

中文摘要 102年度除了延續以往將節能減碳理念推廣的網站經營方向之外,更積極的以培養大專種子及地方種子教師等實體活動及舉辦網路有獎活動的方式配合環境教育的理念,推動節能減碳教育,更配合環保署低碳永續家園政策為推廣重點,輔導地方單位逐步落實低碳生活行動,朝打造低碳永續台灣的目標前進。 一、辦理活動行銷與推廣氣候變遷及節能減碳等概念 為吸引不同族群一同關注相關議題,規劃了「終結暖化文創作品徵選活動」邀請全民一起發揮創意,並利用網路投票的有獎活動,有效行銷環保署政策。 在實體活動部分,舉辦3場次的「低碳永續家園先鋒團」邀請推廣專職人員參訪落實低碳生活表現優異的場域。及深耕大專生的「青年減碳夢工廠」培訓營2場次,提供青年學子發揮創意、提供想法的舞臺。活動深受參與者喜歡,透過問卷調查活動滿意度高達96%及100%,在低碳生活的了解與能夠執行的信心有顯著的提升。 以上活動共吸引超過900人次參與實體活動,78,141人次訪客造訪活動網頁,有9家媒體協助報導,有效協助議題曝光,經過歷年活動經驗分析,若想達到良好的宣傳成效,應以淺顯易懂、貼近生活的活動方式吸引民眾的興趣,再逐步增加議題推廣的深度,能達到較好的議題曝光成效。 二、協助地方環保機關逐步落實低碳永續家園並協助推廣 延續101年推動環保機關確實落實減碳行動,102年度則是將其落實經驗推動至轄區內相關單位之作為,102年度地方評比當中,成功推動地方相關單位共同響應,鼓勵641個單位響應落實單位內部減碳;也因為持續推動節能減碳,在評比期間內,有15個縣市在住商用電部分較去年減少。 除了持續推動地方落實減碳之外,103年度更配合「低碳永續家園」政策,在經過專家諮詢會,邀請專家針對草案提出建言,確保方向正確及評比的公平性後,邀集22縣市承辦人員舉辦研商會議,確認辦法於地方落實之可行性,協助擬定「103年度直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比辦法」。 三、擴增節能減碳平台功能 綠網節能減碳平台持續維護輕鬆、活潑及親民的推廣界面,協助環保署減碳訊息曝光,作為民眾減碳知識取得之媒介也整理了食、衣、住、行減碳作法,同時每日更新國內外減碳訊息,彙整國內政府機關落實低碳蔬食執行成果,及時提供地方減碳活動推動訊息。 理念的推廣需要多管道經營,才能將正確的理念、落實的動力確實的推廣到家庭及個人,本年度除了增加「食在低碳」專區,希望提供更多資訊,讓一般民眾了解選擇食物時只要多一分考慮,就能有效的減少溫室氣體的排放,也建置「節能減碳教材推廣」專區,幫助深耕於地方的種子教師能更有動力的推廣,希望能提昇全民減碳行為潛力,藉此協助推動低碳永續願景。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳、綠網節能減碳平台、節能減碳績效評比


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA11-03-A224 經費年度 102 計畫經費 7500 千元
專案開始日期 2013/06/27 專案結束日期 2014/02/28 專案主持人 楊懿資
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 翁婉珊 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 全文.pdf 52MB

The plan of Advocacy to promote The Cooler platform of the Ecolife Website

英文摘要 The following tasks were completed under the project: In 2013, in addition to continuing the website's goal which is about the promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction, we have keenly promoted energy saving and carbon reduction education by creating interactive activities to foster college students and local seed teachers and holding online activities with prizes based on environmental education concepts. Moreover, corresponding to Environmental Protection Administration's (EPA) low-carbon and sustainable policy, we have guided local institutions to gradually conduct low carbon lifestyle, looking forward to creating a sustainable goal for Taiwan. 1. Organize activities for marketing and promoting the concepts of climate change, energy saving and carbon reduction To attract a variety of groups to focus on the related environmental issues, we have organized "Eliminating Global Warning Writing Competition," inviting citizens to present creativity and use online voting activities with prizes for an effective promotion of the EPA's policy. About interactive activities, "The Pioneer Group for Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland" has been organized three times, inviting full-time members to visit places where low carbon policy is conducted. Additionally, " Yong Dream Carbon Reduction Factory" has been organized twice, providing the young people with a stage to show creativity and ideas. The both activities, which achieve 96% and 100% of satisfaction respectively, are highly satisfied and can effectively enhance the understanding on low carbon lifestyle and the faith to achieve the goals. The interactive activity has attracted more than 900 people joined and the online activity has 78,141 visitors, both of which have been assisted to report the news by 9 media, effectively making the issues be spread out. After the analysis based on the activity experiences in previous years, we have realized that, to make a better promotion achievement, the activity should be easy to understand and close to people's lifestyles, and then gradually broaden the difficulty of topics. 2.Assist local environmental protection bureaus to gradually conduct low carbon and sustainable homeland, and help promotion By continuing the carbon reduction activities promoted by environmental bureaus in 2012, the activity in 2013 was to promote the experience learned in the last year to the related local departments. From the 2013 local evaluation, it is shown that the promotion has been successfully passed on to local departments and encouraged 641 departments to follow and conduct inside. Due to energy saving and carbon reduction being continued, during the evaluation, there are 15 counties/cities whose living and business electricity consumptions are less than the last year. In addition to continuing the promotion of carbon reduction in local areas, corresponding to "Low Carbon and Sustainable Policy", we have assisted to draft "2014 Performance Evaluation of Low Carbon Living in Special Municipalities and Counties/Cities Environmental Protection Bureaus" after the counseling meeting which experts have suggested and confirmed that the direction is correct and the evaluation is fair. Also, we have held a conference inviting responsible members in 22 counties and cities to make sure the regulations are doable in local areas. 3.Add the Function on Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Platform Ecolife maintains its platform featuring in a pleasure, lively and populist style for promotion, assisting the EPA to release carbon reduction information. As the platform for the public to receive new knowledge, it integrates carbon reduction actions on food, clothes, living, and transport. Meanwhile, it upgrades domestic and international carbon reduction information every day, integrates low carbon and vegetarian food lifestyle achievements that the domestic government institutions conducted, and provides local areas with information on carbon reduction activities in real time. The promotion of ideas needs to be operated by multiple channels whereby correct ideas and conduct can be actually promoted to families and individuals. In addition to adding "Low Carbon Diet" category on the platform this year, we hope to provide more information, allowing the public to realize that the emission of greenhouse gas can be reduced as long as people think twice before purchasing food. Additionally, "Teaching Materials for Carbon Reduction and Energy Saving" category has been set up to help local seed teachers have more motivation for promotion and hope to enhance the public's potential on carbon reduction thereby assisting the vision of low carbon homeland coming true.
英文關鍵字 Energy efficiency and carbon reduction, the Cooler platform of the Eco Life website, carbon reduction performance assessment