

中文摘要 我國土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)將風險評估與風險管理之概念納入污染場址管理決策依據,並已完成健康風險評估方法之制訂,由於土污法在場址整治目標訂定時,規定必須同時評估對環境影響之風險,環保署遂參考美國、加拿大、澳洲等國家生態風險評估制度與方法,提出生態風險評估執行架構與方法草案,為推動評估方法之執行,本計畫協助建立評估作業執行程序及生態篩選值訂定方法,並進行篩選性生態風險評估之場址實作,提供方法草案之修正建議。此外,本計畫亦協助訂定多項法規辦法,建立依對環境影響與健康風險評估執行整治目標研訂之完整程序。在為強化與改善現行污染場址管理架構方面,本計畫檢討我國現行污染場址管理方式,提出未來場址管理策略與土污法修訂建議。本計畫亦持續進行參數資料之蒐集、更新及本土化評估作業,並依過去實際執行經驗,針對健康風險評估方法內容提出修正與補充建議,完成修訂與公告作業,並依據健康風險評估方法及土壤及地下水污染場址初步評估暨處理等級評定辦法,建置網頁化之電腦計算程式。
中文關鍵字 生態風險評估、風險管理、污染場址


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA11-03-A133 經費年度 102 計畫經費 11900 千元
專案開始日期 2013/11/08 專案結束日期 2015/05/07 專案主持人 賴宜欣
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 陳瑞霖 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA102GA1103A133.pdf 61MB
英文摘要 The Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (SGPRA) included the concept of risk assessment and risk management as a reference to contaminated site management. SGPRA also established and published the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) Protocol. But when establishing site-specific remediation goals, SGPRA requires to assess the risk of environmental impacts. Thus, with references to U.S., Canada and Australia ecological risk assessment, Taiwan EPA proposed a ecological risk assessment frameworkin order to provide guidance when conducting ecological risk assessment. To promote the implementation of assessment methods, this project established the standard operation procedures for the assessment works and the methods to setup the ecological soil screening levels. The project also chose a contaminated site to evaluate the proposed ecological risk assessment method and provided amendment suggestions. In addition, this project also help to setup a number of regulatory measures and proposed the procedures for the establishment of the remediation goals in accordance with the environmental impact and health risk assessment. In order to strengthen and improve the existing contaminated sites management framework, this project review the existing management framework of contaminated sites management, proposed amendments to the management strategies of SGPRA. Lastly, this project continued researching, updating and localizing the data needed for HHRA. With the past experiences, revision and amendment to the existing assessment protocol were suggested. The computer systems were also established for preliminary assessment and human health assessment.
英文關鍵字 Ecological Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Contaminated Site