

中文摘要 1.執行洗掃街作業,增進空氣品質: 依據行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)101年空氣品質年報,統計分析環保署空氣品質監測網之PSI(Pollutant Standards Index,簡稱PSI,空氣污染指標)得知,臭氧及懸浮微粒為造成臺灣地區空氣品質不良的原因,其中臭氧(Ozone,以下簡稱O3)佔空氣品質不良日中的81.3%,懸浮微粒(Particulate matter,以下簡稱PM10)佔18.7%。 各項土木營建工程之發包施工、管線工程之埋設及道路之維護、保養、興建、沙土磚塊之任意堆放或運送不當等所產生之粉塵逸散,若不適時予以移除,將藉由乾、溼沈降作用沈降於地面,並將隨地面活動再度揚起,造成空氣品質惡化,車行揚塵即為最主要之污染型態,街道之洗掃作業為解決防制車行揚塵最有效的方法,藉由移除路面塵土,降低道路揚塵之發生機率。 本年度自102年4月17日開始執行洗街工作,至102年12月16日為止,規劃對嘉義市各行政區之主要道路及測站周圍道路進行洗掃街,洗掃街總長度至少各為10,000公里,本年度共累計執行洗街10,388.3公里、掃街10,685.1公里,洗街累計達成率為103.88 %、掃街累計達成率為106.85 %。 2.洗掃街污染削減量效益推估: 本年度累計洗掃街長度為21,073.4公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減290.81公噸,PM10為54.79公噸。另依據102年嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫書,本計畫歸屬之管制類別為「逸散污染源」,採行管制策略為「加強街道揚塵洗掃作業」,削減規劃方式為「執行洗掃街作業」(含局屬清潔隊作業),預定執行洗掃長度共62,500公里,預期可削減TSP 862.5公噸及PM10 162.5公噸,本計畫執行及局屬清潔隊統計至102年12月16日為止,共執行洗掃長度共73,093.4公里,預期可削減TSP 1,008.69公噸及PM10 190.04公噸,已達到預定目標之116.95%。 3.道路洗掃街成效評估: 為分析洗街作業對街塵之去除情形,並估算本計畫粒狀物削減量,評估洗街作業之減量成效,分別於洗街作業前、後進行TSP、PM10及街塵分析作業,本計畫以嘉義市交通流量較大及測站週邊之重要道路來進行檢測,依此原則選擇中興路、友愛路及博愛路一二段、北港路、忠孝路及吳鳳南路做為檢測路段,分別於102年5月30日、102年5月31日以及102年10月11日、102年10月12日進行檢測,共計各執行12點次TSP、PM10及街塵負荷檢測。 TSP檢測結果分析洗街前以吳鳳南路最高為142 μg/m3,洗街後中興路最低為51 μg/m3 ,TSP改善率以友愛路最大達到34%。在PM10方面,洗街前以北港路及吳鳳南路最高為79 μg/m3,洗街後以中興路最低為32 μg/m3,在PM10改善率也以中興路最高達到27%。 而由街塵負荷結果分析,洗街前以博愛路一二段最大為2.254 g/m2,洗街後也以 博愛路一二段最低為0.096 g/m2。如以洗街前後改善率來看,以博愛路一二段最高,達到89.6%,其餘五條路段改善率介於34.9%至78.8%間。由檢測數據綜合來看,本計畫之洗掃街作業對於減低街道揚塵負荷,進而改善空氣品質,初步已達成效。 4.道路髒污情況普查: 為加強掌握及提升嘉義市道路髒污等級,並作為定期規劃洗掃街路線之參考依據,本計畫每月對嘉義市洗掃街道路進行全面性道路普查工作。從4月起開始進行道路普查工作,本年度共計進行308條次,普查總公里數達710.9公里,從各月份道路普查數據來看,102年4月及5月A級道路比例較低外,其餘月份A級道路均達70%以上,平均A級道路平均達82%,道路普查成果除了可了解嘉義市道路情況,也可依據道路普查成果規劃洗掃街路線。 5.洗掃街現場作業查核: 為確保本計畫之洗掃街工作可達到預期之執行成效以及查核現場作業人員之執行狀況,乃由本工作團隊依招標須知內容規定規劃每2週1次不定時不定點執行洗掃街作業之執行現況調查工作,並定期向環保局回報作業執行狀況。本年度洗掃街作業查核,均著重在執行人員及車輛機具是否能依原有設計性能執行,執行查核頻率為每2週進行1次,計畫期間共完成38條道路之洗掃街現況調查作業,累計的查核總長度為272.8公里,由抽查路段結果顯示,洗掃街作業執行上,均按標準作業程序符合要求。 6.問卷調查: 為瞭解民眾對於嘉義市環境保護局加強街道揚塵洗掃街計畫相關施行看法,進而提供嘉義市環境保護局釐訂政策及加強服務便民之參考,已完成本市洗掃街道路之住家進行問卷調查250份(有效份數)。本次調查共訪問十三項議題,分別是十題單選題、ㄧ題複選題及二題開放題。調查結果分析部份,受訪者性別以女性的比例較高佔61.6%,男性比例佔38.4%。在嘉義市目前空氣品質現況部分,有1.2%的受訪者表示良好,有80.0%的受訪者表示尚可。造成街道揚塵的原因?有100.0%的受訪者認為是「車輛揚塵」;其次為「裸露地表」占12.4%。而在洗掃街道是否有助於空氣品質改善,有96.0%的受訪者表示有助於改善。在街道揚塵洗掃的工作是否支持部份,有89.2%的受訪者表示支持。 7.綠能城市低碳家園宣導活動: 以嘉義市政府倡導的環保意識「綠能城市 低碳家園」作為主題,為響應「世界環境日」所舉辦之活動,主要目的就是要喚起民眾維護環境的意識,並注重節能減碳,延緩全球暖化速度,使重視環境的觀念落實在民眾的生活中,盼能獲得更多市民共同關心環境品質。配合移污計畫辦理,於102年6月2日上午9時嘉義市中央廣場舉行。活動內容分為五個面向,分別為交通綠能行動方案、工業綠能行動方案、住商綠能行動方案、再生綠能行動方案及植生綠能行動方案。 8.洗掃街示範宣導推廣會議: 為讓嘉義市民眾瞭解洗掃街作業之目的、成效及洗掃街作業標準作業程序辦理示範推廣宣導會。已於102年9月27日嘉義市焚化爐會議室舉行。邀請對象為各區里長、環保志工、清潔隊、營建業主及承包商、道路認養企業,共計44位參與。透過辦理洗掃街示範活動,提供洗掃街作業人員觀摩正確之洗掃街方式,並強化瞭解環保署街道洗掃作業相關規範,達到事半功倍之成效,進而減少粒狀污染物排放,改善空氣品質及地球永續發展之目標。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵;洗掃街計畫;削減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 4156 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/21 專案結束日期 2013/12/16 專案主持人 陳慕良
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄒季梅 執行單位 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗掃街計畫-期末報告.pdf 65MB

Strengthen plans on the street washing and sweeping caused by wind-born dust for the Chiayi City in 2013

英文摘要 (I) Perform sweeping and washing operations, enhance air quality: According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) air quality annual report of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2012. With statistics and analysis Taiwan's air quality monitoring network of the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI, it means Pollutant Standard Index) point out that Ozone (O3) and suspended particles both of them caused the poor air quality of Taiwan, and O3 and suspended particles accounted for 81.3 and 18.7 percent of the poor air quality daily (Particulate matter, hereinafter referred to as PM10). The civil construction works such as contract construction, laying of pipeline projects, road maintenance, construction, stacked or transported the sand bricks of any improper arising dust emission, if it not removed timely, it will be subsidence in the ground by dry and wet subsidence, and raised again with the activities on the ground, resulting in deterioration of air quality, the car raises dust that is the most important types of pollution, meanwhile the cleaning and washing operation of streets is the most effective way to control car raises dust probability by a remove road dust, which also reduce the occurrence of road dust. The street-washing had executed since April 17, 2013 until December 16, 2013, and in that time planning the street washing of Chiayi City each administrative region's major roads and stations around the roads, the total length of washing and sweeping the streets each 10,000 km at least , to perform a cumulative total of 10,388.3 km street washing until end, to perform a cumulative total of 10,685.1 km street sweeping until end , and cumulative reach a rate of 103.88% and 106.85%. (II) Effective estimation of pollution reducing by street washing and sweeping: This year street wash and sweep accumulated 21,073.4 km length of the year is according to EPA reduction formula (reductions = length of wash and sweep × reduction coefficient), estimate the reduction of TSP are 290.81 tones, PM10 are 54.79 tones.Based on the control plan of air pollution in Chiayi City, 2013, the plan vest control category of "fugitive sources of pollution", and the adoption of control strategies are "Strengthening street dust cleaning and sweeping job", cuts planning approach is "the implementation of cleaning and washing Street operations"(including the cleaning units of Chiayi City). The scheduled to perform washing and sweeping length is 62,500 km, which is expected can be reduced TSP 862.5 tones and PM10 162.5 tones, while this project execution with the cleaning units of Chiayi City statistics perform washing and sweeping the length of a total of 73,093.4 km until December 16, expected to reduce TSP 1,008.69 tones and 190.04 tones of PM10. The target has been reached 116.95%. (III) Effective evaluation of street washing and sweeping: Analysis of street-washing operates the street dust removal case, and it also estimate the particulate matter reductions of this project, to assess the effectiveness of street washing job reductions, respectively, do the TSP and street dust analysis job before and after the street washing operations. This project choose those traffic flow are larger and around the station roads in Chiayi City to detect, and as the principle of Zhong xing Road, You ai Road , Bo ai Road Sec , Beigang Road , Zhongxiao Road and Wufeng South Road as a detection sections, respectively at May 30 and May 31, 2013 and October 11 and October 12, 2013 for testing, each of the executive a total of 12 times of TSP and PM10 detect and street dust load detection. The TSP test results analysis shows before street washing, Wufeng South Road was 142 μg/m3 with the highest and Zhong xing Road was 51 μg/m3 with the lowest. The TSP improvement rate is You ai Road, which up to 34%. In PM10, Beigang Road and Wufeng South Road were 79 μg/m3 with the highest before street washing , and Zhong xing Road was 32 μg/m3 with the lowest after street washing, the highest rate of improvement in the PM10 is Zhong xing Road up to 27%. By road dust load analysis before street washing, Bo ai Road was 2.254 g/m2 with the maximum load , and the lowest at Bo ai Road was 0.096 g/m2 after street washing. According to the improvement rate of street washing before and after, Sec.1 and Sec.2, Bo ai Road are highest, reaching 89.6%. And the remaining five road improvement rate ranged between 34.9 to 78.8 percent. By the detection of data integration, street washing operations for this project to reduce street dust load, thereby improving air quality, is effectiveness preliminary reached. (IV) Census of dirt road circumstances: To strengthen mastered and enhance road dirt level in Chiayi City, and as the reference regularly planning wash and sweep Street route, this project monthly street washing Road, Chiayi City conducted a comprehensive road census. Road census since April to November 30, statistics a total of 266 times, the census total mileage of 614.8 kilometers, from the road census data of each month, April and May, 2013. A-level roads has lower proportion, rest of the year A-level road reached more than 70%, an average of 79.18% in the average. Road census could understand more about the road conditions in Chiayi City, also according to the road census results to plane the wash and sweep Street route. (V) Operational audit of street-washing: In order to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of street washing and sweeping in this project can achieve the checking of the status of implementation of the field operations personnel to perform once two weeks by the team in accordance with the provisions of the tender notified planning survey of the current status of implementation of the work of street washing and sweeping operations, and on a regular basis job execution status return to the Environmental Protection Agency. The year street washing and sweeping job audit, focus on whether executives and vehicle equipment in accordance with the original design performance execute and perform the audit frequency of once two weeks during the project period, a total of 38 roads street washing and sweeping the status of survey operations, the cumulative checking the total length of 272.8 km, shown by the results of spot checks sections, street washing and sweeping job execution, according to the standard operating procedures meet the requirements. (VI) Survey: In order to understand the people in Chiayi City Environmental Protection Bureau to strengthen the street dust wash Street plan related purposes of view and to provide the Chiayi City Environmental Protection Agency determined policies and strengthen service convenience of reference, completed home washing and sweeping the city streets road 250 questionnaires (questionnaires).The survey interviewed thirteen issues were ten multiple - choice questions, one multiple choice questions and two open problems questions. Analysis of the survey part of the sex of the respondents to the proportion of women is higher, accounting for 61.6% , proportion of males accounted for 38.4%, in the current air quality conditions Chiayi City, 1.2% of the respondents said that good , 80.0% respondents said adequate. Resulting in street dust? 100.0% of the respondents believed that the "vehicle dust "; followed by "the bare surface "(12.4%), street sweeping and washing to help improve the air quality was 96 percent of respondents , whether to support street dust washing and sweeping work, 89.2 percent of the respondents said they support. (VII) Green urban low-carbon homes advocacy activities: "Green urban low-carbon homes" as the theme to the Chiayi City advocate environmental awareness , in response to events , "World Environment Day" organized , the main purpose is to arouse the people to maintain awareness of the environment , and focus on energy conservation and carbon reduction, slow global warming rate, so that the implementation of the concept of environmental importance in people's lives , the hope of common interest to get more people to environmental quality. With the mobile pollution sources project handle , in 2013 at 9:00 on June 2, Chiayi City Central Plaza. Activities are divided into five dimensions, namely transport green energy action plan, industrial green energy action plan, residential and commercial green energy action plan, renewable green energy action plan and vegetation green energy action plan. (VIII) Demonstration advocacy meetings: In order to let people understand the purpose of washing and washing operations, effectiveness and street washing and sweeping the standard operating procedures for handling operations demonstration advocacy meeting. It was held on September 27, 2013 , in Chiayi City incinerator meeting room. Invited to the district in the long, green volunteers, cleaning teams, owners and construction contractors, road adoption enterprises, totaling 44 to participate. Street washing and sweeping through handling demonstration activities, provide washing and sweeping the street washing operations personnel to observe the correct way to sweep the streets, and to strengthen the understanding of EPA street washing and sweeping job-related specifications, to a multiplier effect, thereby reducing pollutant emissions, improve air quality and achieving a sustainable development.
英文關鍵字 street dusting;broom-washing;deducted ratio