

中文摘要 為推動環境教育人員訓練管道認證教材編撰,提供相對完整且全面的訓練教材,行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所委託財團法人環境品質文教基金會,邀請國內各領域專家學者共29人,合作編寫「氣候變遷專業領域」訓練教材,包含專業科目60小時課程大綱、教材、上課講義與評量題目,及規劃30小時實務訓練教案。 本計畫除依規定時程提交工作計畫書、期中報告、期末報告,聽取前述審查委員建議外,並規劃有兩輪專業審查會議,協助檢視相關教材教案產出是否合宜。此外,並多次配合 貴所召開之教材格式編撰會議結論,進行教材修改與增編。 為瞭解發展之教材整體狀況,氣候變遷專業領域訓練教材第二版編撰完成後,本計畫另行辦理「氣候變遷專班」訓練講習,公開對外徵求學員,進行教材演練,提供撰稿、編輯團隊後續修訂之參考,並協助撰稿團隊圖表製作以利教材呈現。「氣候變遷專班」學員回饋正面,教材內容適當,應具可執行性。本計畫並參考學員建議,針對實務訓練部分進行調整,包含增加實務訓練總論說明,以及增加教學指引內容等。 「氣候變遷專業領域」專業科目訓練教材共分為20章,依照氣候變遷議題的三個主要核心單元:氣候變遷科學面、氣候變遷衝擊與調適面、氣候變遷減緩面等,進行論述。三大單元之外,另提供氣候變遷整體觀單元,希望協助學員學習與整合課程內容,跳脫各章觀點,用更全面的視野來理解氣候變遷的議題。 實務訓練教案亦依照上述概念進行規畫,共設計有9堂不同課程。各課程類型不完全相同,有些內容偏重科學知識,有些偏重工程,有些著重社會面,有些是一般民眾生活面即可碰觸,期望藉此反映出氣候變遷多元教學之可能。 「氣候變遷專業領域」訓練教材歷經工作進度報告課程與大綱確認、兩輪專業審查委員會討論、三輪教材修訂、其他環境教育人員訓練專業領域教材編輯負責人,以及行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所同仁之協助、督促,得以促成本訓練教材順利產出。期望未來藉由本教材資源之共享,有助於提升教材與教學品質,充實環境教育人員專業領域課程之內容。
中文關鍵字 環境教育;氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 EPTI-101-025 經費年度 102 計畫經費 3050 千元
專案開始日期 2012/10/22 專案結束日期 2013/10/21 專案主持人 柳中明
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 林心怡 執行單位 財團法人環境品質文教基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 氣候變遷期末報告CI.pdf 0MB

To edit the environmental education training materials for“Climate Change

英文摘要 In order to provide comprehensive training materials for environmental education professionals certificate, Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF) was assigned by Environmental Professionals Training Institute, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to develop training materials on “Climate Change”. EQPF invited 29 experts from various fields to co-author “Climate Change” training materials, including 60 hours of professional subjects—syllabus, textbook, handouts and achievement tests, and 30 hours of practical training courses. According to the contract, EQPF submitted the working proposal, the midterm report and the final report, and collected the review committee’s suggestions. In addition, EQPF also held two expert meetings to review the outputs of the materials. In addition, EQPF also held several meetings with EPA to modify the contents and formats of materials. Furthermore, EQPF held a “Climate Change Training Workshop” after completing the 2nd edition of the “Climate Change” training materials. The workshop was opened for the public. The purpose was to get the feedbacks from the students so that we could improve the training materials’ qualities. EQPF received positive feedbacks, in particular, students pointed out the materials could be implemented quite easily. Based on their suggestions, EQPF made some adjustments on practical training courses, including adding an additional chapter on general introduction and the teaching guides. There are 20 chapters for the teaching materials with three main themes -- Science of Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, and Climate Change Mitigation. In addition, we also have an overview part, for those who using the training materials can have an integrated viewpoint of climate Change issues. Following the same logistics, EQPF designed 9 courses for the practical trainings, including scientific knowledge, engineering methods, and social impacts, etc. We hope to reflect the diversity of climate change training materials. We firmly believe these training materials can improve the quality of current training courses on environmental education professionals. We hope more people can be benefited from this training material.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education;Climate Change