

中文摘要 本計畫目的為辦理全國性環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽;經由各直轄市、縣(市)政府環境保護局及教育局(處)的地區性初賽辦理,至全國性的環保知識競賽活動,按照點而面的實施方式,先讓地區的參賽者熟悉環保知識競賽型式和題目類型,以於全國性的環保知識競賽活動能達到平等性的競賽環境,真正實踐民眾對於環保知識知和行學習的目的。本計畫完成之工作事項為: 1.辦理全國22縣(市)總決賽,負責場內競賽進行即問題處理相關事項。 2.聘邀全國22縣(市)總決賽共8位環境教育或環境工程專長相關的專家學者,組成總決賽裁判團,每組別2位專家學者各擔任裁判長及裁判委員,以維持公平及公正的競賽品質。 3.聘請全國22縣(市)總決賽共4位場內競賽司儀,進行場內競賽活動主持,並進行活動開幕及頒獎典禮。 4.安排十位人力學習使用IRS即時反饋系統,進行場內競賽儀器操作;並準備讀卡機、答案卡及一應相關文具作為競賽備案。 5.研擬全國環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽之競賽規則。 6.於102年12月14日辦理國小組、國中組、高中(職)組及社會組全國總決賽。 7.規劃並安排全國22縣(市)總決賽參賽選手及參與人員包含競賽場地、休息區域、餐飲、交通住宿、裁判、主持人及司儀聘請、賽事轉播、獎金及獎狀發放等相關事宜。 8.針對全國22縣(市)總決賽規劃活動網站,進行線上轉播並公告活動相關事宜。 9.於全國22縣(市)總決賽活動會場設置五關闖關遊戲,並提供價值新台幣六萬元總計71個獎項,供完成闖關遊戲之參賽選手及參與人員抽獎。 10.完成活動各項製作物設計及製作。 11.於全國22縣(市)總決賽活動後達到共21則媒體曝光,並獲得共805,000元之媒體效益。
中文關鍵字 環境教育


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-EA04-03-A176 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5065 千元
專案開始日期 2013/06/17 專案結束日期 2013/12/20 專案主持人 呂正敏
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 陳孝仲 執行單位 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA102EA0403A176.pdf 19MB

Environmental Knowledge Challenge Competition Project

英文摘要 The project aims at organizing the environmental knowledge challenge competition around Taiwan. The preliminary round was held by each city (county)’s Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Education, which allowed the participants to get familiar with the environmental knowledge contest forms and types of questions at the national environmental knowledge contest to achieve equality of the competition ; the target is to increase participants and citizens’ awareness and knowledge about environmental protection. The following is a list of the project content: 1.To organize the final round of the environmental knowledge challenge competition in 22 counties or cities. 2.To invite 8 scholars from the field of environmental education or environmental engineering as judges to maintain the equity and quality of the competition. 3.To invite 4 contest moderators to host the opening ceremony, competition, and award ceremony. 4.Arrange 10 staffs to operate the Interactive Response System (IRS) 5.To develop the environmental knowledge challenge competition final round’s competition rules. 6.Arrangethe four groups: elementary, junior high school, senior high school and social groups, to the final competition on December 14, 2013. 7.Arrange 22 counties or cities’ final round participants’accommodation, transportation, dinning, resting area, competition area, judges, broadcast, host, awards and etc.… 8.To broadcast the competition live on the event website and to announce the latest announcement related to the competition on the event website. 9.Set-up interactive games in 22 counties or cities’ during the final competition. And give-out 71 drawing prizes, which is equivalent to $60,000 NTD, to citizens who participated in the interactive game. 10.Completed the finals event production for design and production. 11.To reach a total of 21 media exposure; 805,000 NTD of media effect.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education