

中文摘要 本計畫依契約規定完成各項工作,工作成果摘要如下: (1) 虎尾鎮台灣色料廠鄰近農地調查,配合環保署執行「臺中、雲林地區農地作物含重金屬鎘污染成因調查及查證計畫」,共計調查出包含虎尾鎮北平段836-2、837地號、竹圍子段508-1、509、509-1、510、511、512-1、513、687、688地號等8筆坵塊農地鎘超過「食用作物土壤污染管制標準」,並公告上述農地為土壤污染控制場址並劃定污染管制區。此外,尚有8筆坵塊農地超過食用作物監測標準,建議持續監測。 (2) 針對北港鎮溝皂里鄰近農地未調查過之農地調查,其中溝皂段1232-1、1322、1324~1325、1326-1、1442地號、大北段52~53地號等6筆農地砷超過管制標準,本年度公告6筆超標農地為7條5場址,後續並已完成污染改善及解除列管作業。而該區域尚有溝皂段1257-1等11筆農地砷超過監測標準,建議持續監測;溝皂段1230地號鉻超過監測標準,但未有農地土壤鉻超過管制標準。此外,該地區農地砷濃度偏高問題應源自灌溉用地下水所致。 (3) 計畫已完成今年度四季共計144口次場置性及區域性監測井外觀巡查維護及內部功能檢查工作。而例行性枯、豐水期地下水監測結果,並未有項目超過地下水污染管制標準。 (4) 列管場址驗證作業:中油斗六加油站已完成驗證並解除7條5列管作業。而全民加油站、新南環路加油站、大學加油站已完成驗證採樣作業,建議可解除列管。 (5) 緊急應變工作依照環保局指示已完成17件相關土壤地下水採樣分析作業。其中於元長鄉潭墘段32地號農地S02檢測結果鋅超過食用作物監測標準;而虎尾鎮過溪子段3015、3016地號農地鄰近溝渠,崁子腳小給三之六渠道底泥檢測結果,銅超過底泥品質指標上限值、鋅及鎳超過底泥品質指標下限值。而斗六工業區內監測井DL03中檢測出四氯乙烯測值為0.0838mg/L,超過「第二類地下水污染管制標準」,其餘緊急應變案件檢測均無異常狀況。 (6) 行政支援工作:共計完成3季次地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查作業、2場次法規宣導說明會、3場次轄內國小及大專院校相關土壤及地下水教育宣導等作業。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、砷、加油站


專案計畫編號 102-08 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5744.5 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/08 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 鄭景智
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊寬裕 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 102.pdf 20MB

The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yunlin County in 2013

英文摘要 For the environmental sustainability, the program of “The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yunlin county in 2013” has been advanced, which involves to investigate and monitor soil of farmland, groundwater monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater investigation in both dry season and wet season, to supervise and verify pollution remediation of regulated gas stations, advertisement of gas station regulations, dealing with emergency cases, and administrative assistances.   The plan has been executed from February 8th 2013 to December 31th 2013, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows :   Firstly, the soil investigation of agricultural lands close to Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., Ltd and Gouzao area were completed. The results showed that there were several farmlands near Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., Ltd and Gouzao area possibly contaminated by cadmium and arsenic respectively. Furthermore, according to detailed investigation, it showed the high pollution potential located near the irrigating water inlet.   The task of groundwater monitoring wells inspection was implemented four times this year and there were totally 18 maintenance works finished. The seven groundwater monitoring well screens also were completed, and three purges of monitoring well were implemented according to the screen results. Besides, there were 20 monitoring wells surveys accomplished in both dry and wet season, and whose results indicated that the 27 groundwater of monitoring wells with exceeding concentration standard of total dissolved solid, ammonia, total organic carbon, iron and manganese.   With respect to the mission of to supervise and verify pollution remediation of regulated gas stations, we has focused on supervising the ten control sites in Yunlin county, to check the situation of pollution remediation bimonthly. According to the results of regular inspection and the remedial reports from pollution sites, the remediation verifications of Chung-yu-tou-liu, Ta-hsueh, Hsin-nan-huan-lu and Quan-min gas stations had been finished sampleing. In addition, the team executed the control sites inspection with the inspectors of Environmental Protection Bureau in No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Plant in February and May.   Furthermore, there were 121 gas stations already finishing network declaration, and the work team had also accomplished examination and kept tracking the incomplete declarations.   There were entirely 17 emergency cases implemented, and the survey results demonstrated one soil sample of Yuan-chang Township, two sediment samples of Hu-wei Town and one groundwater sample of Douliou Industrial Zone exceeded those of standard.   Lastly, in terms of laws enforcements and education, a briefing of inspecting groundwater contamination prevention structures and monitoring equipments at underground with article 8 and 9 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. focusing on gas station declaration was held in April. Besides, the meeting of sediment quality management and technology were held in October, and it concentrated on the practices of sediment quality regular testing. For the purpose of pursuing success assessment, the team assisted Yunlin Environmental Protection Bureau to publicize the concepts of environmental education to elementary school and undergraduate student.
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater, Arsenic, Gas station