

中文摘要 本計畫因應行政院環境保護署鼓勵應回收廢棄物回收處理創新或研究發展的計畫,針對如何提升廢紙容器資源回收再利用比率,及評估回收處理時污染排放量,進行廢紙容器提升回收率及纖維得率的評估計畫。國內每年紙餐盒用量超過五十億個,約每年浪費75,000 ton之紙資源,然這些廢棄的紙餐具因需防油防水的性質,於抄造時添加濕強劑,並以PE聚合材淋膜形成特殊處理,於回收處理時散漿過程中不易離解,且廢水夾帶高量的BOD,增加造紙廠的處理成本。 本計畫目為有效提高廢紙容器的回收量,必須設法提高纖維得率、解決廢水處理系統BOD負荷問題、通路等障礙,才能提高造紙廠處理的意願,擬結合大葉大學環工系及榮成紙業股份有限公司,共同針對提高纖維得率回收技術、廢水處理系統BOD負荷問題、通路檢討等障礙,進行全面性的技術開發及通路整合,期能建構廢容器再利用的供應鏈,有效提高廢紙容器的回收量,以減低環境負荷並提高資源再利用的目標。 本計畫之目標為有效提高廢紙容器的回收量、解決廢水處理系統BOD負荷問題等,因此本計畫之研究方法,由大葉大學環工系與榮成公司共同執行,來完成本計畫目標。於實驗室級之實驗架構,主要以於實驗室操作回收處理廢紙餐具為主,工作重點為以蒐集相關的參考資料,利用文獻與處理場適用的操作變因進行實驗設計後,再將蒐集、處理好的樣品進行實驗,並以統計實驗設計進行數據分析,回饋改變實驗設計後再進行實驗,最終統合整理數據,做為模廠操作的參考建議值。於實驗室級實驗後以模廠實驗為計畫工作重點,利用實驗室級的散漿效率放大模廠實驗,不僅針對漿料的回收率進行推估,亦對散漿過程中的物化反應及生物反應進行效率及污染負荷指標的評估,此部分數據可做為未來實廠應用的參考。 本計畫的各階段目標主要包含:實驗室級實驗(纖維得率提升):因為廢紙容器高上膠、高濕強、淋膜PE等聚合材等特性,造成目前紙廠回收纖維得率約40%,且處理後常殘留許多纖維於淋膜的PE聚合材上,無法有效回收再利用,因此本計畫擬開發離解助劑及製漿程序參數最適化,來提高纖維得率從40%提高至70%以上。 模廠級實驗及水質狀況推估(模廠級實驗及廢水處理系統負荷問題探討):計畫進行模廠級實驗與利用實驗水樣品質推估水處理狀況,並將模廠級實驗之實驗結果優化後實際應用於實廠操作參考。於實廠操作中由合作廠商實際進行優化後條件操作,大葉大學協助整理操作條件並分析資料,因此本計畫針對模廠級實驗所分析之水質數據進行水質變化的推估,作為後續應用的參考。 廢紙容器依據環保署『應回收廢容器回收清除處理補貼費率』2011年8月18日公告,定義為廢鋁箔包、氣密或液密包裝之紙容器(紙盒包)、其他紙容器及植物纖維容器(紙餐盒)等三大類。依據『廢物品及容器稽核認證回收量統計表』資料,2011年廢鋁箔包回收量9,389.4噸/年,廢紙容器9,612.8噸(廢紙盒包7,274.3噸/年,廢紙餐具2,338.5噸/年)。多年來紙餐盒回收率僅25%。目前國內進口原紙約1,000噸/月,其中60%使用於製造紙餐具,40%用於製造紙盒包等。 綜合以上討論,為有效提高廢紙容器的回收量,必須設法提高纖維得率、解決廢水處理系統BOD負荷問題、通路等障礙,才能提高造紙廠處理的意願。本計畫擬結合大葉大學環工系及榮成紙業股份有限公司,共同針對提高纖維得率回收技術、廢水處理系統BOD負荷問題、通路檢討等障礙,進行全面性的技術開發及通路整合,期能建構廢容器再利用的供應鏈,有效提高廢紙容器的回收量,以減低環境負荷並提高資源再利用的目標。 綜合以上討論,推估廢紙容器回收量低落的原因由於有: 1) 不方便回收處理。 2) 都市廢棄物處理成本計算方式無法反應回收效益。 3) 使用者並無直接付費的感覺。 4) 其餘環保行動的排擠。 5) 廢紙容器難以處理。 6) 二次污染高。 7) 現行補貼費率誘因不足。 實驗室級實驗部分,本計畫使用的樣品為一般販售的紙餐盒,在散漿前裁切大量的餐盒至1 ×1 in大小約10 kg,並混合均勻再取樣實驗,避免批次裁切造成誤差。參考文獻先以統計實驗設計的方法進行散漿實驗,針對散漿時候的加溫溫度、加溫時間及散漿時間等,三項變因做23實驗設計,了解變因對散漿效果的影響,欲蒐集的纖維長度為通過篩分孔徑14 mesh以下的纖維,14 mesh孔徑大約1.40 mm。以階層設計分析加溫溫度、加溫時間及散漿時間等三項變因的主效應及相互效應值,漿回收率受到加溫溫度及散漿時間的影響,不受加溫時間及各變因間的交互作用影響漿的回收率。以實驗設計所得到的數據顯示,在步驟一中使用較高耗能(加溫溫度高、散漿時間長)的散漿效果,可回收約3成的纖維,因此步驟二、三即以較低能耗的散漿過程進行設計。本實驗第二步驟改變散漿時的酸鹼度進行散漿,散漿時調整之pH分別為3、7、11,以加溫90℃後散漿30 min。在添加化學藥品後散漿纖維的回收率亦僅達到62%左右。生物酶的操作條件相較化學反應溫合,添加量大約為1~5%,操作溫度45~65℃,pH:6~8,反應時間較長需1~16 h,因此所設計的生物酶添加量為對漿料的10~15%,換算後即為生物酶濃度1.0~1.5%,操作溫度固定為50℃進行實驗。蒐集到生物酶有3種,利用生物酶A的漿回收率,配合添加15%生物酶的條件下,最高達63.35%。生物酶B的漿回收率,配合添加10%生物酶的條件下,最高達63.44%。生物酶C的漿回收率,配合添加15%生物酶的條件下,最高達57.55%。 模廠級實驗依實驗室之實驗數據為基礎,規畫出最適宜散漿之操作條件進行散漿操作,設定的操作變因為漿濃1.0、2.0%,並以50、90℃煮漿1.0、2.0 h後以低濃水力式散漿機進行散漿15 min,散漿完成後將纖維以14 mesh過篩,計算纖維回收效率;並且分別取水樣以了解所添加的藥品對反應及廢水排放所可能造成的現象,水樣檢測SS、COD、BOD部分。 實驗step 1為了解煮漿溫度(50、90℃)對煮將時間(1.0、2.0 h)漿料回收率的變化,在<14 mesh的狀況下(通過14 mesh),煮漿90℃,2.0 h,可以達到漿料回收率約62%,在煮漿90℃,1.0 h條件下將回收率亦可達到55%,這是整個餐盒計算後的數據,但扣除餐盒上PE淋膜的重量後,煮漿90℃,2.0 h回收率可達到73%,煮漿90℃,1.0 h回收率亦可達到65%。Step 2為煮漿溫度(50、90℃)對散漿濃度(1.0、2.0%)漿料回收率的變化,在不同煮漿溫度下(50、90℃),當漿料濃度為1.0%時,回收率達到55%,但當漿料濃度提高至2.0%時回收率亦為55%。Step 3為煮漿溫度(50、90℃)與漿料酸鹼度(4、7、11)對散漿效率的影響,當漿料濃度為1.0%時,配合添加藥劑的化學反應最高可使漿料回收率提高約66%,當pH = 4時,回收率為66%,當pH = 7時,回收率為55%,當pH = 11時,回收率為64%。而扣除PE膜的重量計算後,漿料的回收率分別可達78、64、75%,達到本計畫最初漿料回收率達70%之要求。Step 4為添加不同生物酶的影響,結果顯示漿料的回收率均約在27%左右未達良好的效果因此後續實驗仍以化學方式為主要的評估操作模式。 本計畫設計以模廠的實驗數據為基礎,提供實廠散漿操作的建議,然合作廠商於計畫執行期間雖有回收處理鋁箔包,但廢餐盒回收量由於費率的調降與垃圾回收的政策,實無法收取足夠的廢餐盒進行處理,因此本計畫目前以合作廠商現有的散漿、回收流程進行討論,做為未來處理紙類產品的基礎,合作廠商當天的漿料配製為3.2%,散漿溫度約為50℃。 水質分析的部分,本計畫以模廠級實驗的水質進行整理,針對SS、COD及BOD分析後與合作廠商現有的水質狀況比較。合作廠商目前的廢水量為每日處理6000噸,廢水性質為抄造每噸紙張約產生SS為2 kg,產生COD約30 kg,而合作廠商並無針對BOD進行分析;另一方面合作廠商所使用的漿料來源,使用利樂包最多為每日30個漿包,即漿料的使用約每日可摻配約6 ton的利樂包,每個漿包約220 kg。 本計畫以未使用的餐盒計算漿濃1.0%的濃度以50℃煮漿1.0 h後,再利用低濃水力式散漿機散漿15 min,所檢測的水質狀況為基準,比較使用過後的餐盒散漿之模擬水質,分別於散漿前、後進行檢測。由於使用過的餐盒雖已初步清除廚餘的部分,但仍有許多食物殘紮,於50℃散漿前即已較未使用的餐盒散漿之懸浮固體高,且漿料解離效果較好的組別SS偏高,水質中SS經推估約每噸廢餐盒製漿會產生10~30 kg之SS,大於紙廠目前SS產生量。散漿後所產生的水樣COD值為油脂被餐盒吸收的狀況,因此造成散漿後的COD值偏高的現象,使吸附於餐盒中的油脂被散漿機打出,在漿濃2%的狀況下COD質可高達1373.3 mg/L,表示水樣中COD值與散漿效率趨勢相同。合作廠商於廢水處理之水樣並不針對BOD進行檢測,但由於生物酶的添加可能對於水樣中的BOD有所影響,因此本計畫仍將模廠級實驗後的散漿前後水樣進行BOD檢測,由各項數據顯示水樣中的BOD變化趨勢與COD相似。 在散漿實驗方面,要提高紙餐盒散漿之回收率,加溫及散漿時間延長為最主要的影響因素,回收率可由29%提升到約50%。改變漿料的pH值雖可提升漿料回收率約10% (50%→62%),但因所添加藥品(H2SO4、NaOH)均具有腐蝕性,可能導致細小纖維過多。最後對於散漿中以較低溫的操作環境,配合生物酶一起散漿的效果,各操作條件為:加溫溫度50℃、加溫時間1 h、散漿時間15 min、生物酶B添加量對絕乾漿重15%,漿濃2%等條件下,可使纖維的回收率提高至約65%,降低溫度、減少散漿時間可以節省能量的耗用,且對纖維的損害低,有助提高單位能量的散漿效率。 在模廠實驗方面,加溫90℃條件下,漿濃1.0%,煮漿時間1.0 h時纖維回收率最高可達66%,扣除PE膜的重量後,纖維回收率約78%。在實廠推估方面,合作廠商參考本計畫之操作流程進行散漿的效率,約可使廢餐盒的散漿效率提高約30%(40提高至70%),若以每個漿包220 kg,每日使用30個漿包計算,即每日約可增加回收1980 kg纖維,而以短纖漿料每噸以15,000元計算,每月可節省約891,000元。而目前初估合作廠商以本計畫之操作原則進行散漿條件優化,推估提高整體纖維回收率約1%,即每月約可節省750,000元。 未來預計執行之工作建議主要包含: 1) 經濟效益評估:  經濟效益評估:總合實驗結果與放大試驗結果等多方的成本、操作考量,統合評估回收紙餐盒的經濟效益等。  誘因計算:以實際操作參數為基準,提出較為適合的補貼費,做為未來政府宣導推廣回收的基本資料。  建議事項:除了產業的考量點外,本計畫執行團隊秉持保護環境、教育民眾的理念,會以實驗、操作及回收過程之數據為基礎,共同提出可能為民眾修改的方向,做為未來政府宣導回收廢紙容器的建議。 2) 通路整合:為達到期望紙容器之回收量由目前40.9噸/年提升至500噸/年,除了配合實驗、實廠操作條件修改等步驟後,更需協調、整合各通路商資源,以提高達到此目標之可能。  通路商資訊整合:通路商含括廣泛,包含可稱為上游原料的廢紙容器回收商,和下游可能依紙容器所產生回收物品的處理廠等,然這些通路性質各一,管理者的理念也不進相同。  通路商協調:由於提供廢紙容器之通路商所回收的物品種類繁多,經資訊整合後,本計畫可了解各通路商的意願,輔導、解說廢紙容器的回收最適流程。
中文關鍵字 廢紙容器、生物酶、纖維得率


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-X004 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2012/05/10 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 彭元興
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 費齊信 執行單位 大葉大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿本.pdf 3MB

Improving waste paper container recycling and secondary fiber yields

英文摘要 This study was carried out in order to comply with the Environmental Protection Administration’s initiatives in encouraging innovation or research & development in waste recycling treatments. The focus is on how to increase recycling and reuse of waste paper containers and secondary fiber yield from such sources. In addition, pollutant discharging quantities during the treatments will be evaluated so as to be undertaken as a project in evaluating potential of increasing waste paper container recovery rate and fiber yields. Domestic consumption of paper meal boxes exceeded 5 billion units, resulting in annual wasting of 75,000 ton of paper resource. However, because these waste paper meal boxes must have grease- and water-proof properties, wet-strength agents are added during the paperboard forming process, and on top special treatment of PE film lamination need to be done. As a result, they are not easily disintegrated during recycling, and the wastewater often contains high amounts of BOD, causing increases to the handling costs of paper mills. In order to increase the recovery rate of such waste paper containers, hindrances such as secondary fiber yield must be increased, BOD loading of effluents must be resolved, and product flux issue etc., then paper mills perhaps will be willing to handle the raw materials. In the study the Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dayeh University and Long Cheng Paper inc. form a team to mutually undertaking review of pertinent roadblocks of fiber yield enhancement technologies, BOD loading of the wastewater treatment system, and end-product marketing. Full considerations of technological developments and marketing paths integration are carried out in a bid to effectively increase wastepaper container recovery, reduce their environmental impact, and to achieve the goal of enhanced resource reuses. Therefore, the objectives of this project are to effectively increase the recovered quantities of wastepaper containers, and to solve the problem of BOD loading to the wastepaper treatment system etc. Hence, the research methodology involved collaboration of the Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dayeh University; and Long Cheng Paper Inc. so as to successfully complete the project. The laboratory framework involved operating the treatments of wastepaper meal boxes; the salient work items included collection of pertinent references, and establish an experimental design based on the literature information and conditions suitable for the mill site operations. Then experiments were carried out using the collected and treated samples following the design scheme. The data obtained were then analyzed statistically based on the experimental design. The feedbacks from the initial set of experiment were then incorporated into subsequent experiments. Finally, the data were integrated to establish a recommended pilot mill operational reference. The post-laboratory pilot study was the main focus of the project. The pulp disintegration efficiency based on the laboratory study was scaled-up in the pilot experiment. Not only the yield rates were estimated, the physico-chemical and biological reactions occurring during the repulping processions were engaged to evaluate the process efficiency and pollution loading indicators. This part of data could serve an important full-size mill operational reference. The objectives of the project at various phases included that for laboratory-scale experiments (fiber yield enhancement); because of the high sizing degree, high wet strength, PE lamination properties, the present mill fiber recovery rate was only ca. 40%. Often large amounts of fibers are retained with the rejected PE films, leading to inefficient recycling and poor reuse. Therefore, the project intends to develop chemical aids for pulp disintegration and optimization of repulping process, so as to increase the fiber recovery rate from 40% to more than 70%. Pilot-scale experiments and effluent quality simulation (investigation of the wastewater treatment plant effluent loading problem): The project carried out a pilot-scale experimental set, and the lab water quality results were used to estimate effluent treatment conditions. Optimization of the pilot-scale experimental conditions would be deployed to actual mill operations in a cooperating mill, and upon further optimization, to operate accordingly. Dayeh University shall assist in sorting operational conditions and analyze data. Hence, in the study, the pilot-scale experiment shall provide water quality data for predicting actual mill effluent quality variations and provide reference for subsequent applications. According to the “Subsidy rates of reclamation and disposal of designated recyclable containers,”which was promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration in Aug. 18, 2011, wastepaper containers are defined as 3 groups of aluminum-laminated packages, air-tight or liquid-tight paper containers (Tetrapak); other paper containers; and containers of plant fibers (meal boxes). And according to the “audited and certified waste objects and containers recycling quantity statistics”, in 2011, waste aluminum-laminated packages was 9,389.4 ton/year; waste paper containers was 9,612.8 ton/year (of these waste paper meal boxes was 7,274.3 ton/year; waste paper utensils 2,338.5 ton/year). For many years, recovery rate of waste paper meal boxes was only about 25%. At present, domestic import base paper about 1,000 ton/month, of which 60% was used for making paper utensils, and 40% for making meal boxes. Based on the above discussion, in order to effectively increase the wastepaper container recycling amounts, fiber yield must be increased, wastewater BOD loading must be solved, and marketing channel blockages must be removed. Only afterward, paper mill will have incentive to handle the materials. This project combines the resources of Dayeh University and Long Cheng Paper Inc. to undertake comprehensive technological develop- ment and integration of marketing channels so as to provide solutions to the aforementioned issues. We hope that a wastepaper container reutilization supply chain can be constructed which effectively increase wastepaper container recovery rate and reduce their environmental loading as well as attaining the goal of increase resource reuses. Summarizing the above, the probable causes of low wastepaper containers recovery rate are as follows: 1) Inconvenient in recycling handling. 2) Method of calculating urban wastes disposal costs can not reflect the benefit of recycling. 3) Users have no feeling of direct paying for the recycling 4) Exclusive effects of other environmental actions 5) Wastepaper containers are difficult to process 6) Drawback of secondary pollution 7) Subsidy at present presented insufficient incentives In the lab-scale experiments, the samples used were general commercial paper meal boxes. Before repulping, large amount of meal boxes were cut into 1 x 1 inch square for a total weight of about 10 kg. The pieces were homogenized and randomly selected for experiment, and avoiding error from different batches of cutting. After consulting literature on experimental design, repulping experiments were carried out. With regard to variables of repulping heating temperature, heating time, and repulping time, a 23 factor design was setup to provide understandings to the effects of these variables on repulping. The targeted fraction to be collected was passing a 14 mesh screen; which has pore diameter of ca. 1.40 mm. Factorial analysis of the heating temperature, heating time, and repulping time main effects and their interactions were carried out. Pulp recovery was found to be affected by heating temperature and repulping time. Heat time and the interactions among the variables were not significant. The results from the experimental design indicated that using high energy consumption repulping process (such as high heating temperature and long repulping time) in the first phase (Phase I) could lead to ca. 30% gain in fiber recovery. The Phase II and III of the experimental designs used lower energy consumption conditions to repulp. In the Phase II, pH of the repulping system was modulated individually to 3, 7, and 11 and the stock was heated to 90℃ and repulped 30 min. In the series, the best fiber yield was about 62% even with addition of chemicals. The Phase III enzymatic treatment conditions was milder than the chemical ones, at doses of 1 to 5%, operating temperature of 45-65℃, and pH 6-8. Reaction time was longer, and required 1-16 h. The experimental design added enzyme preparation at 10-15% to dry pulp, which converted to 1.0-1.5% enzyme doses. The operational temperature was set at 50℃, and 3 kinds of enzymes were tested. The enzyme A at 15% dose resulted in fiber yield of 63.35%; 10% dose of enzyme B achieved a fiber yield of 63.44%; and 15% of enzyme C resulted in a maximum fiber yield of 57.55%. In the pilot-scale experiments, the lab results were used as a foundation and the most optimal repulping operational conditions were used in the process. The design variables were pulp consistency 1.0 and 2.0%; heated to 50℃ and 90℃ for 1 and 2 h, then proceed to low hydraulic type pulper to disintegrate for 15 min. Upon completion of repulping, a 14 mesh screen was used to collect passing fibers for yield calculation. In the meantime, filtrate water samples were collected to examine the effects of chemicals added on the wet strength agent debonding reaction and drainage. Effluent SS, COD, and BOD were tested. In the first step (step I), in order to understand the effects of heating temperature (50, 90℃), and heating time (1.0, 2.0 h) on the fiber yield. After heating to 90℃ for 2 h, the pass 14 mesh pulp yield could reach 62%; at 90℃ and 1 h, pulp yield was 55%. These were based on the entire paper meal boxes. If the mass of PE film was deducted, then fiber yield reached 73% and 65%, respectively for the above conditions. In step 2, we examined the effect of pulp consistency at different heating temperature and pulping time on the fiber yield. For both 1% and 2% consistency the fiber yield was 555. In step 3, we kept the heating temperature variable range, and examined the effect of pulp pH (4, 7, 11) on the fiber yield At 1% consistency, adding pH modulating chemical could increase fiber yield to a maximum of 66%; with 66%, 55%, and 64% obtained for pH 4, 7, and 11, respectively. If mass of PE film were deducted, then the corresponding yields were 78%, 64%, and 75%, respectively. This achieved the goal we set out to attain. In step 4, various enzymes were applied to see their effect on the fiber yield. The results indicated a yield of ca. 27% which fall short of good efficacy. Thus, the subsequent experiments shall mainly based on manipulation of the chemical methods. The design of our experiments shall use the pilot-scale results as the basis for actual mill operation trials. However, although the cooperating mill did handle Tetrapaks during the interim of the study, paper meal boxes, in recycled wastepaper were insufficient due to subsidy rate adjustment and recycling policy preference. Therefore, we could only conduct review of the cooperating mill’s pulping and recycling process in a bid to setup a guideline for handling wastepaper based such products in the future. At the surveying date, the mill uses a pulp consistency of 3.2% and a pulping temperature of 50℃. In the part of effluent quality analysis, the project conducted treatments using the pilot-scale effluent. Regarding SS, COD, and BOD were analyzed and compared with the cooperating mill effluent status. At present, the mill treats 6000 ton of effluent, the SS, and COD from producing each ton of paper were 2 kg and 30 kg, respectively. The mill did not test for BOD, however. With regard to the cooperating mill’s raw material supply, Tetrapak bales at 30 maximum were used, in other words, about 6 ton of fibers from Tetrapaks were blended with other raw material sources. Each Tetrapak bale has weight of ca. 220 kg. In the study, we used effluent obtained from pulping meal boxes stock at 1.0% consistency, 50℃, for 1 h and then disintegrated using a low consistency hydraulic type pulper for 15 min for treatment simulation. The simulating post-consumer meal boxes effluent at before and after pulper were tested. Because used meal boxes have scraped off food residues, but still contain food-derived substances, the SS was much higher than that of unused meal boxes. Also, the groups with better disintegration efficiency contained higher SS. Based on estimations; each ton of waste meal boxes shall generate ca. 10-30 kg of SS, much greater than the mill SS level. The post pulper effluent contained grease absorbed by meal boxes and led to high effluent COD which was derived from grease released after pulp disintegration. At a 2% pulp consistency, COD reached 1373.3 mg/L, indicating a simultaneous increase of COD with pulping efficiency. Since the cooperating mill do not check effluent BOD, while addition of enzyme could affect effluent BOD, hence, we also conducted before and post pulping effluent sample of the pilot-scale study for BOD tests. The results indicated that the trend of BOD change has similar trend as that of COD. In the pulping experiment, in order to increase fiber recovery of wastepaper meal boxes, the heating temperature and pulping time were the main factors; allowing recovery rate to crease from 29% to ca. 50%. Although modulting pulp pH could increase fiber yield by about 10% (from 50% to 62%), however, the chemicals added (H2SO4, NaOH) have corrosivity, possibly leading to excess amount of fines. Finally, we resolve the problem by using a lower operational temperature in conjunction with enzymes in pulping. The operational conditions were heating temperature, 50℃; heating time 1 h, pulping time 15 min, enzyme B dose at 15% to dry pulp, pulp consistency of 2%. Under such conditions, fiber yield could be increased to 65%, while temperature and pulping time were reduced with significant energy saming. In addition, the conditions posed less damages to fiber and shall help increase unit production pulping efficiency. As for the pilot-scale experiments, heating at 90℃, 1% pulp consistency, heating time for 1 h could achieve a maximum fiber yield of 66%. If PE film mass was deducted, a fiber recovery rate of 78% was obtained. In actual mill operational estimation, by referencing the operational processes established in this project, we estimate a 30% increase in wastepaper meal boxes pulping efficiency (from 40% to 70%). If by assuming a 220 kg wastepaper bale, and daily usage of 30 bales, this would translate to a daily increase of 1980 kg of fibers. At current short fiber price of NT$15,000/ton, a monthly saving of NT$891,000 could be achieved. Furthermore, by optimizing the cooperating mill’s pulping conditions, we estimate that an overall fiber yield increase of 1% could be achieved, which translate to a monthly saving of NT$750,000. The proposed future work of this project mainly includes the following: 1) Evaluation of the economic benefit:  Economic benefit estimation: By synthesizing the multifactor costs, operational considerations of the experimental results and scale-up experimental results to estimate the economic benefit of recycling waste paper meal boxes etc.  Incentive calculation: Based on actual operational parameters, proffer a more suitable subsidy standard for such waste paper containers. The subsidy rate can then be basic information for the government’s program in promoting recycling.  Recommendations: In addition to the perspectives of the industry, the team conducting the project has kept the ideal of maintaining environmental health and educating people. We shall use the information obtained in the experimental, and operational process to produce a direction that people can accept and adopt which can be a basis of governmental promotion of waste paper container recycling program. 2) Integration of marketing channels: in order to achieve the goal of increasing the current 40.9 ton/annuam waste paper container recycling rate to 500 ton/annum, in addition to cooperating in full mill experiment, mill operational condition modification, more importantly negotiation and integration of the resources of various marketing channel merchants to produce a heightened possibility of achieving the goal.  Integration of the information on market channel merchants: Market channel merchants have broad contents, including the upstream waste paper container recycling merchants, and the downstream handling facility operators that might take over the treatment of substances generated by the recycling process. However, these channels have differing natures and the managers often have different precept as well.  Coordinating the market channel merchants: Because items provided by the waste paper container recycling merchants are diverse, after coordinating and integrating the information, the project provides a means to understand the willingness of the individual merchant to accept guidance, and explaning to them the optimal final flow of the recovered waste paepr containers.
英文關鍵字 Paper containers, enzymes, secondary fiber yield