

中文摘要 本計畫工作自102年5月6日起開始執行,計畫期程為一年,計畫重要執行成果如下: (一) 辦理稽查人員教育訓練:於102年6月24日與噪音計畫共同辦理教育訓練,於環保局新營區與東區辦公室辦理,訓練內容為讓稽查人員熟悉稽查設備使用、瞭解修訂後管理辦法差異及因應方式,並進行稽查實務討論,共計有41人參加。 (二) 提供紅外線熱像儀:於102年5月6日計畫開始即提供4台紅外線熱像儀供環保局稽查使用。 (三) 執行車輛稽查或宣導:本計畫共計執行怠速車輛勸導809輛。 (四) 輔導設置告示牌:共計輔導新增101處告示牌地點,分別為50處加油站、21處幼兒園及30處安親補習班,合計102面告示牌。 (五) 宣導標語跑馬燈:共計有30處商家、學校及補習班等單位協助播放,並予以錄影或拍照存證。 (六) 怠速宣導網頁維護:針對怠速宣導專屬網頁,每日提供氣溫預報之更新,有新聞稿或相關訊息均當月進行更新發佈。 (七) 平面及電子媒體宣導:於102年6月、10月、11月及103年2月、3月、4月各發布一篇新聞稿及102年11月30日完成一篇平面媒體宣導廣告。 (八) 推廣零怠速自主管理:校園零怠速自主管理的推動,選定億載國小及學甲國小兩所學校作為零怠速示範學校,並設置零怠速示範學校告示牌、辦理大型宣導記者會、成立零怠速宣導小天使,並在學校週邊加強宣導與勸導工作,讓家長及民眾皆能遵守停車即熄火,讓學童能遠離汽機車怠速所造成的危害。於103年4月16日進行新一批怠速小天使教育訓練。 (九) 大型宣導活動 配合宣導校園零怠速政策,102年11月29日辦理「停車即熄火 共創低碳校園」大型記者會宣導活動,宣示推動校園零怠速政策,記者會內容除了有億載國小學童所表演校園零怠速短劇,亦將兩校新成立怠速勸導小天使,在新聞媒體面前正式亮相,再搭配零怠速示範學校告示牌揭示,爭取到各大新聞媒體採訪與版面,增加校園零怠速方案曝光,使民眾及家長能夠瞭解政策內容,進而於學校周邊皆能停車即熄火,保護學童健康。 (十) 小型宣導活動:於103年2月15日搭配「2104全國客家日『簡樸樂活、客家好樣」在文化中心活動現場設置宣導攤位進行宣導。103年4月4日配合103年之地球環境季系列活動之『大煙囪世界之旅-創意寫生』活動,於永康焚化廠回饋設施『水多多』前設置宣導攤位進行宣導。 (十一) 平均怠速時間調查:各類別總平均怠速時間為7.3分鐘,怠速率較高者為交通接駁點之6.9%,並以高鐵站怠速率為最高。 (十二) 違反管理辦法開罰案件:由環保局稽查科東區小隊在103年2月6日於北門路開出一張小客車怠速違規案件稽查單;103年3月11日及14日,於生產路針對同1輛怠速違規車輛,二日各開出一張違規案件稽查單;總計開出3件怠速違規罰單。 (十三) 本計畫執行完畢,相關之建議如下: 1. 氣溫高仍應加強勸導 天氣熱是會怠速吹冷氣的主要起因,更應該要加強宣導與勸導,才不會使民眾認為超過30度就可以肆無忌憚的怠速,就不會形成管制上的空窗,使管制政策在天氣熱時淪為口號。 2. 易怠速地點之計畫性稽查 未來建議稽查人員針對易怠速之重點地點,搭配重點時段進行稽查勸導,可增加稽查勸導的減量效益。尤其是怠速比率高的高鐵站臨停接送區,貨車停放中午吹冷氣休息怠速時間長的地點等,這些地點應安排有計畫性的稽查勸導。 3. 零怠速之推廣 推動低碳城市若能透過教育局協助加強校園零怠速之推動,讓各級學校能夠加強管制接送之怠速狀況,再利用教育學生的方式,進而去影響家長,減少接送怠速之狀況,必可達到進一步的減量效果。
中文關鍵字 反怠速;校園零怠速


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2251.2 千元
專案開始日期 2013/05/06 專案結束日期 2014/05/05 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 莊雅絮 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度臺南市反怠速稽查管制計畫.pdf 31MB

2013 Tainan Idle Speed Monitoring and Control Project

英文摘要 Launched on May 6, 2013, the project of idle speed monitoring and control has been executed for a year and concluded with the following major achievements: (一) Training for inspectors was introduced on June 24, 2013 in conjunction with training program for noise control project at the environment authorities’ offices in both Sinying and East Districts. Some 41 inspectors were trained to familiarize with monitoring device and management guidelines and actions, while taking part in discussion on actual inspection practices. (二) Four Infrared thermal imaging machines were provided for environment monitoring officials. (三) A total of 809 vehicles at idle speed were admonished during the project span. (四) Advisory signs were installed in 101 spots, 50 of which are gas stations, 21 are kindergartens, and 30 childcare and cram schools. In total, 102 signs were installed. (五) Tickers promoting the project have been displayed in 30 businesses, schools, and cram schools. They were also filmed or taped. (六) Websites dedicated to the project have been created to provide updates on weather forecast and news on a monthly basis. (七) In June, October, November, 2013 and February, March, April, 2014, one news report was released monthly. A promotion advertisement was published through print media on November 30, 2013. (八) Autonomous management was strongly encouraged. Yizai and Syuejia Elementary Schools were chosen as model schools for project execution, with advisory signs, large-scale press conferences, anti-idle-speed promotion volunteers as well as other monitoring and control tasks corresponding to such project. Parents and citizens have been able to comply with the rule by switching off the engine when having their vehicle pulled over for the safety of their children. On April 16, 2014, a group of new volunteers underwent training in idle speed monitoring and control. (九) Large-scale events: A large press conference was held on November 29, 2013 in accordance with the idle speed control policy on campus, featuring short drama plays performed by Yizai Elementary School students. The little volunteers were also exposed in front of the media with advisory signs posted by schools that pursue zero idle speed. The event won enormous media coverage and enlightened the public with the benefits of cutting back on idle speed, thus facilitating children’s health. (十) Small-scale event: The 2014 Hakka LOHAS Life event was held on February 15, 2014 at the Tainan Cultural Center, where there was a stand for promoting the project. On April 4, a stand was set up at an outdoor creative sketch event held at Super Water resort in front of Yong-kang Incinerator to advocate the project. (十一) Average idle speed survey: The average time of all vehicles idling is 7.3 minutes. Vehicles at idle speed are most seen at major traffic terminals, which accounts for 6.9% of total violations and occurs especially at high speed rail stations. (十二) Violation and fines: An citizen's vehicle was issued a ticket by our inspection squad (affiliated with the City’s Dept. of Environment) based in East District for idle speed on Bei-men Road on February 6, 2014. On March 13 and 14, 2014, one vehicle was given a ticket two days in a row for the same violation. Three tickets in total in violation of the policy were issued. (十三) Further recommendations beyond the current project: 1. Reinforced monitoring despite heat It seems logical to have a car stay idle and enjoy air conditioning inside when it is scorching outside. But it takes extra monitoring and supervision in this condition so that people don’t get out of control and not show any respect for the policy. 2. Location-specific inspection Certain spots and time frames are particularly prone to vehicles at idle speed and require particular attention from inspectors, e.g. designated pick-up zones at high speed rail stations and parking for trucks and trailers especially at noon. Special arrangements are advised to be made. 3. Promotion of zero idle speed It would be highly efficient to promote low-carbon urban planning with the assistance by education officials with advertising zero idle speed on campus and more reinforced control and further training and education.
英文關鍵字 zero idle;No idleing