

中文摘要 東南亞為全球生質燃燒排放重要源區,其燃燒量僅次於南美洲與非洲,而東亞地區(包括東南亞)近年來經濟快速發展,工業活動興盛以及化石燃料消耗量大幅增加,皆造成區域空氣污染物排放量增加,不僅衍生日益嚴重的跨區域環境問題,也改變區域輻射平衡。由於我國位居東亞大氣污染與東南亞生質燃燒傳輸途徑之下風處,地理位置優越,適合進行相關大氣化學與輻射研究,如長程傳輸的生質燃燒和人為污染物對區域環境和輻射之影響。2010年環保署曾進行「參與背景空氣品質國際監測合作先期計畫」,推動參與七海計畫(7-SEAS),由本團隊負責執行,參與區域性背景空氣品質監測。本年環保署持續推動南海觀測計畫與國際參與,計畫目標如下: 一、拓展南海區域性大氣污染監測合作,強化國際共同監測機制。 二、建立長程傳輸空氣污染物監測資訊,研析南海地區對我國空氣品質之影響。 三、推動區域國際聯合監測網之建立。 主要工作為持續推動參與國際「七海計畫」,研究長程傳輸的生質燃燒和人為污染物對區域環境之影響,並運用建置鹿林山測站與運作經驗,與泰國、越南合作,建立中南半島上風處生質燃燒污染源區監測站,建置國際監測合作平台網絡雛形。因此,規劃在鹿林山、恆春、東沙、越南、泰國等地,與NASA、越南、泰國合作,進行2013年春季相關大氣污染物聯合密集監測,除充實監測資訊,將探討境外排放空氣污染物長程傳輸對我國之影響,並推動區域監測網之建立,以及未來合作機制。
中文關鍵字 大氣氣膠、生質燃燒、大氣輻射


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA11-03-A217 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2400 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/22 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 許桂榮
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 梁淑婷 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-102-FA11-03-A217.pdf 23MB 期末正式報告

International Collaboration on Air Quality Monitoring in the South China Sea Region

英文摘要 Southeast Asia is a major source region of biomass burning emissions. Moreover, economy is booming in East Asia, including Southeast Asia, resulting in increasing industrial activities and consumption of fossil fuels. The aforementioned activities cause the increases in regional air pollutant emissions and thus serious trans-boundary environmental pollution problems and changes of regional radiation balance and climate. Taiwan is located in East Asia, a region with significant monsoon activities, downwind of the transport paths of the East Asian anthropogenic air pollutant emissions and the Southeast Asian biomass burning emissions. Therefore, the location of Taiwan is very suitable for the studies of impacts of long-range transported biomass burning and anthropogenic emissions on regional air quality and radiation budget. In 2010, Taiwan EPA participated the Dongsha Experiment, which is an international experiment focusing on regional background air quality monitoring during the Southeast Asia biomass burning season. Taiwan EPA keeps supporting the participation of international monitoring projects regarding regional air quality. The main task of this year was to participate the 7-SEAS 2013 spring international experiment. In March and April, Taiwan collaborated with US NASA, Vietnam and Thailand to conduct concurrent intensive measurements at the Mt. Lulin, Heng Chun and Dongsha sites in Taiwan, Son La site in Vietnam, and Doi Ang Khang site in Thailand. Measurements included atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric physics, atmospheric radiation, trace gases, aerosol physics, aerosol chemistry, aerosol optics, and air toxics. Results of backward trajectory analysis for the experiment period indicate that Doi Ang Khang was mainly influenced by emissions from Indochina Peninsula. Son La was influenced by emissions from Indochina Peninsula and southern China. Mt. Lulin was under the influence of the westerlies. Both Heng Chun and Dongsha were influenced by the northeast monsoon. Results of aerosol measurements indicate that aerosol mass concentrations were much higher at Doi Ang Khang and Son La because these sites were located in the springtime biomass burning source region. Mass concentrations of aerosol were much lower at the three Taiwan sites as compared to the source region sites. The 7th 7-SEAS Data and Science Workshop and Technical Training were held in November 11-14 at National Central University in Taiwan. A total of 110 participants, including representatives from the USA, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, attended the workshop.
英文關鍵字 Aerosol、biomass burning、 radiation