

中文摘要 本計畫目標在於完成臺南市噪音管制區陳情案件樣態的清查。並依據噪音污染源分析的結果,建置資料庫,進而提出因應對策,輔導轄內娛樂、營業場所業者改善噪音問題。也藉由諮詢輔導說明會的舉辦,降低陳情案件數量並提升民眾的滿意度。 在噪音巡查作業的部分,今年度總共完成巡(訪)查作業1,060件,除例行屢遭陳情案件巡(訪)查外,亦協助環保局進行告發案件複查作業、夜間稽查作業與交辦案件的污染源調查。前述案件的處理結果均已即時進行回報。 在噪音公害陳情案件管理的部分優先針對娛樂、營業場所,該族群遭到陳情的原因主要以擴音設備的不當使用為主,經統計發現,日間時段09:00-10:59使用擴音設備(大聲公)和夜間時段00:00-00:59使用擴音設備(PUB、卡拉ok)…等兩種情況被陳情的情況最為嚴重。 今年度此類遭到告發的案件,經複查後皆已完成改善。唯屢遭陳情案件中仍有無法經由量測進行告發的特殊案件,這類型案件大多為業者通報、匿名檢舉、未查獲污染事實或陳情人不提供量測位置…等問題。為此,本計畫亦提出因應對策來進行管理。而在管理SOP說明會及專家諮詢輔導的工作事項上,總計辦理說明會及專家諮詢輔導作業5場。 在移動式環境及交通噪音監測的部分,完成環境及交通音量監測作業24次,其監測結果均符合管制標準,共完成4季上傳(102年第1季至第4季)。 在使用中車輛原地噪音量測的部分,今年度共辦理了10場,其攔檢及攔查的數量,總計為123輛。在汽車的部分,攔檢及攔查數量計有18輛,其中進行檢測有9輛,並有4輛不合格,不合格率為44%;而機車及重型機車部分,攔檢及攔查數量上共有105輛,其中進行檢測有43輛,並有10輛不合格,不合格率為23.3%;對於不合格之車輛經回檢後完成改善者共有6輛。工作團隊針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢之車輛,經兩次通知不到後,均已建議環保局依法給予告發處分。
中文關鍵字 噪音量測、噪音陳情


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-102-AN-31007 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2275 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/01 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 李居昌
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曹景星 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 08_本文完整版.pdf 11MB
英文摘要 This project aimed to investigate the nuisance petition cases in Tainan noise control zones. It would not only establish databases according to analysis of the causes of noise pollution but also propose countermeasures for counseling entertainment and business premises to improve noise problem to reduce the number of complaint cases and increase satisfaction by organizing counseling seminars. In some of the noise patrol operations, it completed a total tour (visit) check operations 1,060 cases in this year. In addition to routine patrol repeated petition cases, its assistance was provided to EPB review of reported cases, inspections during night audit operations, and pollutant investigation of assigned cases. The results of the preceding cases were reported back promptly. Noise pollution in some case management priorities petitions for entertainment and business premises were found out the reason related to improper using amplifying equipment. Statistically speaking the daytime 09:00-10:59 using amplifying equipment (megaphone) and night time 00:00-00:59 using amplifying equipment (PUB, Karaoke)… were the most serious petition cases. The case such was denounced this year which have been completed improvements after reviewing. Only some exceptional cases which were repeated petition cases still could not be measured to informant. Most cases were industrial bulletin, an anonymous report, the fact that pollution is not seized or petitioner does not provide measurement position ... and other issues. Therefore, this project also proposes countermeasures to manage. At the management of SOP briefings and expert counseling work matters, it will be held a total of five times seminars and expert counseling jobs. In the mobile environment and traffic volume monitoring section, we’ve completed the work of environmental and traffic volume monitoring 24 times. All the monitoring results were qualified with control standards and four quarters were uploaded. ( From 1st quarter to 4th quarter in 2013). The running vehicle noise monitoring was held 10 times in 2013. The total amounts of audition on the roadside were 123 vehicles and could be divided into two parts. Automobile parts, 18 vehicles were inspected and 9 vehicles of them were examined. There’re 4 vehicles unqualified. The failure rate was 44%. Motorcycle parts, 105 vehicles were inspected and 43 vehicles of them were examined. There’re 10 vehicles unqualified. The failure rate was 23.3%. There were 6 vehicles re-inspected and improved completely among the vehicles of examination failure. The team would suggest EPB giving penalties to those vehicles of non-returned after notifying twice on examination failure or impeachment in web.
英文關鍵字 noise pollution