

中文摘要 本計畫聚焦於含氯碳氫化合物污染場址,計畫目的在於建立穩定同位素分析方法並應用於解決含氯碳氫化合物污染場址之污染來源判識解讀或釐清污染責任。計畫目標包括:(一)蒐集國內外判識含氯碳氫化合物污染場址污染來源之相關技術與案例,建立含氯碳氫化合物污染來源之判識參考;(二)建立可作為含氯碳氫化合物指紋與穩定同位素分析的判識技術;(三)建立國內使用或生產之含氯碳氫化合物指紋;(四)選定國內地下水受含氯碳氫化合物污染之場址,進行污染來源判識技術之實場驗證。 計畫成果包含擬定場址之污染來源的判識作業參考指引。對含氯碳氫污染分析方法,本計畫亦成功發展包含碳、氯、氫等三種穩定同位素分析技術。同時,對土壤及地下水中常見四氯乙烯、三氯乙烯與氯乙烯等三種污染物進行穩定同位素特徵研究,並進一步針對國內廠家生產氯乙烯之廢水、有機廢液與原物料進行特徵比較與資料庫之整建。實場驗證部分,依據優先或急迫性需求,選定國內含氯碳氫化合物污染場址,應用環境判識技術在調查污染來源。本計畫成果有助於後續發展環境判識調查技術,有效提升含氯碳化合物污染場址之調查成效。
中文關鍵字 環境鑑識技術、穩定同位素分析、含氯碳氫化合物污染場址


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA13-03-A261 經費年度 102 計畫經費 21500 千元
專案開始日期 2013/07/16 專案結束日期 2015/01/15 專案主持人 許心蘭
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張富傑 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 含氯計畫期末報告_公開版_上傳.pdf 28MB

Application of Environmental Forensics on Investigation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Contaminated Site

英文摘要 This project focuses on the chlorinated ethenes (CEs) contaminated sites. The purpose was to apply environmental forensic techniques, especially the compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA), for source identification at contaminated sites. The objectives of this project includes: (1) Collecting and reviewing the published literaturesand research reports about environmental forensics technologies, and providing a guideline for identification of CEs sources at contaminated sites. (2) Developing the CSIA analytical approaches for CEs compounds. (3) Investigating and characterizing the fingerprints of CEs products manufactured or used by domestic factories. (4) Evaluating the practicability of applying CSIA at domestic CEs contaminated sites. The achievements of this project included developing investigation guideline for identification of CEs sources at contaminated sites. We also successfully developed CSIA of carbon, chlorine, and hydrogen stable isotopes for the common contaminants in soil and groundwater, such as tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and vinyl chloride. Furthermore, the stable isotope and chemical fingerprints of several different domestic vinyl chloride manufacturers were studied by collecting their products, wastewater and wasted solvents. Despite different manufacturers may have similar chemical fingerprints, it was found that their stable isotope signatures were different and thus can serve as a fingerprint for source differentiation. As the ultimate goal of development CSIA is to provide critical information for source identification, four domestic sites contaminated by CEs were selected for practice. With the achievement of this project, the field-need oriented CSIA was developed and the results of field practice showed that this technique is promising and indeed can provide unique information about the sources.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Forensics Technology, Compound Specific Isotope Analysis, Chlorinated Ethenes Contaminated Sites