

中文摘要 本計畫為「雲林縣濁水溪附近鄉鎮河川揚塵暴露調查計畫」之第二期調查工作,主要工作項目為進行學童河川揚塵暴露量之調查分析,調查揚塵期間學童尿液金屬濃度與尿液細胞氧化性傷害,分析學童肺功能,並執行居民生活品質調查、學童及居民之疾病型態與就診率分析、學童衛生教育介入實驗(health education intervention)等。 本年度共執行三次採樣,其中第一次採樣有明顯之河川揚塵事件日發生。河川揚塵事件日暴露組(二崙鄉及崙背鄉)之室外、教室內及住家三個暴露地點其懸浮微粒濃度及金屬元素濃度皆明顯高於對照組(林內鄉及古坑鄉)。以每日PM10懸浮微粒暴露量來評估,暴露組之每日揚塵吸入量均遠高於對照組。以暴露組來比較揚塵事件日與非事件日之差異,發現室外、教室內及住家三個暴露地點其事件日之懸浮微粒濃度及金屬元素濃度皆明顯高於非事件日。在河川揚塵事件日除河川塵土之主要元素其濃度有大幅上升外,另一值得注意的現象是毒性元素(As、Ni、Cr及Co)亦有上升之趨勢。 揚塵事件日國小學童於學校八小時的暴露分析,在塵土攝入途徑方面,發現暴露組的有害金屬(Inorganic arsenic, Cr(VI), Cd and Ni)劑量皆高於對照組的暴露劑量。因缺乏八小時攝入建議值,若與慢性攝入建議值相比,Ni、Cr(VI)與Cd的暴露劑量皆遠低於建議值102以上。 學童尿液中金屬濃度分析,發現揚塵期事件日暴露組之濃度明顯高於對照組,而暴露組揚塵事件日之濃度又顯著於非揚塵事件日之濃度,顯示河川揚塵現象對暴露組學童尿液金屬元素濃度會造成影響。另分析學童尿液之8-oxodG,亦發現暴露組其揚塵事件日之8-oxodG濃度高於非揚塵事件日之濃度。將學童尿液中會影響8-oxodG之金屬濃度(Fe、As、Ni、Cu及V)進一步分析,結果顯示暴露組此類金屬濃度其揚塵事件日之濃度高於非揚塵事件日之濃度。 全民健保資料庫與河川揚塵空品資料之分析,以長期(10年)的資料分析顯示,PM10濃度與兒童慢性肺部疾病及其他上呼吸道疾病之就診人次呈顯著之劑量效應,暗示河川揚塵對生理健康(尤其是肺部疾病)的可能影響。但揚塵低暴露區居民的生活品質與心理健康評估並未較高暴露區居民優良,表示揚塵對心理安適的影響有限。 經教育訓練課程介入後,無論是初階版或進階版課程,在認知題上,立即效果及延宕效果均達統計上之顯著差異,其具有短期與長期之效果,顯示衛教介入之實驗已達到教育之成效。 此外,本計畫亦發現有參與衛教之班級與學童,教室內金屬濃度與學童尿液金屬濃度皆低於無衛教之班級,說明有衛教之班級學童防護行為及觀念較優於無衛教之學童。 本計畫另發現裝設於教室內、外之河川揚塵防護設備,對學童肺功能具有長期的保護效果,且暴露組內無防護設備班級學童之肺功能異常風險,顯著較高於高配合使用防護設備之班級學童(OR=2.47,P=0.012)。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵,暴露量,雲林縣,肌酐酸


專案計畫編號 10118 經費年度 102 計畫經費 11900 千元
專案開始日期 2012/07/30 專案結束日期 2013/07/31 專案主持人 郭崇義 教授
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 呂思妮 執行單位 中山醫學大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度雲林縣河川揚塵暴露調查計劃期末報告.pdf 50MB

Health surveillance for residents exposed to river dust in central Taiwan

英文摘要 This is a second year investigation for the project: “Health surveillance for Yunlin school children exposed to river dust from the Choshui River.”The major purposes of this project are as follows: (1) assessment of the exposure of elementary school children to river-dust, (2) determination of the urinary levels of metal and 8-oxodG in children, (3) conducting the cardiopulmonary function test in children, (4) assessments of quality of life among children and adult residents, (5) estimation of required clinic visits for selected diseases among children and adult residents, and (6) health education intervention. Three sampling periods were executed in this project. One river-dust episode occurred during the first sampling period. During the river-dust episode, the concentrations of PM10 and metals in the outdoors of the classrooms, indoors of the classrooms, and indoors of homes were all significantly higher at the exposure sites (Lunbei Township and Erlun Township) than the levels at the control sites (Gukeng Township and Linnei Township). The daily exposure doses of PM10 aerosols and metals during the river-dust episode were significantly higher at the exposure sites than those at control sites. For the exposure sites, the concentrations of PM10 and metals outdoors of the classes, indoors of the classes, and indoors of homes were all significantly higher during the river-dust episode than those during the non river-dust episodes. Four elements (Ca, Al, Fe & Mg) were identified as the major elements in the river dust of the Choshui River. The concentrations of these four elements in PM10 aerosols showed significant increases during the river-dust episode. However, it is worth noting that the concentrations of toxic metals (As, Ni, Cr & Co) in PM10 aerosols also increased during the river-dust episode. Potential metals exposure via the dust ingestion pathway was evaluated. The results showed that for 8-hr exposure school children in the exposed areas had higher exposure doses of As, Cr(VI), Cd and Ni than did school children in the non-exposed areas. Because of the lack of 8-hr Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) of these metals, we have compared the exposure doses of As, Cr(VI), Cd and Ni observed with their corresponding Chronic RELs. The results showed that the exposure doses of As, Cr(VI), Cd and Ni obtained for school children in the exposed areas were far lower 102 times than the chronic RELs. Urinary metal analysis showed that school children in the exposed areas had significantly higher urinary metal concentrations than did school children in the non-exposed areas during the river-dust period. School children in the exposed areas also showed higher urinary metal concentrations during the river-dust period than during the non river-dust period. Similarly, urinary 8-oxodG analysis revealed that school children in the exposed areas had significantly higher urinary 8-oxodG concentrations during the river-dust period than during the non-river-dust period. It was further noticed that urinary concentrations of Fe, As, Ni, Cu and V involved in the induction of oxidative stress, were significantly higher during the river-dust period than during the non-river-dust period. By merging two datasets in terms of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database and the PM10 data derived from the Lunbei air-quality monitoring station located at Yunlin County, the 10-year data (2002-2011) showed that there are significant dose-response effects between PM10 levels and clinical visits concerning chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract among children, implying that river dust may influence physical health (especially pulmonary diseases). Nevertheless, individuals living in low river-dust exposure areas were not superior to those living in high exposure areas on the assessments of quality of life and mental health, indicating a limited effect of river dust on psychological well-being. After the health education intervention, we found that students in the experimental group had significantly higher scores on knowledge (both in short-term and long-term studies) than did those in the control group. Moreover, the river dust protective equipment installed both in the classroom and outside the classroom may have a long-term protective effect on children's lung function. Furthermore, the risk of lung function abnormalities in the students in the classroom "without protective equipment" were significantly higher than those in the classroom "with high use of protective equipment" in high exposure areas (OR=2.47, P=0.012).
英文關鍵字 aeolian river-dust, residential exposure, Yunlin County, creatinine