

中文摘要 底泥品質管理相關法規納入「土壤及地下水污染整治法」修正條文施行後,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱 貴署)已陸續公告「底泥品質指標之分類管理及用途限制辦法」以及「目的事業主管機關檢測底泥備查作業辦法(草案)」等子法,以及「底泥之環境影響與健康風險、技術及經濟效益評估報告撰寫指引(草案)」、「污染底泥整治可行性核可審查原則(草案)」、「底泥整治計畫撰寫指引(草案)」等行政規則,並將於103年1月開始實施目的事業主管機關對該管水體的檢測申報作業。因此,為了瞭解國內底泥品質現況,並協助各水體目的事業主管機關執行檢測及申報品質資料,進一步落實管理行動方案、風險評估及後續整治技術評估等相關綱要事項,環保署辦理本計畫,工作項目包括: 辦理水體底泥品質檢測及申報之示範性工作、評估增列納管水體底泥之可行性作為後續擴大公告水體之辦理依據、研提水體底泥風險評估所需參數之建構策略建議以及辦理底泥調查評估及整治等相關技術國際訓練等。
中文關鍵字 底泥;管理策略;污染調查;風險評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA11-03-A117 經費年度 102 計畫經費 18400 千元
專案開始日期 2013/08/01 專案結束日期 2014/10/31 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 黃雅潔 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-102-GA11-03-A117.pdf 25MB

Program for Managing Contaminated Sediments in Taiwan from 2013

英文摘要 In the recent years, there were many sediment sites found contaminated in Taiwan. Whether removal or not does involve in the huge amount of cost and the uncertainty of environmental and health issues that need to be clarified. In order to make clear of sediment quality in Taiwan and further establish the quality guidelines, management strategy, and treatment technology evaluation, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan offered the opportunity of the this project study. The results of this project include the establishments of the related regulation, sediment quality analysis and evaluation mechanism, health and ecological risk assessment, and contamination investigation mechanism. Under the framework of the current “Soil and Groundwater Protection Act” regarding sediments, the workgroup of this project has assisted EPA in the following: 1. Classification Management and Use Limitation Regulation of Sediment Quality Indicator, 2. Regulation in Sediment Quality Reporting Issued from Industry Competent Authorities of Sediment, 3. Assessment Method and Report Composition Guideline of Environmental Impact, Health Risk, and Technology and Economical Evaluation of Sediment, 4. Feasibility Evaluation and Approval Principle of Sediment Remediation, and 5. Composition Guideline of Sediment Remediation Proposal. Besides, it is necessary to have a guiding project in the early stage of the sediment regulation establishment served as a management basis; thus, a workforce allocation among different governmental departments regarding sediment quality assurance and control in the near, middle, and long run was studied to make sure a better use of administrative resources before the sediment quality control mechanism is up and running.
英文關鍵字 sediment;management strategy;pollution investigation;risk assessment