

中文摘要 本次專案工程目標為「電腦機房節能改善」,本公司將以高效、管理、環保、節能及減碳為本專案五大規劃設計概念,為 貴單位建構世界級「雲端高效節能機房」。為達成此一自我期許的專案目標。本公司採用施耐德-APC模組化工程技術規劃設計本專案各項工程。在工程完成後 貴單位之「雲端高效節能機房」將達到雲端資訊基礎環境所需的快速彈性擴充、高密度應用及高效節能的要求標準。並同時達成節能、動態調整、快速建置、隨需求擴充、自動化管理及降低總成本等目
中文關鍵字 電腦機房、節能


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-L103-03-003 經費年度 102 計畫經費 6290 千元
專案開始日期 2013/07/31 專案結束日期 2013/11/30 專案主持人 曾錦暉
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 王彥欽 執行單位 西喬系統工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 29MB 電腦機房節能改善計畫(第二階段)_期未報告

Energy Conservation Improvement Project of Data Center (Phase 2)

英文摘要 Regarding of the computer room energy saving and improvement project of the EPA, our project goals and the design concepts are the efficient management, the environmental protection, the energy saving and the reduced CO². The HCST used the Schneider-APC modular engineering technology for planning and designing all the engineering items in this project. And we reached every project target though the Schneider-APC modular engineering technology and constructed the cloud computing and energy efficient computing room of the EPA. After completed all the project works, the EPA cloud computing room already achieved the world-class level target. Presently the EPA computing room has the feature of the flexibility to expand, the application of high-density and the energy-efficient. At the same time, the computer room energy saving and improvement project of the EPA reached the targets just like the energy saving, the dynamically adjusted quickly building, the expansion on demand, the automatic management and reduced the total cost.
英文關鍵字 Computer Room、Energy-Efficient;Data Center