英文摘要 |
The objective of this plan is to integrate the vast resources of environmental protection technology from various industries, so as to promote the quality of advanced environment technology and national policy implementation in the future. The achievement of this project has been summarized by five sections and the overview of each section is shown as follows:
I. 2014 Preliminary plan for developing the scheme of environmental protection technology and management:
(1) Arranged a conference for communicating the technology development projects and preliminary review meeting;
(2) Established ten EPA’s technology development projects (include 7 general projects, 2 ICT development projects, and 1 national nanometer project), with a total budget to 226.123 million TWD;
II. Management of the quality of TEPA’s technology project:
(1) Compiled the performance of projects carried out in 2012/2013, including publication of 14 academic papers in domestic and international journals, 41 conference papers and 29 research reports. Assisted in linking and logging in the process of 2013 projects to the GRB information system and also organized the technology development projects of 2014;
(2) Maintaining and updating the website of the Office of Sustainable Development, including technology development projects, the National Nanotech Projects, and Promotion for Environmental Technology Incubator Program;
(3) Updating and supporting the database for maintaining the 948 EPA’s technology project reports and 310 project reports from Air Pollution Fund of EPA since 1997 and 2002 respectively.
III. Organized a Forum on Environmental Technology
Invited experts from industry, officers of government, and scholars from centers of academic research, discussed the prospective trend for future study; focused on three major themes: “The Policy of Environmental Protection and the Research of Technology”, “Cooperation of Environmental Technology between Industry and Academy ”, “Environmental Analysis”. Attendees of Forum also presented 8 research papers and 1 industry-academic cooperation lecture. With total of 122 participants who were satisfied with a rate of 95.9%.
IV. Developing the procedure for reviewing the technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance:
(1) Invited departments which will belong to Ministry of Environmental Resources in the future to participate the meeting and exchanged comments in developing the procedure for reviewing technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance.
(2) Collected related management provisions for research projects commissioned by various government sectors, the regulation of mid-term and final reports commissioned by EPA, to accomplish an edited reviewing of “Management Provisions for Research Projects Commissioned by EPA”.
V. Administrative support and management of “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects”:
(1) Managed the reviewing meetings for Environmental Technology Incubation Centers, including first-elective, mid-term, final review meetings as well as the on-site visits;
(2) Edited the performance of 88 projects that were carried out between 2003 and 2013. EPA has subsidized up to 138.74 million TWD. Those projects have acquired 42 domestic and/or foreign patents, and transferred 32 cases to industry with royalty income of 27.574 million TWD. The ratio of grant-in-aid to royalty income is up to 19.9%, which may be recognized as a successful and good investment.