

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)以低碳城市建構為基礎,延伸發展為永續社會之構想,積極推動「低碳永續家園推動方案」,提出十大運作機能項目,除動員整合環保署相關單位人力外,並督促各縣市政府成立低碳永續家園推動辦公室,共同推動低碳永續村里及社區。本計畫共分成二大項工作,一為低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫,另一為節能診斷及低碳社區改造計畫,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、102年度嘉義市低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫工作   本年度低碳永續家園專案辦公室主要協助嘉義市執行主政之「綠色運輸」、「設備節能」運作機能行動項目,撰寫此二項運作機能項目中認養的4項行動項目計畫。另協助辦理「綠能城市 低碳家園」推動之相關會議,追蹤各局處執行五大綠能項目執行成果,以及研擬「綠色運輸」、「設備節能」之願景建構計畫書及自治條例,邀請各相關局處及技術諮詢小組委員共同討論,主要執行成果為: 1. 完成嘉義市綠色運輸願景建構計畫書之研擬,以「永續綠能運輸」為願景,規劃「發展綠色運輸」、「加強運輸需求管理」、「提升綠色運輸使用率」等三項政策方向,並研擬七項策略方案。 2. 完成嘉義市設備節能願景建構計畫書之研擬,以「低碳家園」為願景,規劃「工商業節能推動」、「節能新生活」、「智慧綠生活」、「再生能源利用」等四項政策方向,並研擬十三項策略方案。 3. 研擬「嘉義市綠色運輸發展自治條例草案」、「嘉義市指定能源用戶節能減碳管理自治條例草案」。 4. 分別於102年5月21日、102年9月25日辦理跨縣市觀摩學習活動,帶領嘉義市政府各局處人員及里長觀摩太陽能光電系統、綠建築、低碳社區等,共計完成2場次,本項工作達成率為100%。. 5. 蒐集國際環保行動組織之申請條件與資料,並提出參與「地方環境行動國際委員會(ICLEI)」、簽署「墨西哥城市協定」之建議,並提出申請書件內容及申請所需檢附資料。 6. 完成「綠能城市 低碳家園」填報系統網頁之設計,並彙整減碳量計算之排放係數,提供各局處填報五大綠能面向計畫執行成效之換算,以利彙整本市總減碳量。 7. 完成公共自行車租賃系統可行性評估,並建議採「同心圓」的方式佈點65站,預計完成設置後,營運一年內取代汽車後將可減少碳排放量10,812,610公斤(約10,813公噸),取代機車將可減少碳排放量2,733,188公斤(約2,733公噸)。 8. 協助完成1場次陽光屋頂百萬座推動說明會之辦理,調查各局處及其所屬單位之公有房舍屋頂空間,總計可安裝場址數為73處,預估可安裝面積為41,349.49 m2,可安裝總容量達3百萬峰瓦(MWp),後續由嘉義市政府環境保護局與市府行政處法制科溝通協商研擬「嘉義市市有公用不動產設置太陽光電發電系統標租作業要點」草案,並辦理後續事宜。 9. 輔導頂庄社區、番社社區推動低碳飲食、參與環保署行動標章之遴選,並規劃社區後續可推動工作,提供相關補助資訊。 二、102年度節能診斷及低碳社區改造計畫工作   本年度成立節能輔導團,提供免費現場節能診斷服務,輔導團成員由具有包含電力、空調、照明、水資源、再生能源、綠建築等專長之人員組成。本計畫完成包含社區、商辦大樓等共10處之節能診斷輔導工作,由輔導團依據現場診斷結果撰寫低碳診斷報告書,針對受輔導單位提出節約能源改善建議方案、成本效益、減碳效益等,提供作為節能改善之參考。建議之節約能源改善項目包含合理契約容量的訂定、照明設備改善、屋頂隔熱及綠化改善等,10處受輔導單位若依據低碳診斷報告書之建議進行改善,預估改善投資經費為57.22 萬元,可達成之節能效益為135,512 KWh/年,可減少之溫室氣體量為73.04公噸CO2e/年。   另本年度補助御花園社區、經國新城R社區二個社區完成包含汰換省水設備、照明燈具,以及屋頂隔熱處理、社區綠化等改善工程,改善後可減少溫室氣體排放量13.36公噸CO2e/年。   另為持續推動節能減碳活動,特別舉辦「節能5 %抽5萬」活動,只要登記在本市的用電、用水戶於7、8月或8、9月之用電度數、用水度數與去年同期比較,節電、節水率超過5%(含)及即可報名參加。「節能5 %抽5萬」活動於102年10月31日截止收件,經統計參與活動者其102年度與101年度同期之節電量為65,120度,以能源局101年公告之電力排放係數0.532公斤CO2e/度換算,約減少34.6噸之排碳量;參與活動者其102年度與101年度同期之節水量為3,756度,以台灣自來水公司100年公告係數0.167公斤CO2e/度換算,約減少0.63噸之排碳量。 三、未來工作推動建議 1. 整合志工團隊,借用志工之力量及人力,培訓出嘉義市節能志工,解決政府人力資源不足之問題。透過專業技能之培訓,及節能診斷現場經驗之傳承,由節能志工協助嘉義市集合住宅、商辦大樓,甚至各行業進行節能診斷,提供節能改善建議,並協助完成改善,達成實質之節能減碳效益。 2. 因嘉義市主要用電單位以住商為主,建議協調市府各相關局處,整合資源針對商圈、店家、餐廳、小吃店、超市、賣場等商業行為,推動節能減碳之輔導或管理,輔導商家具體改善用電習慣及汰換高耗能設備,才能降低嘉義市整體用電量。 3. 推動契約用戶節能減碳,導入智慧節能系統,建議可裝設智慧電錶即時監控設置,掌握主要用電設施電力變化趨勢,並可藉此瞭解重點改善項目。 4. 配合未來環保署「低碳永續家園評等與認證制度」之推動,將低碳永續之推動擴及至社區,並由低碳示範社區協助進行推廣,研擬推動獎勵制度,除由低碳社區將其推動經驗傳承、複製至其他社區外,推動獎勵制度也可提升社區參與配合意願,協助更多社區邁向低碳社區之目標。 5. 持續維護「綠能城市 低碳家園」填報系統,並督促各相關局處填報五大綠能面向推動計畫,並將執行成果換算為減碳量,以呈現減碳效益。 6. 未來相關政策之宣導,建議採用電視新聞之播放、社區宣導、報紙、電視牆之宣傳方式,達成訊息發佈之目的。另外透過各商店、小吃店、餐廳協助宣傳。 7. 協助嘉義市加入國際環保組織,了解國際推動方案,並可參採國外推動經驗,規劃嘉義市推動方針。
中文關鍵字 設備節能;綠色運輸


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 4415500 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/17 專案結束日期 2013/12/10 專案主持人 林文川
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳怡諭 執行單位 傳閔工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 內文.pdf 20MB
英文摘要 On the basis of the construction of a low-carbon city, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereafter refer to as the Administration) extended the concept to develop a sustainable society, and it actively promoted the “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Plan” and proposed ten operating functions. In addition to mobilizing and integrating related units and manpower of the Administration, it also urged city and county governments to establish low-carbon sustainable homeland promotion offices to promote low-carbon and sustainable villages and communities together. The plan was divided into two tasks: one was the project of low-carbon sustainable homeland office, and the other was the project of energy saving diagnosis and low-carbon community reform. Tasks that have been completed and described are as follows: I. Tasks of Project of 2013 Chiayi City Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Office (hereafter refer to as the Office) This year the office mainly assisted Chiayi City in executing operating functions by arranging plans for 4 activities from 2 operating functions, “Green Transportation” and “Energy Saving Equipment”. Furthermore, the office held conferences related to the promotion of “Green Energy City and Low-Carbon Homeland”, and followed 5 Green Energy sections’ results executed by each bureau. The office also invited members from each bureau and Technology & Information group to discuss and revise the prospect construction project and related self-regulations for “Green Transportation” and “Energy saving equipment”. The following are briefly description for executing results. 1. The Office completed the prospect construction project of Chiayi City Green Transportation and set “Sustainable Green Energy Transportation” as objective. Besides, the office also established 3 ways of policy, including “Developing Green Transportation”、 “Enforcing management of Transportation requirement” and “Improving percentage of Green Transportation using”, and developed 7 action strategies. 2. The Office completed the prospect construction project of Chiayi City Energy Saving Equipment and set “Low-Carbon Homeland” as objective. Besides, the office also established 4 ways of policy, including “Promoting Energy Saving in Industry and Business”、 “Energy Saving New Life”、 “Intelligent Green Life” and “Utility of Renewable Energy”, and developed 13 action strategies. 3. Developing and establishing “Chiayi City Green Transportation Development self-regulation draft” and “Chiayi City energy saving and carbon reducing management self-regulation draft for Energy customers”. 4. Two cross-county and cross-city observation and learning events were held on May 21 and September 25, 2013 respectively. And the office led the members from each bureau、office and neighborhood, to observe Solar Power Plant System、Green Architecture and Low-Carbon neighborhood. Two events were held, and the achievement rate of the task was 100%. 5. The Office collected application requirements and information for international environmental protection organizations, proposed suggestions on the participation of International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and the signing of the Mexico City Pact, and also submitted application documents and information. 6. The Office designed the filling-in and reporting system on the website of “Green Energy City and Low-Carbon Homeland”, and collected coefficient of carbon reduction measurement, in order to let bureaus and offices fill in and figure out their execution results of 5 green energy functions. And this action can assist Chiayi City calculate its carbon reduction amount. 7. The Office evaluated the feasibility of rental system of public bicycles and submitted an evaluation report. The office suggested setting 65 rental spots in concentric circles way in the report, and predicted the benefit after establishing:Operating a year and replacing cars can reduce 10,812,610 kilograms carbon emission (almost 10,8131 tons), and 2,733,188 kilograms (almost 2,733 tons) if replacing motorcycles. 8. The Office assisted holding the Million Rooftop Promotion Orientation, and investigated the public roof space in every bureau and office. The investigation presented there were 73 sites can be settled, and total area was 41,349.49 square meters, allowing power reach to 3 million Wp. After that, the Chiayi City Government Environmental Protection Bureau and Legal Affair section in Administration department will discuss and draw up “Chiayi City public estate setting Solar Power Plant System renting points” draft, and handle other issues. 15. The Office guided Dingzhuang Community and Fanshe Community to promote Low-Carbon food、participating the selection of the Administration’s energy saving & carbon reducing action medal, and arrange prospect projects for communities. For each section, the office provided appropriate and sufficient information. II. Tasks of Project of Energy Saving Diagnosis and Low-Carbon Community Reform This year an energy saving guidance group was established, and it provided free energy saving diagnosis service. Besides, members of the group specialized in electricity, air-conditioning, lighting, water resources, renewable energy and green architecture. The project finished energy saving diagnosis and guidance service for 10 communities and business buildings, and the group offered the report of Low-Carbon diagnosis and proposed suggestions and cost benefits, such as suitable amount signing、 lighting equipments renewing and greening, for improving energy saving. If communities follow these suggestions to undergo replacement, then prediction of the investment was 570.22 thousands, the benefit of energy saving was 135,512 KWh/year, the green house gas would reduce 73.04 tons carbon dioxide equivalent per year. In addition, the Office assisted to plan subsidies for the improvement of water saving facilities、lighting equipments、rooftop heatproof construction and neighborhood greening for Imperial Garden Community and Jingguo New City R Community. After completing all constructions, it can reduce green house gas emission 13.36 tons carbon dioxide equivalent per year. Furthermore, in order to promote energy saving and carbon reducing, the Office also hold “Win NTD50,000 by Saving 5% Energy” activity. The condition to participate in is that any Chiayi City citizen can check his/her electricity or water bill, and if the rate of saved energy or conserved water is equal or over 5% compared with last year (only July-August and August-September two terms), then he/she can sign up the activity. The “Win NTD50,000 by Saving 5% Energy” stopped signing on October 31th, 2013, and concluded 65,120 degrees electricity saving compared with 2012. Besides, it also represented 34.6 tons carbon emission reducing (according to the electricity emission coefficient, 0.532 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent per degree, announced by Energy Bureau in 2012). In water conserved, the number was 3,756 degrees compared with 2012, which also represented 0.63 tons carbon emission reducing (according to the water emission coefficient, 0.167 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent per degree, announced by Taiwan Water Corporation in 2012). III. Suggestions on Future Tasks 1. In order to solve government insufficient human resource problem, Chiayi City has to combine volunteer system and discipline its own energy saving volunteers. The discipline will include specific skill training and energy saving diagnosis experience taught. These energy saving volunteers will assist diagnosis in Chiayi City departments and business buildings, and they will provide energy saving suggestions and help in improvement constructions, in order to reach the carbon reducing benefit from these works. 2. The main electricity consumption units in Chiayi City are living and business sections. Therefore, in order to reduce electricity using amount, the project suggest that Chiayi City government can coordinate each bureau and office, and promote energy saving & carbon reducing guidance and management in stores、restaurants、supermarkets and shopping-malls, the tasks will include improving electricity using behaviors and replacing high energy consumption equipments. 3. Suggesting to promote contract-signing customers to save energy、reduce carbon and establishing intelligent energy saving system. Therefore, the customers can set up intelligent electricity controller to observe the energy trend of main electricity consuming utilities and understand the main improvement sections. 4. In order to operate with the Administration “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Identified System” promotion, the project suggests that promotion of Low-Carbon & Sustainability will expand to the neighborhood, and will be represented by Low-Carbon neighborhood. And except Low-Carbon neighborhood provides its experience of promoting, there will be identified system to encourage another neighborhood to follow, and it can attract more neighborhoods to join the program. 5. Continuously maintaining filling-in and reporting system of the website of “Green Energy City and Low-Carbon Homeland”, and observing the status of promoting plans filling-in from each bureau and office for 5 Green Energy sections, and calculating the carbon reducing amount in order to present benefit. 6. In future related policy propagation, the project suggests that propagation can be presented by television news、neighborhood meeting、newspaper and television wall, in order to reach the objective of the plan. Besides, the propagation also can be held in stores and restaurants. 7. To assist Chiayi City to join international environmental protection organizations and to comprehend international promotion plans. Foreign promotion experiences can be adopted to plan promotion guidelines for Chiayi City.
英文關鍵字 Energy Saving Equipment;Green Transportation