

中文摘要 本計畫於102年4月16日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計180天,及針對離島工業區區內及區外地區進行有害污染物檢測作業,其內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)及金屬元素。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。 本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下: 一、透過紅外線連續監測作業,探討不同季節下,離島工業區對其周圍環境之影響程度。 本計畫以兩部OP-FTIR於本縣離島工業區周界豐安測線及南門測線進行至少180天的監測,其結果分述如下: (一)超出嗅覺閾值之物種,分別有氯及1,3-丁二烯。1,3-丁二烯均發生於南門測線,去年度測得季節為秋季(9月),本年度測得季節則為夏季(6月)及冬季(11月)。 (二)經由對照台西光化站與OP-FTIR所測得之乙烯、丙烯及丙烷的濃度變化趨勢,可合理推測離島工業區周圍環境之揮發性有機物濃度明顯是受其所影響。 (三)在南門測線部分,主要測得之乙烯、丙烯及丙烷均於秋季至秋末冬初這段時間有相對較高值,此時期以東北風系為主,上風處為六輕離島工業區;豐安測線部分,氨主要以夏季明顯較高,乙烯之高值趨勢明顯與南門測線不同,以5月及9月有相對較高值,5月風向以西至西南風為主,9月風向仍有部分西至西北風,上風處均為六輕離島工業區。因此,可研判兩測線所監測之結果可能受離島工業區所影響。 二、調查離島工業區廠區中多環芳香烴化合物(PAHs)及金屬之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。 離島工業區PM2.5中之主要的PAHs物種為屬工業排放之PAHs(ACP、ACPy、PHE、ANTHR與FLT) 與移動污染源排放的Me-PAHs(1-MeNAP、2-MeNAP、3-MePHE與3,6-DMP)為主,另外在NAP、FLU、BNT、BaA與BeP亦有較高之比例。於落塵中屬工業排放之PAHs主要為ACPy、ANTHR與FLT,而移動源部分則為2-MeNAP、3-MePHE與2-MePHE。在PM2.5中重金屬之主要組成為屬工業排放之Cd、Se與Hg,交通源之Pb與Zn及重油燃燒之V為主;落塵中屬工業排放之金屬為Ni、Cu、Co、Cr與Hg,以及交通源之Zn及重油燃燒之V為主。PCA分析顯示PM2.5中工業區主要污染來源以PAHs污染物為主,主要以工業製程、鋼鐵工業、焚化爐、燃煤及交通源為主。 三、建立離島工業區廠區中PAHs及金屬之特性資料。 參考相關資料及本計畫之驗證,離島工業區之指紋特性在PAHs方向之物種為ACP、ACPy、ANTHR、PHE、FLT以及Me-PAHs,而在金屬元素方面則為Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Cd、Se與Hg。 四、調查雲林地區PAHs及金屬之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。 PM2.5中之低分子量PAHs以離島工業區為最高,顯示工業區之初始排放偏向於低分子量PAHs。利用Ind-PAHs/(Total-PAHs扣除Me-PAHs) 之比值來比較三區的分布,日夜間之該比值以工業區為最高,且不論是工業區、鄰近工業區或是遠離工業區,日間的比例皆高於夜間,而落塵中之Ind-PAHs主要亦以工業區為最高,這些結果顯示工業排放之PAHs對相關環境已有造成影響。在有害污染物重金屬的測定上,三個區域日夜間總金屬濃度於PM2.5中之含量以工業區最高,且總重金屬濃度為日間高於夜間。三個區域總重金屬落塵通量與Ind-metals分佈明顯以遠離工業區為最低。 五、評估離島工業區PAHs及金屬排放對雲林各地區其PAHs及金屬之影響。 本計畫利用PM2.5與落塵中之PAHs及金屬元素來評估離島工業區排放對雲林各地區之影響,調查結果發現落塵中之PAHs及金屬元素及PM2.5中之低分子量PAHs均以工業區為最高,此結果顯示較粗微粒中之PAHs與金屬及氣態PAHs均更具有代表工業區之污染狀態。將本計畫所分析之PAHs及金屬元素使用PCA來分析各地區之污染源,結果顯示PM2.5中工業區主要污染來源以工業製程、鋼鐵工業、焚化爐、燃煤及交通源為主;而在鄰近工業區可能的來源與離島工業區相似;遠離工業區則有發現受到周圍工業區與交通源之影響。而各地區落塵來源皆有地殼元素,且在工業區主要污染源有工業製程、鋼鐵工業、燃煤、煉焦廠及交通源;而在鄰近工業區區域可能的來源與離島工業區相似;遠離工業區區域則以燃煤、煉焦廠、工業製程、焚化爐、生質燃燒與交通源,可能是受到周圍工業區與交通源之影響。 六、於離島工業區及附近地區進行VOCs之監測,以了解雲林地區VOCs之濃度變化趨勢。 (一)由檢測結果可知,距離六輕離島工業區越近,測得的物種亦相對較多。 (二)以距離作為區分,計算各區各物種之平均濃度,明顯可發現多數物種只於10公里以內被測得或是平均濃度高於其他距離之測值。 (三)三氯甲烷僅於豐安國小測點被測得;二氯甲烷則主要於鄰近工業區之豐安國小、崙豐國小、海豐分校及新興國小被測得,莿桐國中及虎尾國中雖亦有測得,但物種濃度則相對較低。 (四)相對於廠區外14個測點,廠區內6測點所測得的物種明顯較多。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物,多環芳香族化合物,開徑式霍式紅外光譜儀,懸浮微粒,細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-102-033 經費年度 102 計畫經費 153295 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/16 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖俊傑 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度雲林縣離島工業區紅外線連續監測及有害污染物調查計畫_期末定稿(本文).pdf 83MB
英文摘要 This project started on April 16, 2013, which included two fixed locations to conduct the infrared continuously monitoring (OP-FTIR) for 180 days on the one hand, and one the other to conduct harmful pollutants detection operations within and outside the region which include: the volatile contaminants (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the metal elements for offshore industrial zone. The establishment of offshore industrial zone adjacent sensitive background concentration data as the basis for subsequent monitoring and for further understanding offshore Islands Industrial Zone and its impact on neighboring area through the effective implementation of this project were mostly achieved. This project was completed as follows: 1. It used infrared continuously monitoring operations to explore the offshore industrial zone’s impact on its surroundings in different season. This project applied two OP-FTIRs to measure Feng An and Nan Men two survey lines for at least 180 days and the results summarized as follows: 1.1 The species what were over Odor threshold were ammonia and 1,3- butadiene. 1,3- butadiene was measured in Nan Men survey line and it was measured in last fall (September), this year’s summer (June) and winter (November). 1.2 Compared with the concentration trends of ethylene, propylene and propane those were detected from Taihsi photochemical station and OP-FTIR, we cound conjecture legitimately that the VOCs concentrations of ambient areas were obviously affected by the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone. 1.3 In Nan Men survey line, the high relatively values of ethylene, propylene and propane were detected in fall and winter. The wind direction were northeasterly and upwind area was the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone. In Feng An survey line, the high values of Ammonia was detected in summer and the high relatively values of ethylene was detected in May and September. The wind direction in May was from west to southwest and that in September was from west to westnorth. In both periods, the upwind area was the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone. Therefore, we cound conjecture that survey results of two survey lines were affected by the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone. 2. The investigation on trends and distribution of the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals on offshore industrial area. The sources of PAHs in PM2.5 particles were industrial emission (ACP、ACPy、PHE、ANTHR and FLT) and mobile pollutant Me-PAHs(1-MeNAP、2-MeNAP、3-MePHE and 3,6-DMP) on offshore industrial area. Additionally, NAP、FLU、BNT、BaA and BeP also took the higher proportion. The industrial emission PAHs were ACPy、ANTHR and FLT in dry deposition. And the PAHs were 2-MeNAP、3-MePHE and 2-MePHE in mobile pollutant. The heavy metals in PM2.5 particles were consisted of Cd、Se and Hg from industrial emission, Pb and Zn from mobile pollutant and V from heavy oil combustion. PCA analysis was shown that the pollutants on offshore industrial area originated in industrial process, steel industry, incinerator, coal fuel and traffic sources. 3. The establishment of the fingerprint characteristics of PAHs and heavy metals on offshore industrial area. The current data and the data from papers showed that fingerprint characteristics of Ind-PAHs on offshore industrial area were possibly consisted of ACP、ACPy、ANTHR、PHE、FLT and Me-PAHs. The fingerprint characteristics of Ind-metals were possibly consisted of Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Cd、Se and Hg. 4. The investigation on trends and distribution of the concentrations of PAHs and heavy metals on Yunlin area. The concentration of low molecular weight PAHs in PM2.5 was the highest on offshore industrial area. The result showed that the initial emission of PAHs from offshore industrial area was partial to low molecular weight. According to the ratio of Ind-PAHs/(Total-PAHs - Me-PAHs), the ratio was the highest on offshore industrial area no matter in day or night. The ratio on the offshore industrial area, the neighboring industrial area and away from the industrial area was higher in day than in night. The concentration of Ind-PAHs in dry deposition was the highest on offshore industrial area. The result showed that there was an influence of emission of PAHs from industrial source on environment. No matter in day or night, there was the highest concentration in total heavy metals on offshore industrial area. Besides, the total concentration of heavy metals was higher in day than in night. The total heavy metals and Ind-metals in dry deposition were significant the lowest on away from the industrial area. 5. The assessment of the influence of PAHs and heavy metals from offshore industrial area on other areas in Yunlin. In this project the assessment of the influence of the offshore industrial area on other areas in Yunlin was devised by analysis of PAHs and heavy metals. The result showed that the PAHs and heavy metals in dry deposition, and low molecular weight PAHs in PM2.5 were the highest on offshore industrial area. As mentioned above, the PAHs and heavy metals in coarse particles, and the gas PAHs were more significant in representing the situation of pollution from industrial area. According to the result of PCA statistical analysis, in PM2.5 the mainly pollutant source was originated in industrial process, steel industry, incinerator, coal fuel and traffic sources on offshore industrial area. There was a tendency toward mainly pollutant source on the neighboring industrial area as the same on offshore industrial area. The mainly pollutant source on the away from the industrial area was from traffic sources and the emission from industrial area. In dry deposition, the source of pollutant from earth-crust elements distributed over three areas. Moreover, the mainly pollutant source was originated in industrial process, steel industry, coal fuel, coking plants and traffic sources on offshore industrial area and neighboring industrial area. The mainly pollutant source on the away from the industrial area was from coal fuel, coking plants, industrial process, incinerator, biomass burning and traffic sources. It might be influenced by local traffic sources and the emission from industrial area. 6 The VOCs surveys in Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone and perimeter were to understand the trends of the concentration changes. 6.1 From the survey results, we can understand that the closer the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone, the measured species more. 6.2 To calculate the average concentration of the every species in each area, we could found that most species were detected within 10 km ,or we could also found that the average concentrations within 10 km were larger than that of the other distance. 6.3 Chloroform was detected in Feng An Elementary School. Methylene Chloride was detected in Feng An Elementary School, Lun Feng Elementary School, Haifeng Elementary School Branch and Xinsin Elementary School where those were near the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone. Though Methylene Chloride also was detected in Cihtong junior school and Huwei junior school, species concentration was relatively low. 6.4 to compare the survey results of nearby 14 schools, 6 spots of the factory districts were detected more species obviously.
英文關鍵字 VOCs, PAHs, OP-FTIR, PM10, PM2.5