中文摘要 | 本計畫針對台灣地區的空氣品質預報作業進行系統之研發與維護,並提供作業上必要的協助。完成與進行中的工作內容包括(1)完成各工作站運轉的數值預報模式的維運。(2)環保署新購置主機的模式移植設定作業。(3)中央氣象局先購置系統之模式移植作業。(4)本土河川揚塵預警作業期間預警資料與監測資料事後分析。(5)改善東亞沙塵動力系統預報的先期作業,建立處理NDVI資料的能力以及針對大陸沙塵源區的粒徑分佈資料的搜集。 (6)分析TAQM與CMAQ模式輸出結果。 (7)完成高污染事件的個案分析。(8)完成100年11月到101年5月沙塵預報成績評估。(9)本計劃依約指派駐署人員協助分析沙塵預報資訊、彙整氣象局每日會提供署內預報所需之資料,提供署內參考。(10)計畫主持人提供專家諮詢意見並且參加檢討會議。(11)研究發展土壤與氣象模式耦合的動力模擬系統。(12)分析MODIS 氣膠光學厚度,以氣膠光學厚度推估近地面PM2.5的最佳方式,換算成空間濃度分布圖輸出。 (13)針對PM2.5及O3,8hr應用之統計方法計算過程重新配合定義檢校。(14)配合環保署每日空氣品質預報增為兩次,調整輔助預報系統。(15)101年10月22日於環保署舉行教育訓練與預報技術訓練會議。 本計劃工作以維持系統運轉、改善現有系統預報能力提高預警的正確性,以及發展新的預報工具,並提供駐署人員與專家諮詢以提高環保署對於空氣品質正確預報的能力。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 空氣品質預報、沙塵模式、東亞沙塵、本土沙塵、MODIS、AOD |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-101-FA11-03-A019 | 經費年度 | 101 | 計畫經費 | 3000 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2012/01/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2012/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 陳正平 |
主辦單位 | 監資處 | 承辦人 | 游智淵 | 執行單位 | 國立台灣大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA101FA1103A019.pdf | 40MB |
Auxiliary Air Quality Forecast system and Mineral dust forecast system of 2012
英文摘要 | The purpose of this project is to maintain forecasting systems to facilitate daily forecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. The main accomplishments include: (1) Maintain and operate the Mineral Dust Model (China dust and Taiwan local dust) to provide the forecasting message, as well as Air Quality Dynamic Numerical Models (CMAQ、TAQM). (2) To assist to setup the new workstation purchased by EPA to increase the forecast ability.\.(3) Porting the dynamic models to the new sever of CWB (4)Analysis the data of forecasts and monitoring for local mineral dust in 2011. (5)To collect the information of dust size distribution of the source in China and Mongolia and to establish the technique to process the NDVI data by satellite monitoring for China Dust Dynamic Forecasting Model. (6) Develop dynamic numerical models (WRF) coupled with mineral land surface model to increase the ability to estimate the soil moisture. (7) Analyses the ozone condensation by TAQM and CMAQ. (8) Analyses selected episodes for the purpose of improving air quality and China Mineral dust forecasts. (9) Assessment for the forecasting ability of China Mineral Dust Dynamic model. (10) Provide special-duty manpower to EPA for daily forecasts of air pollution. (11) Project coordinate director join the China dust event forecasting examining meeting and provide the expert opinion to EPA. (12) Analyze the relationship between AOD、ground truth of meteorological factor and aerosol vertical distribution, so as to facilitate to transfer AOD to the near surface PM2.5 concentration. (13) To check and adjustment for the statistical method used in auxiliary air quality forecast system. (14) Rebuilt the function of the auxiliary air quality forecast system to suit the ask of EPA to change the forecast times from one to two per day. (15) Held two times of educational and technique training on 22th Oct. in EPA . On-going work for sustainable development of the forecasting systems will focus on: to maintain forecasting systems to facilitate daily forecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. Developing different numerical forecast model systems to offer diverse information for a better objective forecast and to provide special-duty manpower to EPA for daily forecasts of air pollution. | ||
英文關鍵字 | air-quality forecast, mineral dust model, East Asia mineral dust, local mineral dust, MOIDIS, AOD |