

中文摘要 一、列管場址 今年度縣內共有3處列管場址,其中北竿航空站以驗證,並解除列管,北竿軍魂油庫下方加油站與東引北澳油庫已於102.12.13公告為控制場址,預計103年6月13日前提送控制計畫書於環保局進行審核作業。 二、土壤調查結果 今年度針對清水村農地10點次重金屬檢測、6處軍方撥交營區進行10點次土壤重金屬檢測、北竿航空站列管場址進行4點次土壤TPH驗證,其土壤品質均符合土壤污染管制標準。 三、地下水檢測 今年度依照招標規範將縣內既有監測井17口次進行一次枯水期監測分,10口次進行豐水期進行監測分析。監測結果發現一般項目,包括氯鹽、氨氮、總硬度、硝酸鹽氮等等項目有部分超出第二類監測標準,八項重金屬除鋅、鎳有微量檢出,但仍遠低於第二類地下水監測標準,其它重金屬檢測結果多為未檢出,水質狀況大致與歷年趨勢相近,無其他特殊項目超出監測標準。 四、加油站檢測巡查 今年度針對縣內8家加油站進行一次測漏管檢測,發現梅石加油站部分測漏管有偏高趨勢;在每季申報方面,各加油站皆有逾期申報情形。 五、說明會辦理 今年度共舉辦三場次的說明會,其主題分別為加油站法規、申報宣導說明會、底泥品質政策說明會、土壤及地下水污染防治教育宣導說明會。
中文關鍵字 列管場址、土壤、地下水、加油站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/14 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 周奮興
主辦單位 連江縣政府環境保護局(停用) 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度定稿 (全).pdf 19MB
英文摘要 According to the plan specification of investigation and verification of the soil and groundwater contamination in Lien-Chiang County during 2013, our team have completed 24 points on soil sampling, 27 points on groundwater sampling, 8 points on leakage of gas stations, and holding 3 guidance conferences. With respect of the soil investigation, the transferred military camps were not contaminated by heavy metals. The agricultural soils located at Qingshui Village were not contaminated by heavy metals, and only the Beigen Airport has been verified and eliminated from the control list. Generally speaking, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen were the common testing items that did not meet corresponding standards, especially for the monitoring wells at adjacent landfills. Based on the testing result, leachates from local landfills, domestic wastewater, and agricultural activities might be responsible for the outcome. Hence, it is recommended that sewage interception facilities could be constructed downstream at population settlements, groundwater polluted directly by domestic wastewater should be avoided, and guidance conference on the issue of proper fertilization should be hold. Overall, groundwater quality in Lien-Chiang County remains secure.