

中文摘要 臺灣四面環海,生活與海洋密不可分,因此更應對海域環境、生態保護、污染防治等工作,作更多的研究與了解。臺南市政府環境保護局特研定「102 年度臺南市海域環境監測及海污緊急應變工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),期有效瞭解臺南市海域環境現況,以保護這個生態環境不被破壞及污染,並在發生船舶漏油事件時,能有效進行海面上油污之清除工作。 本計畫執行期間自102 年9 月10 日起至103 年6 月9 日,計有9個月,調查範圍北從臺南市海岸北端之八掌溪河口北側,南至鹽水溪出海口。本期計畫期間計有3 次一般海域水質分析結果,在102 年9月檢測中:八掌溪河口底層、北門淺海養殖區底層、將軍溪北側表層和底層、將軍溪南側底層、網子寮沙洲汕北側底層之生化需氧量測值不合格,推估應為大雨沖刷有機物入海所致。另102 年9 月將軍溪北側底層、將軍溪南側表層、網子寮沙洲汕北側表層和底層、網子寮沙洲汕南側底層;102 年12 月北門淺海養殖區表層和底層、將軍溪北側表層和底層、將軍溪南側底層、網仔寮沙洲汕北側表層和底層、網仔寮沙洲汕南側底層;103 年1 月北門淺海養殖區表層、將軍溪北側表層、將軍溪南側底層、網子寮沙洲汕北側表層和底層、網子寮沙洲汕南側表層和底層之總磷測值不合格。在102 年12 月檢測中:北門淺海養殖區、將軍溪北側、將軍溪南側、網仔寮沙洲汕北側、網仔寮沙洲汕南側之表層和底層,氨氮測值不合格,推測可能為畜牧廢水排入該海域,導致該點位氨氮較高的情形。其他監測結果與環保署海域水質標準比較,皆符合該類海域水質標準。 有關黑面琵鷺重要覓食區與活動區調查,本期計畫期間共執行9次黑面琵鷺棲地水質採樣,其分析結果與環保署丙類陸域水體標準比較:生化需氧量測值偶有不符合丙類陸域水體標準,錳測值則多有超出保護人體健康環境基準之情形,與歷年情形相同。由於沿海有很多的養殖漁業,持續地向潟湖排出有機廢水,可能造成測值偏高。本期計畫執行期間接獲2 次通報:(1)102 年10 月24 日將軍漁港疑似船舶傾倒廢機油事件,(2)103 年5 月27 日將軍漁港船舶停靠區發現油污染。本公司於接獲通報後即時應變、採樣檢測並將本次事件作成工作成果報告提送環保局,因於第一時間內做好有效的控制與防範,故已降低污染區域的擴大,可列為往後類似事件應變的借鏡;本計畫於102 年12 月16 日辦理102 年臺南市海洋油污染緊急應變兵棋推演講習,使各應變單位成員瞭解兵棋推演之規劃作業及環境敏感區位之海洋油污清理決策,讓各應變單位除實兵演練方式外,可運用兵棋推演之辦理,增進海洋油污應變能力。有關本年度海洋油污染緊急應變演練,配合臺南市政府環境保護局業務需求而取消辦理。 在協助臺南市境內海洋污染防治稽查業務上,本期計畫期間協助配合港口稽查共計完成237 件;船舶稽查部分:一般漁船稽查計完成145 件,於安平商港完成11 件商船聯合稽查,共計156 件。各項查核結果皆符合海洋污染防治法相關規定。在協助辦理其他海洋污染防治宣導方面,已辦理完成海洋環境教育及海洋污染防治法規宣導活動共9 場次、協助辦理綠色港口計畫等。藉由本計畫以教育宣導的方式,培養民眾對海洋環境保護之意識。
中文關鍵字 臺南市海域環境監測、海污緊急應變工作計畫、102年度臺南市海域環境監測及海污緊急應變工作計畫、臺南市政府環境保護局


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-102-WS-30516 經費年度 102 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2013/09/10 專案結束日期 2014/06/09 專案主持人 吳東錦
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 伍展沛 執行單位 大譽環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 102年度臺南市海域環境監測及海污緊急應變工作計劃期末報告(定稿).pdf 8MB
英文摘要 Taiwan is an island nation with daily routines inseparable from the ocean; therefore, more research and understanding of marine environment, ecological protection and pollution prevention are needed. Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government has specially proposed: Project of Marine Environmental Monitor and Pollution Emergency Response for Tainan City 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Project). It hopes to develop understanding of sea areas in Tainan City, protect the ecological environment from destruction and pollution and effectively perform oil cleanup on the sea in the event of oil spills. The period of this project is from September 10th, 2013 to June 9th, 2014, totaling nine months. The investigation area covers north river bank of Bajhang River in north coast of Tainan City all the way down to estuary of Erren River to the south. During this period, we have three water quality testing reports. In Septemeber 2013, the COD data disqualified Bajhang River/Beimen cultivated area/Jiangjun river north side and south side/ Wanzailiao sand bar north side. We speculated that it was caused by the organic material brushed into ocean by rain. In September 2013, the bottom of north side and surface of south side of Jiangjun River, the surface and bottom of northern sandbar and the bottom of southern sandbar of Wanzailiao, and in December 2013, Beimen cultivated area/Jiangjun river north side and south side/ Wanzailiao sand bar north and south side, and in January 2014, Beimen cultivated area/Jiangjun river north side and south side/ Wanzailiao sand bar north and south side, the data of Phosphorus were unqualified. In December 2013, the NH4 data were unqualified at Beimen cultivated area/Jiangjun river north side and south side/ Wanzailiao sand bar north side and south side. It was speculated that it might be caused by pasturage waste water. The other monitored results showed that the water quality for the surrounding sea areas in Tainan City had reached the standard for all categories of sea water quality requirement. As for the major feeding territory and activity areas of Black-faced Spoonbill, this project carried out water quality sampling of Black-faced Spoonbill habitat nine times and compared the analysis results with Class-C land-based area water quality standard of Environmental Protection Administration. The Biochemical oxygen demand occasionally did not meet the requirements of Class-C land-based area water quality. At HA3 station, the manganese data mostly exceeded the level endangering the health of human body, just like the past years. Since there are a lot of coastal aquacultures continuously discharging the organic waste water into the lagoon, the measurements are higher as a result. During this project we received notification twice: (1) On October 24, 2013 fishing vessels were suspected of dumping waste oil in Jiangjun Port. (2) On May 27, 2014 oil contamination was found at the dock area in Jiangjun Port. Upon receiving the notification, our company immediately responded to conduct sampling and testing and submitted the corresponding reports to Environmental Protection Bureau. Due to effective control and prevention, the expansion of polluted area was reduced, and that this could be used as a model for event response in the future. On December 16, 2013, this project hosted a workshop on 2013 Tainan City marine oil pollution emergency response war game simulation so that each contingency planning unit could understand the planning of war game simulation and the marine oil clean-up decision-making at environmentally sensitive area. Other than actual exercise, each contingency planning unit could use the war game simulation to enhance the response capabilities in the event of marine oil spills. As for the marine oil pollution emergency drills of this year, it is canceled in response to the requirements of Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government. In assisting Tainan City for its ocean pollution control investigation and environmental protection project, our company completed 237 cases of port inspection during this project. For ship investigation, we completed 145 cases for general fishing ships and 11 cases for joint investigation of merchant ships at Anping Port, totaling 156 cases. All results of the investigation are in compliance with the relevant provisions of marine pollution control laws.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government