

中文摘要 本研究團隊針對計畫目標主要執行內容,包括有:一、了解世界先進國家及我國目前各項環保許可過程中公民參與機制與資訊公開的情形,並探討美國環境影響評估制度與各部會管制法規之間的關係。二、研議建置我國各項環保許可核發過程中公民參與及資訊公開機制,並透過研究成果了解前兩項機制與現行環保等相關許可及環境影響評估制度整合之機制與可行策略。三、預行規劃環境影響評估回歸目的事業主管機關主導之後,目的事業主管機關在核發許可過程中可行之公民參與及資訊公開機制作法,以利後續研擬施行之用。 根據以上執行內容,研究團隊提出以下相關建議:首先,應當參考各國對於資訊公開與民眾參與之相關經驗,以供我國現行核發環保許可核發的借鏡與學習。尤以美國法為參考,主管機關應當在程序開始前,即應將法令與各類環保許可做清楚說明,並且,應強調環評主導機關與協同暨參與機關彼此間的協調與統整。此外,在社區共利機制上,容應參考英國以「公民參與」和「利益共享」為原則所建構出之各項機制。再者,研究團隊針對公民參與及資訊公開,經由個案的研究與分析,嘗試提出基礎型、進階型、乃至於整合型的制度,以期針對不同類型與規模的環境決策,建構出不同強度的正當程序。並且,在環評程序與核發相關許可過程中,容應考量導入「糾紛調解機制」作為緩衝的程序,讓當事人與相關利害關係人透過協商過程來解決紛爭。最後,藉由參考美國在科學不確定下環境決策的運作經驗,研究團隊建議環保署,應當積極建立從事環境決策或核發環保許可時資訊公開及公民參與之指引。
中文關鍵字 許可;公民參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA-03-A237 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2150 千元
專案開始日期 2013/05/08 專案結束日期 2013/12/10 專案主持人 張四明
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 賀志殷 執行單位 國立臺北大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 核發環保許可過程中的公民參與機制研究期末報告全文.doc 2MB

Environmental permits issued during the citizen participation mechanisms

英文摘要 For the main executive content of the research project, the Research Team has conducted the following major parts: (1) Doing research on the procedural requirements of environmental permit, including the public participation and information disclosure, in different countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan and studying the relationship between the regulation of environmental impact assessment and other agencies’ regulations for environmental protection. (2) Doing research on the current legal system of environmental permit in Taiwan, focusing on the public participation and information disclosure, and proposing the practicable and enforceable strategy, including the forgoing legal system in the processes of environmental impact assessment. (3)Planning the methods for the further study and for the competent agency, not the Environmental Protection Agency, to conduct the processes, realizing the procedural requirements such as public participation and information disclosure, of environmental impact assessment and environmental permit. As the response to the main executive content, the Research Team presents some suggestions and recommendations as the followings: First, after reviewing the current practice of the decision-making processes of environmental permit in Taiwan, the experience of other countries, including how to disclose information for the public and how to achieve the participatory justice upon the decision-making, could be good lessons for us to learn. For example, in U.S., at the very beginning of each process of the decision-making, including the processes of environmental impact assessment and environmental permit, the competent agency would focus on cooperation and coordination with other relevant agencies, tribes, or interested groups. In addition, for the community benefit system in U.K. emphasizing the public participation and the principle of pooling of interest could be another good model for us to learn. Furthermore, in order to meeting the requirements of due process under the constitutional law, the Research Team proposes different models, varying intensities, for different types of decision-making processes: the basic model, the advanced model, and the further deliberative model. Also, we recommend the establishment of the legal system of the mediation for seeking dispute resolution into the processes of environmental impact assessment and environmental permit. Finally, from the practical experience of decision-making under scientific uncertainty in U.S., the Research team strongly suggests that the Environmental Protection Agency shall provide the guidance as the importance reference for the decision-making of environmental policy and environmental permit for the public participation and information disclosure.
英文關鍵字 permits;citizen participation