

中文摘要 (一)宜蘭縣使用禽畜糞地區進行相關調查工作 將宜蘭縣內使用禽畜糞地區分為四大調查樣區並依四階段方式進行調查,共完成101點次土壤重金屬、15點次土壤管制農藥、2點次土壤251項常用農藥、10點次底泥重金屬、10點次地下水(7口民井及3口簡易井,內容為一般項目、重金屬及管制農藥)及15點次農作物重金屬及251項殘留農藥之採樣分析作業。共計有2點位土壤銅含量超過食用作物農地土壤管制標準、4點位汞、10點位銅及4點位鋅超過食用作物農地監測標準,調查結果顯示銅與鋅為施用禽畜糞地區土壤中較易累積之重金屬,其中又以蘭陽溪上游種植區之土壤重金屬累積現象最明顯;除現地調查外,以土壤管柱淋洗試驗建立禽畜糞重金屬傳輸概念模式,並將蘭陽溪上游種植區進行土壤重金屬累積潛勢分級。土壤管制農藥共有3點位有低濃度滴滴涕及其衍生物檢出,251項農藥則發現蘭陽溪上游地區可能因土壤酸化因素,故有多種殺菌劑殘留檢出。地下水則發現部分民井或簡易井有大腸桿菌群、氨氮及比導電度偏高情況;底泥部分顯示施用禽畜糞地區銅與鋅具有明顯累積性。農作物檢測分析結果則發現蘭陽溪上游種植區多以使用殺菌劑為主,平地則殺菌劑及殺蟲劑皆有檢出紀錄,至於禁用農藥部分則均無管制農藥檢出紀錄;農作物銅與鋅含量則皆在正常範圍內。 (二)過往具污染潛勢案件追蹤調查 於「壯圍鄉功勞段農地」、「冬山鄉北富段農地」、「礁溪鄉龍泉段綺色佳工廠周邊」及「冬山鄉安平段力霸水泥及宜聯鋼鐵周邊土地」進行調查工作,共進行10點次土壤重金屬採樣分析。依調查結果顯示,礁溪鄉龍泉段129地號土壤鉻含量超過土壤管制標準;冬山鄉北富段1902及1903地號與冬山鄉安平段405地號均為土壤砷含量超過管制標準值,目前已協助環保署「農地砷、汞污染調查及管理策略研析計畫」於冬山地區進行民井之採樣分析,將以分析結果研判冬山地區土壤砷含量偏高是否與地質因素有關。 (三)梅洲地區土壤污染調查 完成礁溪鄉保安段542及543地號(瑞陽鋼鐵周邊)、宜蘭市梅洲新段420及421地號(東一鋼鐵周邊)、梅洲新段507、479、474地號(宜陽瀝青後方)、鑽研金屬、鑰光金屬及建良紅磚工廠之調查,共進行10點次土壤多氯聯苯、10點次土壤重金屬及5點次土壤TPH調查工作;依調查結果顯示,宜蘭市梅州新段421地號土壤砷含量已超過管制標準值,環保局已依照土污法第7條第5項進行列管。 (四)宜蘭市列管鋼鐵業場址改善驗證工作 完成瑞陽鋼鐵及宜陽瀝青宜蘭廠改善後驗證工作,共進行6點次土壤重金屬、11點次土壤PCBs及4點次土壤TPH之採樣分析。驗證結果顯示瑞陽鋼鐵土壤重金屬及PCBs含量經改善作業後,均已降至土壤管制標準值以下,環保局已解除其列管作業;宜陽瀝青宜蘭廠則仍有部分土壤TPH含量超過土壤污染管制標準,目前仍持續進行列管中。 (五)緊急應變案件之污染調查作業 共完成本縣共11案件之土壤或地下水採樣分析及調查工作,冬山鄉東興段500-1地號及山鄉大興村龍祥十路2號(東興段616地號)驗證調查結果皆已達改善目標,環保局已解除此二場址之列管;蘇澳南正段控制場址已完成標準監測井設置,但地下水中對二甲苯濃度並未超過地下水管制標準;冬山國小監測井緊急應變案除本計畫進行第一次之應變調查外,另已於「102年度宜蘭縣監測井功能檢討與污染場址改善後驗證計畫」中進行第二階段調查,結果顯示冬瓜山加油站周邊地下水仍有低濃度甲苯及MTBE檢出,但未超過管制標準。大同鄉四季段土壤污染潛勢調查結果顯示四季段219地號銅含量已超過食用作物農地管制標準,蘇澳鎮隘城段830及831地號土壤污染調查案調查結果也顯示土壤鋅含量已超過食用作物農地管制標準;上述二件調查案建議環保局應令污染行為人採取緊急應變措施,以避免污染擴大。 (六)監測井水質調查與相關工作 完成22口場制性監測井之地下水質監測,並完成宜蘭市垃圾掩埋場一(G00101)、龍潭國小匏崙分校(G00104)及蘇澳台電場址(G00100)等監測井之設置,另選取7口監測井進行井中攝影及井況評估(並建議其中5口井應進行再完井)。完成場置性監測井氨氮濃度偏高之原因評析:宜蘭市垃圾掩埋場周邊監測井與垃圾掩埋場有關,冬山河上游堤岸道路則鄰近排水圳路箱涵,冬山河下游堤岸道路井址位於魚塭排水口,親水公園則與生活污水有關,龍德工業區則推估與農業非點源污染有關。本年度亦進行宜蘭縣監測井分級管理制度之擬訂,並完成全縣45口監測井之分類,目前已依照分級管理制度進行例行性巡檢。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、緊急應變、監測井


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 10020 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/06 專案結束日期 2013/12/20 專案主持人 王上銘
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭培元 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102土水計畫期末報告_定稿本-摘要與結論與建議-公開版.pdf 0MB

The project on Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Yilan County, 2013

英文摘要 The objectives of this project included the investigation in farmlands using faeces of livestock and poultry, the current situation of soil contamination in Meizhou area, the investigative follow-up of the previous soil contamination events, the verification of the regulated sites of steel factory in Yilan City, the maintenance, management and monitoring of the groundwater wells, and the emergency sampling and investigation. The performing period of this project is from 02/01/2013 to 12/20/2013. The chief achievements of this project are as follows. (1)The investigation in farmlands using faeces of livestock and poultry In this study, the Yilan County is divided into four areas and the investigation performs in four stages. Finally, 101 points of controlled heavy metal in soil, 15 points of controlled pesticides in soil, 2 points of common-used pesticides, 10 points of heavy metals in deposit, 10 points of groundwater sampling and analysis (including the common items, heavy metal and the controlled pesticides), 15 samples of controlled heavy metal in crops and 15 samples of the residual common-used pesticides have been accomplished. (2)The investigative follow-up of the previous soil contamination events In this field, we performed the investigation of “Gong-Lao area in Zhuangwei Township”, “Pei-Fu area in Dongshan Township”, “Long-Quan area in Jiaoxi Township” and “An-ping area in Dongshan Township”. There are 10 points of controlled heavy metal in soil being completed. The results showed that the content of Cr in the Long-Quan area exceed the soil control standards. Besides, the contents of As in the Pei-Fu area and An-ping area both exceeded the soil control standards. (3)The current situation of soil contamination in Meizhou area In this topic, 10 points of PCBs, 10 points of controlled heavy metal and 5 points of TPH in soil have being completed. Results showed that the content of As near the Dong-Yi steel factory exceeded the soil control standard. The Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan County has taken measures to restrain from increasing the soil contamination according to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. (4)The verification of the regulated sites of steel factory in Yilan City In this section, the verification of Rei-Yang Steel Factory, Dong-Yi Steel Factory and Yi-Yang Asphalt Factory have been completed. According to the results of the verification, the contents of controlled heavy metal, PCBs and TPH of Rei-Yang Steel Factory and Dong-Yi Steel Factory are below the soil control standard. The Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan County has removed the restrict from the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. The Yi-Yang Asphalt Factory differ from the result of the above-mentioned contamination sites, the contents of TPH in soil still exceed the soil control standard. (5)The emergency sampling and investigation During the process of this project, 11 investigation cases have been accomplished The original budget of this section is 900,000 NTD and the expenses of this section cost 1,056,000 NTD finally. The results revealed that the content of Zn in soil of Ai-Cheng Area have exceeded the soil control standard. Besides, the content of Cu in soil of Si-Ji Area of Datong Township have exceeded the soil control standard. (6)The maintenance, management and monitoring of the groundwater wells In this section, 45 point of groundwater monitoring well sampling have been accomplished, and the analysis item including the common items and the controlled heavy metal. Two standard monitoring well have been set, and one standard monitoring well has been cancelled. Through seven points photography of standard monitoring well, we suggested that five of that should take clean maintenance and keep the function of monitoring well.