

中文摘要 一、針對轄內13口監測井進行枯、豐水期20口次採樣,分析項目為一般項目,重金屬及揮發性有機物、總酚及總石油碳氫化合物。本次分析結果顯示濃度並無超過地下水管制標準之情形;而一般項目中以錳、氨氮濃度超過地下水監測標準居多。 二、針對轄內35站加油站之管理作業,包括網路申報審查作業及現場查核作業,共計完成25站現場查核工作。其主要查核缺失為書面資料與現場不符合,於現場查核發現缺失皆已於第一時間告知站方限期改善,並於後續追蹤改善進度。 三、本計畫目前為止共計執行2場次緊急應變作業及查證工作,為溪東段15號廢棄物陳情現勘及採樣工作;以及竹村段1025地號食用作物遭鄰近工廠逸散之煙塵陳情現勘及採樣作業。其結果並未發現有超過污染管制標準之情形。 四、為確保民眾之健康,掌握可能之風險,針對20處公園綠地土壤之重金屬含量進行總體背景調查。根據此次調查之結果,該20處公園綠地之土壤品質現況勘屬良好,可作為嘉義市公園綠地土壤之背景值。 五、本計畫目前共執行1次說明會及2次宣導會,分別於102年3月29日舉行1場加油站管理辦法說明,參加人數110人。根據會後所填寫之意見顯示,業者對地下儲槽辦法了解甚是。另2場宣導會於102年5月17日及6月28日於大同國小舉行,第一場次共計62人參加,第二場次共計150人參加。其第一場內容為介紹地下水監測井之功能,宣導維護環境品質人人有責之概念。第二場次以創新概念結合劇團演出,利用短篇故事貼近童心,將環境保育意念植入童心,人人都是環保小尖兵。 六、第三場次宣導會:突破往例,邀請嘉義市在地之劇團一「阮」劇團,以生動活潑之表演方式,並加入專業拍攝手法,將地下水及土壤保育概念傳遞至觀賞者心中。於102年8月2日於玉山國民中學舉行。為使民眾了解環境教育及保育之意義,當日發通知邀請當地新聞記者採訪,利用電傳及平面媒體,使更多在地民眾能獲得宣導資訊。 七、於計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內列管場址巡查作業,轄內共計3處列管場址,其中一處為建國路加油站;另一為下埤段7(5+2)筆農地污染控制場址。於巡查時並未發現異常或不法之情事,後續將巡查結果做成紀錄,且於Eco-lofe網站登錄場址現況。 八、本次計畫有關蘭潭底泥重金屬採樣檢測,結果發現底泥重金屬砷及鎳有超過底泥品質指標下限值之情形,就以現行pH中性之情形來看,屬較穩度之情形,但仍須定期監測,以掌握底泥重金屬濃度之變化及預警之精神。
中文關鍵字 土壤;地下水;監測井;宣導會;底泥


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5475 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/04 專案結束日期 2013/12/16 專案主持人 楊迪光
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度嘉義市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB

102 Soil and groundwater investigation and audition plan

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau, ChiaYi City (ChiaYi City EPB) has executed soil and groundwater investigation and audition plan since 2006. The plan based on the regulation requirement of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. The aim of this plan wants to understand the quality of soil and groundwater in ChiaYi city. The results show below: 1. Monitoring of groundwater quality regularly In this part, it has completed the sampling and analyzing work of 13 groundwater wells once a half of year, there was no any result higher than groundwater pollution control standards for all well. On the other hand, it should focus at the groundwater quality of MW-4, the concentrations of total hardness, TDS, chloride, ammonia nitrogen, manganese were higher than the category 2 of groundwater pollution monitoring standards. All monitoring wells maintain regularly twice of year in order to keep the function of monitoring and extend the using time of monitoring wells. 2. Gas station management It included the owner of gas station keyed in operational data via network to the gas station management system every four months then reviewed by ChiaYi City EPB, checked out 25 gas stations on-site, purpose to implement the spirit of regulation. The main fault of audition was the written information did not meet the on-site situation, and then auditor would inform the improvements to the owner immediately and followed up on the progress of improvement. 3. Emergency investigation There were two emergency response events have completed. Please see blow: (1)Auditing and sampling the agriculture land locate at 15 of Si-dong section(溪東段). (2) Auditing and sampling the agriculture land locate at 1025 of Zhu-chun section(竹村段). As results show, there were no situation over pollution control standards of heavy metals. 4. Investigating the concentration of heavy metals in green land of parks In order to take care people's health, the plan takes soil samples at 20 parks, and analysis the concentrations of heavy metals in soil. According to the results, there are no pollutions at all. It can be used as ChiaYi City parkland soil background values. 5. The presentation of gas station management regulation This plan carried out four presentations, one was the introduction of gas station management regulation, and the other three were groundwater resource conservation. The three and four presentation combined with theater performances, using the short stories close to the daily life, let everyone become a small vanguard of environmental protection. The topics are interested to participators, so it can reach the efficiency of the expectation. 6. Making the public aware of the intentions of ChiaYi City EPB To make the public to better understand the significance of environmental, would notify local news reporter, via telex and print media so that more people could get information. 7. The patrol of polluted sites There are two polluted sites in Chia-Yi City, one is gas station of Jianguo Rd, and the other is farmland of Xia-pi section ( 下埤段) which include 7 land numbers. During the patrol, it did not find any illegal situation. 8. The detection of heavy metals concentration of sediment in Lantan Reservoir In order to grasp the quality of sediment in Lantan Reservoir, the project carried on to take three samples of sediment, and the results showed the concentration of arsenic and nickel were over lower limited values of sediment. It should be continued to monitoring the quality of sediment periodically to grasp the changes in the concentration of heavy metals of sediment and make the spirit of early warning. Conclusions and recommendations are summarized as follows: 1. It will continue to promote soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work in next year. Because the groundwater quality of MW-4 was not good, it may be caused by the Hwagi waste landfill site (華碁廢棄物掩埋場), recommended to the Waste Management Department took over the management of the landfill site. 2. Farmland near the Xia-Pi section farmland pollution control site has completed the investigation, follow-up of pollution improvement work has been submitted EPA. Moreover, it should claim for compensation to polluters. 3. The results of soil in 20 parks did not find any variation, could be used as background values of ChiaYi City parkland soil. Furthermore, it should keep the parkland soil investigation work to complete the whole project. 4. According to plan of pollution controlled which written by Jianguo Road gas station, its need at least four years to make the plan, the treatment mainly used SVE and AS with biological treatment, and used ISCO in hotspot. Pollution improvement work is still ongoing. 5. Completed the relevant evaluation and to seek the best scores. 6. Keep going management and counseling gas station operators, make them to understand the spirit of prevention was better than cure. 7. The education advocacy work was conducted through easy teaching methods and practical explanations of soil and groundwater contamination, so that students can better understand the protection of soil and groundwater resources. 8. The detection of heavy metals concentration of sediment in Lantan Reservoir, the concentration of arsenic should be noted, recommend regular monitoring by the competent authorities, in order to grasp the variations of the concentration of heavy metals in sediment.
英文關鍵字 Soil;chiayi;groundwater;sediment;advocacy