

中文摘要 本計畫以國內中小型養豬場為目標,探討三段式廢水處理系統之厭氧處理效能,並對沼肥再利用之可行性進行評估。本計畫主要分為四個面向進行,第一為厭氧槽增溫之可行性及操作效益評估,進行厭氧槽常溫、中溫與高溫消化試驗,探討提高溫度是否能增加甲烷產量及固體物削減率。第二為建立生物脫硫菌種銀行,研究國內硫氧化菌之硫氧化能力,並將適合之硫氧化菌進行菌種保存,供不同系統添加使用。第三為藉由分子生物技術探討不同溫度下,厭氧系統中甲烷生成菌與其共生微生物之族群互動關係。第四為研析沼肥作為替代肥料之可行性分析,將養豬場沼肥實際用於農作物種植測試,評估作物生長、養分吸收及土壤肥力等影響,提供沼肥作為替代肥料之適用條件。計畫中程因原訂測試場條件不足,經環保署同意將現場實驗改為實驗室模場實驗以測試建立操作參數供未來設計參考。 其研究成果如下: 1. 本計畫批次試驗產氣表現及沼氣組成分析中,以35 oC中溫條件下有最佳的氣累積量及甲烷濃度,於第28天反應時氣體累積900 mL、甲烷濃度60%為試驗中最高,且總固體物濃度越高之組別產氣效果越佳。 2. 本計畫厭氧系統中出現多種真細菌,其中包含嗜酸乳桿菌,能將乳糖轉為乳酸,為產酸菌種;纖維素分解菌種,可產生氫氣供甲烷菌使用;脫硫單胞菌,可幫助脫硫反應發生。此外,系統中具有多種甲烷菌,不同條件下系統中甲烷古細菌族群變動並沒有明顯差異,唯45 oC條件下甲烷菌群有較少之趨勢,表示系統中部份甲烷菌無法忍受45 oC高溫條件。 3. 批次試驗及連續流試驗結果顯示,為改善傳統養豬場廢水三段式處理系統、提升厭氧醱酵系統效率,提高系統溫度至中溫(35 oC)條件並且給予適當的攪拌(30 rpm),能有效提升系統產生甲烷之效能。 4. 田間試驗結果顯示沼渣、沼液中的肥分含量不穩定,使沼肥施用量較難估計並增加運輸成本及施用困難度。成分穩定性差可經由長期累積數據及相關的研究加以克服。 5. 沼肥肥效方面,在氮素施用量相近的情況下,施用沼肥之作物(水稻、西瓜、青蔥、高麗菜)其產量及品質與施用市售化肥相當,其中在高麗菜單株重量方面有較顯著之差異,因沼肥為肥效較快速之肥料,對於高麗菜此類生長較快速之作物影響較大。 6. 本計畫所分離之脫硫菌Paracoccus sp. M61硫氧化能力優於許多文獻之純種菌株與混合族群,且菌株於氧氣不足的情況下具有累積元素硫之能力,因此有助於硫化氫之去除並回收元素硫。分離出另隻菌株Thiomonas sp. M22同樣具有累積元素硫之能力,且於化學自營條件下硫氧化能力較佳,並以無機碳作為碳源,未來實場處理,將可減少其他基質添加的成本。此外,由於兩菌株的營養形式與最適溫度不同,故共同植種應有加乘的效果。 7. 本計畫所模擬中小型養豬場(以2000頭豬計算),養豬廢水進行厭氧醱酵反應之能源效益為每日可產生甲烷氣體52.8 m3/d,可獲得約75.4 度電/日(約27521 度電/年),此外,可減少碳排放為28.6噸/CO2/年。 8. 沼肥運送經濟效應評估部分,考慮以畜牧場業主及農民以共同負擔方式運送沼肥提供農田使用,可減低農民所使用化學肥料之成本,或建議畜牧場業主與鄰近地區農民配合,就近使用沼肥,達廢棄物再利用之成效。 9. 國內沼液沼渣再利用情況目前依照「農業廢棄物再利用管理辦法」下以個案申請方式進行,尚有修改空間,可參考英國相關法規(如PAS110及QP),對廢棄物來源及處理反應條件等項目進行評估,並檢測致病菌、重金屬、揮發酸等指標,符合許可後即可施用或進行商業買賣。
中文關鍵字 沼肥再利用、脫硫、厭氧消化


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-G103 G104-02-230 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5660 千元
專案開始日期 2013/10/08 專案結束日期 2015/03/31 專案主持人 洪俊雄
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 施凱棋 執行單位 國立中興大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-102-G1-02-230期末報告(公開版).pdf 5MB
英文摘要 This study uses domestic small/middle size piggery farm as possible research target, main tasks including to explore the anaerobic treatment efficiency of the traditional three-steps piggery wastewater treatment system and to study the biogas waste reuse possibility. Four primary study sections are included. First, possibility and operational benefits of raised-temperature operation on the anaerobic treatment is proposed. By changing the operational temperature, methane production as well as solids decomposition rate will be evaluated. Second, a collection of biological desulfurization microorganism will be established. Using domestic samples as incubation source, collected microorganisms’ desulfurization ability will be analyzed and stored for future real system application. Third, the relationship of methane-production microorganism and co-existed microorganisms will be studied using molecular methods. Fourth, explore the possibility on using biogas wastes as replaced fertilizer by field tests and establish possible application conditions. Current midterm results as followed: This study uses domestic small/middle size piggery farm as possible research target, main tasks including to explore the anaerobic treatment efficiency of the traditional three-steps piggery wastewater treatment system and to study the biogas waste reuse possibility. Four primary study sections are included. First, possibility and operational benefits of raised-temperature operation on the anaerobic treatment is proposed. By changing the operational temperature, methane production as well as solids decomposition rate will be evaluated. Second, a collection of biological desulfurization microorganism will be established. Using domestic samples as incubation source, collected microorganisms’ desulfurization ability will be analyzed and stored for future real system application. Third, the relationship of methane-production microorganism and co-existed microorganisms will be studied using molecular methods. Fourth, explore the possibility on using biogas wastes as replaced fertilizer by field tests and establish possible application conditions. After checking the test site, the existing process is not good enough to perform the original tasks. Therefore, under the agreement of EPS, the field tests were replaced as lab-scale reactors in order to establish operating parameters for future application. Major results as followed: 1. Based on the results of lab-scale experiments, the best methane production, either accumulated volume and concentration, is obtained when operated under 35 oC with a optimalized methane concentration of 60%. On the other habd, the highest TS concentration applied produced better gas production. 2. Diversity of eubacteria was identified in the anaerobic system including lactic acid producer, cellulose degrader, and desulfur bacteria. As for the methanogens, no significant difference was identified among different operation conditions. However, when operated under 45 oC, the cell number of methanogens dropped significantly. 3. For improving the traditional three-stage piggery wastewater treatment system, based on the batch and continuous flow experiments, optimized mixing (30 rpm) as well as controlling the reactor temperature at 35oC could potentially improve the system performance. 4. The chemical compositions of digestate various with time and unstable, making it difficult to estimate fertilizing quality and reuse amount. This limitation could be overcome by long-term accumulated usage. 5. Under the same nitrogen concentration, the effect of digestate addition on the growth and production of rice, watermelon, green onion, and cabbage are similar to chemical fertilizer. In particular for fast growing plant such as cabbage, digestate has significant effect on its biomass weights since digestate works similar to fast-utilization fertilizer.。 6. A strain of de-sulfur microorganism isolated from this study, Paracoccus sp. M6, processes outstanding sulfur removing ability in which its removing rate is better than what have been reported in the references. Another isolated strain, Thiomonas sp. M22 also processes sulfur accumulating ability. It works better under chemolithotrophic growt. These isolates could be used for bioaugmentation for future systems, 7. Using a mid-size piggery farm (2000 pigs) as example, its wastewater could produce methane gas 52.8 m3/d, generate 75.4 degree/d, and reduce carbon dioxide emission by 28.6 tons/year. 8. Transportation of digestate is the main cost concern. Therefore, it will be better to use it on the nearby farm land or minimize the transportation distance. 9. Currently the regulation on agriculture waste reuse requires case by case application for anaerobic digestate farmland usage. Example from England could be used as reference as it regulate waste source first and set regulation on pathogens, heavy metals, and volatile acids.
英文關鍵字 Biogas waste reuse, Desulfurization, Anaerobic digestion