

中文摘要 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下: (一) 推動寺廟空氣污染減量 依本年調查,7間寺廟主動配合減少金紙重量或拜香支數,其中4間寺廟平均紙錢減量26%,另3間寺廟平均拜香減量46%。自96年推動迄今(102年度),本市寺廟總共紙錢減少66,772公斤/年,拜香則減少4,262,346支/年,與100年紙錢及拜香減量相比,紙錢減量成長達426%,而拜香減量成長達232%,共促成各污染物減量,包含懸浮微粒668公斤、硫氧化物154公斤、氮氧化物167公斤、一氧化碳7,278公斤及多環芳香烴5公斤,並減少碳排放量100公噸。 節能效益方面,自99年推廣迄今,總計已完成更換LED燈泡23萬2,007顆,汰換率達93%,累計約減少682萬度用電,減少碳排放量4,091噸,相當於34萬棵喬木年吸收量。 (二) 紙錢集中焚燒活動 清明節期間共有62處單位配合,集中紙錢13,710公斤,平均每單位集中紙錢約221公斤;而101年配合單位則有60處,集中紙錢14,080公斤,平均每單位紙錢約234公斤,減少比例達5.6%,顯示針對大樓住戶宣導紙錢減量使用與集中處理,漸有效果。 中元普渡期間,共計有152處單位響應,較101年度85處相比增加67處,成長率達79%。本市朝天宮主動配合紙錢減量,平均將每戶紙錢祭拜量由去年0.146公斤降為0.117公斤,減少比例達20 %。在紙錢集中處理量,共計集中約79.25公噸,較101年72.94公噸,成長了8.6%,經本計畫估算共計約有6.2萬人參與,顯示民眾逐漸願意配合紙錢集中燃燒作業。 (三) 露天燃燒陳情案件稽巡查作業 今年度共接獲200件次民眾陳情案件,其中有燃燒痕跡或為尚在燃燒情形者共94件(佔陳情件數47%),而與101年相比較,燃燒物類型差異小,以稻草、樹枝葉及木材為主,各查獲地點,好發於西區人口密度較低之處,未來可加強該區之巡查及管制。 為免稻穫後露天燃燒情形,在稻作收割後,加強農業區巡查作業,共巡查95件,發現10件次,因應天氣影響,導致稻草露天燃燒行為提早至6月及11月,顯示未來第1、2期稻作收割加強巡查管制及推動稻草再利用措施須較歷年提早執行。 (四) 餐飲業飲油煙污染與防制資料普查作業 今年度共計完成餐飲業普查131家,依經營型態區分,以中式餐飲為主,佔了42%;依前處理設備區分,62%之業者皆有裝設擋板式設備;依後處理設備區分,有裝設防制設備之比例達34%,其中以裝設水洗式比例最高。 (五) 餐飲業空氣污染稽查作業 今年度共完成餐飲業稽巡查290件次,屬油煙(餐飲業)陳情案件共接獲121件,與歷年同期相比,發現陳情比例減少達13.1%。顯示經宣導及管制,各業者已逐步加強污染管制工作,降低民眾污染陳情反映。 (六) 餐飲業空氣污染輔導減量 今年度共計完成餐飲業輔導減量15家次,作業達成率100%。各業者經輔導委員(國立中山大學環境工程研究所 周明顯教授),現場勘查及建議後,皆已完成改善工作。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒管制;餐飲業空污管制;寺廟污染減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2880 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/22 專案結束日期 2013/12/16 專案主持人 鍾耀州
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 瑩諮科技股粉有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年嘉義市民俗活動、餐飲業及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制計畫定稿完整版.pdf 18MB

Chiayi City folk activities, catering and open burning of the Air Pollution Control plan

英文摘要 Summary of the work results during the year are as follows: (A)The promotion of the reduction of air pollution from temples According to the survey this year, there are seven temples actively cooperating to reduce the weight of ghost money or the amount of incense. Among those temples, there are four temples reducing the amount of ghost money by 26% on average, the other three temples reduce the amount of incense by 46% on average. Since 2007 till now, a total of 66,772 kg/year of ghost money can be reduced in the temples of ours city; as for incense, a total of 4.26 million incense has been reduced. Compared to the amount of the ghost money and incense in 2011, the growth rate of ghost money reduction reached 426%; the incense reduction rate 232 %, reduced emission including 668 kg of particulate pollutants , 154 kg of sulfur oxides , 167 kg of nitrogen oxides , 7,278 kg of carbon monoxide , 5 kg of polycyclie aromartic hydrocarbons , and 100 tons carbon emissions can be reduced . As for energy efficiency, since the promotion in 2010 till now, a total of 232,007 pieces LED bulbs has been replaced and the replacement rate reached 93 %. It has been calculated that approximately 6.82 million degrees of electricity has been reduced cumulatively and the reduction of carbon emissions is 4,091 tons, equivalent to the absorption amount of 340,000 trees. (B)Ghost money burning together activities During the tomb-sweeping holiday, there are 62 places cooperating with us. 13,710 kilograms of concentrated ghost money, ghost money per unit concentrated to about 221 kg; while there are 62 places cooperating last year , 14,080 kilograms of concentrated ghost money, ghost money per unit of about 234 kg, reducing the proportion of 5.6%, which shows that the advocacy gradually works when we promote the reduction of ghost money and concentration burning activities. During the mid-ghost month, there are 152 places cooperating with us. Compared with 85 places in 2012, there are 67 places more with the growth rate of 79%. In our city, Chao Tian temple actively cooperated with us on reducing burning ghost money. On average, the quantity of burned ghost money by every household has greatly dropped from last year’s 0.146 kg to 0.117 kg this year with the decreasing rate by 20%. As for the amount of gathered ghost money, it is a total of 79.94 tons, compared with 72.94 tons in 2012, with a slight growth of 8.6%. It is estimated that about 6.2 million people join this activity, indicating that the public has accepted the operation of ghost money burning together. (C)Open air burning petition cases and inspection operations we have received a total of 200 public petition cases in this year. Among them, there were 94 cases with burn marks or still burning situations (taking up 47 % in the petition cases), The type of buring objects this year, compared with those in 2012, has a small difference. Straw, branches leaves and plants are the mojority. The revealed and burnt locatons mostly are situated in the west of where the population density is slower, which showed that the inspection or control measures should be enhanced in this region. To avoid open burning waste after rice harvest, the patrol inspection operation in the agricultural area has been strengthened after the rice harvest. A total of 95 cases have been inspected, 10 cases have been revealed. In response to weather effects, the straw open burning has advanced to June and November, which shows that a step up inspections and control of the harvesting rice straw and the promotion of straw re-use measures are required to perform earlier than that in the previous year. (D)Smoke pollution prevention information census operations in the food and beverage industry 131 places of the food and beverage industry have been completed in this year. According to the management style, Chinese food business accounts for 42%; according to the pre-treatment equipment, 62% of the business have been equipped with baffle equipment; according to the post-processing equipment, 34% of the business are installed with control equipment. Among them, the installation of the water-wash equipment occupied the most. (E)Air pollution inspectors operation in the food and beverage industry in this year, there were 290 cases of inspection finished. 121 petition cases on air pollution are received from the food and beverage industry business. Compared with that in the previous year, the number of petitions have declined with a reduction proportion of 15.2 %. What mentioned above showed that with the advocacy and control, the industry owners have gradually strengthened pollution control work, and reduced public pollution petition feedback. (F)Air pollution reduction counseling in the food and beverage industry A total of 15 times of counseling has been completed. The operation achieving rate is 100%. After the counseling member’s, Professor Zhou Ming xian, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, on-site investigation and recommendations. There were all industries have completed improvement.
英文關鍵字 control operations of open burning;air pollution control on food and beverage industry;Temple pollution reduction