

中文摘要 本計畫透過蒐集並解析國外針對土壤與地下水相關之技術發展與推廣策略藍圖研擬、計畫技術審查機制的擬定與執行方式,結合我國過去十餘年在既有技術發展、推廣、應用現況及現行場址計畫審查機制之困難及問題的評析,據以研擬技術發展、推廣及技術審查優質化之推動策略與執行架構,以及建構以每4年為基準的滾動式管理架構之技術發展與推廣路線藍圖。另透過綜整分析各污染場址技術應用現況、環保署歷年研討會主題、補助研究與模場試驗研究類型及旗艦計畫建議發展之技術項目,就調查及整治技術之特性、市場運用成熟度、技術應用之比例、國內實驗室研究、模場試驗之強度及國外技術應用狀況,透過三維技術發展藍圖篩選歸納篩出成熟、創新與新興技術分類,並歸納出歸納出1項調查技術類型、1項鑑識技術類型及4項土壤與地下水整治技術類型,做為我國土壤與地下水技術研究發展短中期優先發展技術。 另為因應現行手冊所面臨之相關問題,重新建構環保署既有之油品、重金屬及比水重非水相液體調查及整治技術手冊章節架構、法令修訂及編碼,另針對土壤氣體抽除系統完成高、中豐富度技術指引編撰,並依據該架構完成5種技術(SVE、AS、ISCO、Biopile及Soil Washing)之低豐富度之指引內容,以達藉由分眾資訊傳播,提高技術推廣的廣度以及技術的穿透度。 為使我國審查制度更臻完善,本計畫依據我國現行制度的檢討與環保先進國家資料蒐集,已完成四大面向之優質化推動策略建議,包含公開行政管理模式、管理資訊流通作業、提昇相關單位審查效率及強化審查團隊的組成。建議未來應每4年進行滾動式管理,並檢視其發展成果指標,以充分落實技術發展及推廣管理機制。
中文關鍵字 場址調查和整治,技術研發與示範,場址計畫技術審查


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA13-03-A284 經費年度 102 計畫經費 10500 千元
專案開始日期 2013/12/05 專案結束日期 2015/08/04 專案主持人 張魯鈞、黃智
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 洪豪駿 執行單位 永灃環境管理顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 本文.pdf 17MB

Future Development, Promotion and Evaluation of Site Investigation and Remediation Technologies for

英文摘要 Taiwan encountered many challenges in site investigation, remediation during the past decade and more, as related to technology development, promotion, application, and the technical review process of remediation plans. Drawing from the experiences of other advanced countries, as well as from the expert opinions in Taiwan, this project proposes short- and mid-term strategies for technology development and for improving the technical review process of remediation plans. Also, based on the survey of conference papers, as well as reports of pilot testing and full-scale demonstration projects, this project has categorized the wide array of technologies into emerging, innovative, and mature ones. Giving considerations to our policy goals, market needs, and site conditions, one investigation method, one pollutant identification method, and four remediation technologies have been assigned high priorities in short- and mid-term strategies for technology development. It is recommended that the technology development roadmap be reformulated every four years, in accordance with changes in government policy and market conditions, as well as technological progress. To increase public awareness and understanding of site investigation and remediation technologies, this project has revised the Environmental Protection Agency’s technical handbooks on site investigation and remediation methods for oils, heavy metals, and dense non-aqueous phase liquids in terms chapter organization and legal updates. On the topic of soil vapor extraction (SVE), this project has also delivered technical handbooks of high and medium technical details. Using the same chapter organization, the project has additionally delivered handbooks of low technical details in five subject areas, including SVE, air sparging, in-situ chemical oxidation, biopile, and soil washing. For improving the technical review process of remediation plans, the project hereby proposes strategic actions for improving the public transparency of government administration, the management of information exchange, the efficiency of review process, and the qualification check of the review team.
英文關鍵字 Site investigation, remediation, technology development and demonstration, improving technical review, site remediation plan