14 in significance. At the mean time, a total of 500 permits of process have been reviewed where overall inconsistency rate accounts for 4.8% and processes yet improved have been reported to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for check. For the checks and updates of database, there are a total of 651 files of premises checked and created, which 599 public/private ones of them behaved in emissions of pollutants and classified as stationary pollution sources needing continuous management. In addition, the result shows that main reasons of changes incurred with volume of emission is connected with individual change made in energy of emission source; for sulfur oxides, larger difference exists because Taichung Power Station’s volume of emission in 2011 was more than that of 2010 by 19.9%. We verify these readings of continuous automatic monitoring measures daily and do back-up for database at regular basis for assurance of uploading quality; currently, each plant’s uploading rate and efficiency rate are both in compliance with laws and regulations. Related Accuracy Audit & Test has been executed for 9 flues, where all results show their compliance. Furthermore, Dragon Steel Corp. had once monitoring data exceeding emission standards for more than 2 hours occurred during the program was executed which we have assisted EPA in aggregated monitoring readings and fulfilled process of sanctions and reporting. The result of comparison between TEDS7.1 and stationery source in the database indicates that the similarity behind volume of emission between sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, yet bigger difference exists between particulate pollutants and volatile organic compounds, where such difference is connected with duplicate calculation in the volume of emission of some pollutants in TEDS Database or improper selection of coefficient, among of which, the biggest difference exists in the volume Dali Plant of Chu Li Concrete Industrial Co., Ltd. emitted the particle pollutants recorded in TEDS List which is up to 2,171 ton/year. The update and confirmation of emission volume has been executed in corporation with Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Emission Volume Management Program in 2012, in which case, the emission volume of TEDS8.0 will consistent with actual one of stationery source. With being in line with focus of tasks in EPD’s promotion of reduction and improvement behind existed stationery pollution source in 3rd grade Control Zone to 2nd grade Control Zone action plan, the review & re-approval for allowance of emission volume is executed where 585 ton/year of particles, 516 ton/year of sulfur oxides and 2,003 ton/year of nitrogen oxides have been recycled. At the mean time, “Principle of Reviewing Permit of Coal-fired Stationery Source of Pollutant” was prescribed in 2012 that these particles such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides have been reduced down by 25.7 ton/year, 175.1 ton/year and 189.2 ton/year respectively.
英文關鍵字 permit;CEMS