

中文摘要 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要目的為依環保署公告之揮發性有機物行業法規進行揮發性有機空氣污染物排放量管制,並針對中油桃煉廠進行專案管制作業,另輔導轄內公私場所進行連續自動監測設施設置及查核其監測與傳輸數據之正確性,以確保污染源排放情形得以掌握,並有效提升桃園縣空氣品質。 本計畫之執行期程自102/3/24至103/3/23止,共計12個月。各項作業執行進度皆依預定行程執行,執行內容包括:揮發性有機物管制、污染減量輔導作業、稽查檢測作業、中油桃煉廠專案管制、3D光學雷達監測、監督定期檢測及網路申報審作業、連續自動監測設施資訊系統更新/維護及CEMS法規符合度查核作業、辦理法規宣導說明會等工作項目。 本年度計畫重點工作及成果包括: (一)、台灣中油(股)公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠專業管制,監督及查核9項自主改善事項及法規符合度相關污染改善作業,執行成果包括:(1)完成全廠24個製程之設備元件以條碼/影像重新清點及建置,總元件數較98年增加近3倍,並已同步回饋至許可、空污費、排放量、季申報之元件申報作業;另導入FLIR/FID進行設備元件洩漏篩選及檢測,經執行稽查管制後製程於後續季申報元件洩漏狀況有明顯下降趨勢,統計季申報洩漏率由101年52%下降至102年45%,VOCs減量70公噸;(2)廢氣燃燒塔廢氣回收減量作業,11座高低架廢氣燃燒塔之流量監測已與環保局進行連線作業,其中3座硫化氫高架廢氣燃燒塔廢氣已有83%回收至硫磺工場或燃料系統再利用;另8座碳氫地面及高架燃燒塔預計設置2套廢氣回收系統(Flare Gas Recovery System,FGRS)已於102/3/9開工改善中;(3)民眾陳情部分,102/1/1至102/12/31共計17件陳情案件,較101年減案6%。 (二)、CEMS管制鑒於100年查獲3家CEMS傳送不實監測數據,故裝設平行比對系統,並依環保局要求每季下載及分析平行比對數據與監測數據之相關趨勢,分析結果均未發現趨勢不一致之情形;且污染物排放趨勢已未有往年呈現較為平穩之狀況。 (三)、本年度將稽查管制作業同步結合科技儀器,包括:(1)利用3D光學雷達針對2家屢遭陳請工廠對象進行監控,並回饋日夜污染排放強度,並將結果回饋至環保局進行稽查之依據;(2)配合環保局執行紅外線熱顯像儀結合FID(火焰離子化偵測器)應用於膠帶製造業污染之管制作業,共查獲12家不法排放業者,並同步針對3家具減量效益之業者進行污染改善輔導,完成VOCs污染減量1,335.99公噸/年。 其它具體工作成果:完成294站加油站全廠清查及法規符合度查核作業、完成設備元件檢測點次2,557點、完成固定污染源稽查檢測作業82個樣品數、完成CEMS功能查核作業17根次、完成定檢監督作業100根次及網路申報審查1,236根次、以電子看板資源達成宣道功效共計託播141件277則。各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 建議計畫採取精進之做法為,延續101年將稽查管制作業同步結合科技儀器查核作業模式持續進行污染查核及後續輔導作業,強化稽查管制能量,並以空污費追補繳做為未來輔導之誘因,進而回饋本縣實際污染排放狀況,落實許可制度,期達102年桃園縣污染防制計畫書NMHC減量目標。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 102030226 經費年度 102 計畫經費 19000 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/24 專案結束日期 2014/03/23 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳瑞祥 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「102年度揮發性有機物及連續自動監測污染源調查及管制計畫」期末報告.pdf 20MB
英文摘要 This project is a continuous regulatory or control plan. The main purpose of the plan was to managethe emission of volatile organic compound air pollutants in accordance with the regulations announced by the Environmental Protection Administration, regulate the CPC Corporation’s Taoyuan refinery as a special project, and provide public- and private-venue consultations within the jurisdiction regarding the installation of continuousemission monitoring systems (CEMS), aswell asassess monitoringresults and transmitted dataaccuracy.This will ensure sufficient understanding of the status of pollutant emissions, and effectively improve the air quality of Taoyuan County. This plan was executed over 12 months from March 24, 2013, to March 23, 2014. The various relevant operations were executed according to a predetermined schedule. These operations included volatile organic compoundregulation, pollution reduction counseling and guidance, inspection and detection operations, special project regulation of the CPC Corporation’s Taoyuan refinery, 3D optical radar monitoring, supervising regular detection and online declaration operations, maintaining and updating the information system of the CEMS, CEMS regulation compliance assessments, and performance of promotional information sessions regarding regulations. The key project tasks and achievements for this year are listed below. (a) Professional regulation of the CPC Corporation Refining Business Division’s Taoyuan refinery, including the monitoring and checking of 9 self-initiated improvement items and pollution reduction strategies and operations related to regulation compliance. Execution achievements for this portion of the plan include the following:(1) Complete reinventorying and establishment by barcode and imaging regarding the equipment components for the 24 manufacturing processes performed in the refinery. The number of total equipment components had increased by approximately 3-fold compared to that for 2009. This information was synchronously transmitted for component declaration operations involving permits, air pollution fees, emissions volumes, and quarterly declarations. Furthermore, forward looking infrared (FLIR)facilities and flame ionization detectors (FIDs) were introduced for equipment component leak selection and detection. Following inspection and regulation, the number of equipment component leaks identified for the manufacturing processes exhibited a declining trend in the subsequent quarterly declaration, volatile organic compounds have been reduced by 70 metric tons(2) Flare exhaust gas recycling and reduction operations were implemented. Online flow monitoring of 11 elevated and low flares has been conducted with the Environmental Protection Bureau. Additionally, 83% of the exhaust emitted by 3 elevated hydrogen sulfide flares is recycled at sulfur factories or recovery units or reused by the fuel system. The construction of 2 flare gas recovery systems (FGRS) for a further 8 carbon-hydrogen elevated and ground flares began on March 9, 2013. (3) Regarding public petitions, a total of 17 cases were recorded between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013, which is 6% lower than that in 2012. (b) From the perspective of CEMS regulation, because of the 3 cases of false monitoring data in 2011, a parallel comparison system has been installed,and related trends between parallel comparison data and monitoring data are downloaded and analyzed every quarter as specified by the Environmental Protection Bureau. The analysis results have not highlighted any cases of inconsistent trends. Furthermore, pollutant emission trends do not appear as stable as that in previous years (c) During the current year, inspection and regulation operations were synchronized and integrated with technological instruments, as explained below. (1)The use of 3D optical radar to monitor the public petitions factory that cause abnormally high readings concentrations round-the-clock was implemented, and round-the-clock inspections and regulations were conducted. (2) In accordance with the Environmental Protection Bureau’s application of infrared thermal imaging devices combined with FIDs to tape manufacturing industryor control devices, 12 illegal polluters or businesses with illegal emissions were identified.volatile organic compounds have been reduced by 1335.99metric tons per annum. Other specific results include 2,557equipment component checks, inspections and detections of 82 samples regarding stationary pollutionsources, 17 CEMS function examinations, 100 regular monitoring operations, 1,236 online declaration reviews, and the broadcasting of 141 news items with 277 related details on electronic boards to achieve promotional effects. The content and results of the operations are detailed in various sections of this report. We recommend that this project adopt progressive methods to continue the assessment operation model for synchronizing and integrating inspection and regulatory operations with technological instrumentsas begun in 2012. In this way, pollution inspection and follow-up counseling and guidance operations can be continued, enhancing the degree and power of inspection and regulation and pursuingoutstanding air pollution fees as an incentive for future counseling and guidance. Furthermore, feedback should be provided as to the actual pollutant emission situation in the county and a permit system implemented to achieve the nonmethane hydrocarbon reduction targets listed in Taoyuan County’s 2014 pollution control and prevention plans.
英文關鍵字 volatile organic compound