

中文摘要 本計畫研究團隊結合先前研究計畫之資料,比較92名來自一般民眾的對照受試者,以及48位自認為有電磁波敏感症的受試者(自陳敏感症者),發現自陳敏感症者女性所佔比例較高(67.6%),而對照組之年齡分布較為年輕;在職業、教育程度、及自覺健康狀況上,兩組沒有顯著差異。進一步比較試驗前及試驗中的自我感覺,兩組間在各項敏感症狀的感受上也沒有顯著差異。在激發試驗中,兩組受試者都未能正確感受到電磁波的激發,而且所陳述的感受與真實狀況相差甚多。受試者的敏感症狀感受與電磁波的激發沒有顯著的相關性之影響,而受試者的血壓、脈搏、與心率變異等三項生理指標值的變化,也未因電磁波的暴露而有顯著的改變。 雖然電磁波不會影響受試者的生理指標變化或敏感症狀的出現,解答了諸多受試者的疑慮,但是自陳敏感症者的症狀來源仍須重視。除心理因素之外,也可能是其他身體狀況或疾病引起,因此在排除他們的症狀不是由電磁波所造成之後,仍須對這些人作進一步之健康照護安排。因此,本計畫建議持續提供此受試平台供民眾使用,並劃規對受試者的後續鑑別診斷與健康照護的流程。未來除了持續收案的資料分析之外,本計畫也建議對長期暴露的可能慢性作用,可利用某些高暴露職業族群的研究,做進一步的探討。 本計畫也進行環境電磁波長期監測技術的研究,並在兩個都市中進行環境電磁波的實際監測工作。工作內容包括蒐集國際先進國家有關環境電磁波長期監測技術之相關研究與成果,進行環境電磁波長期監測技術的建立。另外也在台北與新北兩都會區進行移動式電磁波量測與固定點式電磁波長期監測,最後分析電磁波長期監測結果,並評估對環境的影響。
中文關鍵字 基地台;非游離輻射;電磁波;電磁波敏感症


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-U1F1-02-105 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2150 千元
專案開始日期 2013/05/27 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 蕭振龍
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 千一科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA102U1F102105P.pdf 14MB

Non-Ionizing Radiation experience and exposure assessment and long- term environmental monitoring re

英文摘要 Combined with the cases of previous study, 92 controls and 48 self-reported EMF sensitivity were enrolled into the study. The proportion of female in the case group was higher compared to the control. The average age of control was younger than the cases. In addition, there were no differences in the job, education, and feeling of health. Comparing the sensitivity syndromes under the provocation of EMF, no differences were found between the cases and controls. Both of cases and controls cannot sense the provocation of EMF correctly. Neither the syndromes reported by the participants were not relevant to the provocation of EMF, nor the physical data such as blood pressure, pulse, and EKG. Our study provided the evidences that the syndromes were not caused be the provocation of EMF, which answered the doubt of the self-reported EMF sensitivity. Nevertheless, the causes of the syndromes cannot be omitted. Except for the psychological factors, there maybe another etiological factors contribute to the syndromes. Maintaining the EMF verification platform for the suspected self-reported EMF sensitivity is necessary, besides, we also suggest constructing a health caring system to help the people suffering from their sensitivity syndromes. In the future, we will keep on enrolling more self-reported EMF sensitivity. We also suggest to investigate the chronic health effect of occupations highly exposure to EMF. The project also studied on the environmental electromagnetic (EM) wave long-term monitoring techniques, and performed EM wave monitoring in two cities. The works include collecting the research results of advanced countries about the EM wave long-term monitoring, and establishing EM wave long-term monitoring techniques. In addition, Mobile measurement of EM wave and fixed location long-term EM wave monitoring were also performed in the Taipei and New Taipei metropolitans. The results were analyzed to assess the impact of the electromagnetic waves on the environment.
英文關鍵字 Base Station;Non-Ionizing Radiation;Electromagnetic Wave;Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity;EHS