

中文摘要 為能有效推動並協助業者進行產品碳資訊之揭露與尋求減碳空間,各國政府與國際間碳足跡/生命週期軟體或資料庫中心除積極建置本土化之碳足跡排放係數資料外,亦紛紛尋求更多的碳足跡排放係數資料來源。因此,本專案工作計畫係透過數據品質系統與iOS裝置之碳足跡計算App程式開發,以及Android裝置之碳足跡計算App程式更新與Web-based碳足跡計算工具之實證與測試等方式逐步完成我國碳足跡計算服務平台工具與應用程式介面之建置。於碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫建置部分,除參考行政院環保署環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS系統)以及國內外相關文獻與研究調查報告等方式持續進行碳足跡排放係數資料庫之建置與擴充外,亦將訂定原生紙及再生紙產品第三類環境宣告(EPD)產品類別規則,並完成1件產品第三類環境宣告輔導及查證工作。此外,為豐富我國碳足跡排放係數資料庫之係數項目,本計畫將彙整與檢核公私部門所提出之碳足跡排放係數並提報產品碳足跡標示技術小組進行審查;同時,為能有效計算分析並確保碳足跡排放係數資訊揭露之正確性,除檢視數據品質系統之應用情形外,亦將協助行政院環保署將數據品質系統相關規範與標準納入我國現行碳足跡計算準則中,以將其制度化。最後,亦將分別透過提供我國本土碳足跡排放係數予供國際常用資料庫、參與亞太碳足跡網絡會議,以及台英國產品碳標籤查證認可機制之可行性研究等工作項目,逐步提升我國碳足跡排放係數資料庫之影響力與國際能見度,進而奠定台灣與國際碳足跡重要研究機構長期碳足跡排放係數交換與合作之平台機制。
中文關鍵字 碳足跡計算服務平台;碳足跡排放係數資料庫;碳足跡數據品質系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-K102-02-204 經費年度 102 計畫經費 9500 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/21 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 王壬
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 鄭惠文 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 Y102年產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫.pdf 16MB

The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure

英文摘要 Under the trend that product carbon footprint calculation is increasingly required, product carbon disclosure has become an important measure for green product marketing. In this project, we will not only develop an interaction platform for data quality system, but also create Apps for iOS. Besides, updating application programming interface such as Apps for the Android platform and web-based carbon footprint calculation tool is also an important task to strengthen the operation function of carbon footprint calculation service platform. In 2012, the official carbon footprint database has already developed by Taiwan EAP in order to simplify data acquirement process and assist Taiwan industries effectively respond relevant and emerging CFP tasks. Hence, the main task of extending the official carbon footprint database should aim at (1) setting up 50 sets of carbon footprint emission factors, (2) creating environmental product declaration and product category rule for paper products, and (3) reviewing the carbon footprint emission factors providing by other government departments or private enterprises (4) assisting Taiwan EPA to update and publish carbon footprint emission factors in the website of Taiwan EPA. In addition, the international cooperation is also established by delivering the international carbon labeling mutual recognition feasibility study to Carbon Trust and providing more than 5 sets of data which are reviewed and published in the website of Taiwan EPA to international database to extend the utilization and application of our official database.