

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自102年8月9日至103年8月8日止。各項工作均於預計期程內完成。每季蒐集烏溪及濁水溪河川圖資及配合現場巡查作業,瞭解河川裸露地分布面積及變化情形,並針對本縣河川現況與空氣品質特性,修正「烏溪及濁水溪揚塵惡化應變標準作業程序」,維護更新烏溪(大肚溪)及濁水溪揚塵預警及通報系統網頁及資訊平台,提供環保署測站之河川揚塵懸浮微粒濃度即時監測資料使民眾上網查詢以即時因應,當達到設定濃度時,由資訊平台自動發送簡訊及電子郵件以進行預警通報。本年度為增進縣內民眾對河川揚塵認知、正確執行防護措施及宣導河川揚塵預警通報系統,製作30秒宣導短片於本縣有線頻道內託播2個月,並辦理4場次揚塵教育宣導活動;為加強本縣與鄰近各縣市及中央地方單位橫向聯繫,辦理2場次揚塵防護演練(含兵棋推演、預演及實地演練)及2場次揚塵防制業務聯繫會議。此外,本計畫於揚塵好發季節期間於烏溪(大肚溪)及濁水溪沿岸各選定2(點)處,以行動式空氣品質監測車進行空氣品質監測,共執行30點天次,利用監測數據分析河川揚塵對鄰近鄉鎮之影響,並執行河川揚塵環境清理作業,共6,684.2公里,可削減PM10量達17.38公噸。
中文關鍵字 烏溪,濁水溪,河川揚塵


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 6334.5 千元
專案開始日期 2013/08/09 專案結束日期 2014/08/08 專案主持人 何宗安
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳孟如 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 彰化縣102年烏溪及濁水溪河川揚塵預警、通報及宣導暨環境清理計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 44MB 彰化縣102年烏溪及濁水溪河川揚塵預警、通報及宣導暨環境清理計畫
英文摘要 The duration of the execution of this project was from August 9, 2013 to August 8, 2014. All tasks were completed within the time scheduled. We collected the geographic information of the Wu River and Jhuoshuei River and conducted a field patrol inspection every season to understand the size of the distribution and the changing status of the exposed river areas. According to the characteristics of the rivers and air quality in this county, we corrected the “SOPs of the response of the worsening of the dust emission of the Wu River and Jhuoshuei River.” Based on this procedure, we updated the warning, notification, and the information reporting platform to provide the instant data on the dust emission for the Environmental Protection Administration so the public can access online. When the dust emission reaches the set density, the information platform will automatically send out the text and e-mail to execute warning procedure. This year, in order to strengthen the knowledge of the dust emission of the residents in our county, and to properly execute, protect and promote the warning and notification system of the dust emission of the rivers, we produced a 30-second dissemination film and sponsored 4 rounds of education/dissemination activities. The film was broadcasted on the cable TV in this county for 2 months. In order to strengthen the horizontal communication among our county, the neighboring cities and counties, and the local and central government units, we conducted 2 rounds of field exercise and 2 sessions of prevention operation communication meeting. Furthermore, during the season where the dust emission is most likely to occur, we chose two places to monitor the air quality by using the mobile air quality inspecting automobile. We did 30 times. We used the data obtained to analyze the effects of the dust emission on the neighboring towns and launched a cleaning of the environment and as a result, a distance of 6,684.2 kilometers was cleaned and was expected that some 17.38 tons of PM10 could be reduced.
英文關鍵字 Wu River, Jhuoshuei River, River fugitive dust