

中文摘要 本計畫自102年4月19日簽約執行至102年11月15日止,各項工作階段執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、臺東縣環境保護極短片發表與觀摩體驗 本年度臺東縣環境保護極短片計有20件作品參賽,經組成4委員之評審團後,於6月3日進行作品評選。評審委員包含臺東縣環保局環境衛生管理科陳炳伸科長、臺東縣萬安國小何錦尚校長、國立臺東大學美術產業學系施能木副教授、及臺東縣休閒旅遊協會歐業偉副總幹事等,評選結果選出第1~第5名、5名優選及10名佳作。得獎作品已於6月11日公開進行頒獎,其中前5名作品並置於臺東縣環境教育資訊網供大眾點播欣賞。 二、環境教育戶外學習 1.知本自然教育中心 本次活動於5月13日至5月30日間分7梯次辦理,計有國中小學師生共353人參與,學生透過親身參與知本自然教育中心結合場域之環境教育課程,培養學童的環保意識,提昇主動關心環境教育事務的意願,並影響家人、朋友,以達到人與自然和諧相處的目標,也在學習中獲得環境保護與自然的奧妙的知識。 2.焚化廠 配合4月22日世界地球日,本計畫特別選在4月22、23日於台東縣焚化廠舉辦環境教育戶外巡禮活動。這一次的活動成功吸引454名台東縣內的教師及學童參加。小朋友們第一次走進焚化廠,對於廢棄物處理的過程無不嘆為觀止。也認識到垃圾焚化的優點是減少垃圾的體積,焚化後的垃圾已經過高溫殺害其中的毒素,較為安全無害。但建造焚化爐所需的成本高昂,也可能產生其他污染,因此減少垃圾產生與資源回收再利用才是根本之道。 3.聖母健康農莊 本次活動成功吸引共141名台東縣內政府機關員工及ㄧ般民眾參加,活動目的主要希望透過親身參與聖母健康農莊,瞭解農家生活、農業生態、與農業休閒。此外,藉由低碳餐飲、大地活動、戶外教學、環保酵素DIY 及實地參觀有機蔬菜園之栽種與有機肥料之製作方式,讓人們認識常見的蔬菜,知道植物生長所需的條件,有機的耕種方式及注重自然生態及環境資源的維護,體會人類和自然界的關係,知道人類活動會改變環境。而透過生態觀察,可以認識常見的動、植物的生活生長,暸解生命的多樣性,促進人類與自然界的合諧關係。 4.永安社區環境教育中心 本年度金秋環境季活動規劃於永安社區辦理,並依對象區分為學校師生及一般民眾分別辦理,其中供一般民眾共參與者有2場次221參加、供學校師生參與者3場次368參加。活動由「發現玉龍泉」揭開序幕,「生態廊道」以及「五感世界」導覽緊接於後,讓參與者體驗永安社區豐富生態。最後進行環保素材「DIY創作」,從環保自然素材的各種利用與運用,宣導再利用的觀念,讓參與者者在趣味操作中學習,啟發其重視環保自然的心靈。 5.關山人工溼地 關山人工溼地探索一連3天舉辦共吸引國中小師生300人參與,本活動相當受到重視,因以往溼地探索活動較少辦理。人工溼地探索讓學生們瞭解到人工溼地淨化水質功能,將污水中重金屬、磷酸鹽、有機質、氨氮、亞硝酸氮及硝酸氮去除,達到水質淨化的目的。此外,人工溼地生態豐富,透過導覽人員解說,讓學生們無不歎為觀止。 三、環境教育法第19條及第24條相關作業 1.協助辦理環境教育講習 計畫執行期間,每月1日由環保局所提供之講習名單,規劃講習課程及講座邀請,並於當月底開課。總計5~10月份共辦理6場,通知講習人數316人,完成講習154人,在扣除請假、異地申請、未送達等人數不計之下,整體出席率為80.9%。 2.輔導未依第19條規定辦理之單位 本計畫已分別於102年4月23日及5月6日分別輔導台東縣金峰鄉賓茂國民小學與蘭嶼鄉民代表會,經輔導說明後各單位均已詳細了解每年度環境教育相關計畫及成果提報時間,並清楚了解線上申報流程,其101計畫未提報之缺失,也於輔導說明會當日進行改善。 3.環境教育說明會 完成全縣16鄉鎮市走透透之環境教育說明會,除提供4小時環境教育外,亦能就近接受環境教育指定對象諮詢。 四、環境教育志工培訓及創意教學工作坊 1.環境教育志工培訓 本年度志工招募訓練共辦理7場次,分別為「環境教育志工特殊訓練」(2場)、資源回收志工特殊訓練」(2場)、「河川巡守志工特殊訓練」、「綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練」及「志工基礎訓練」。完成1.環境教育志工特殊訓練人數48人;2.資源回收志工特殊訓練人數41人;3.河川巡守志工特殊訓練人數31人;4.綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練人數30人;及5.志工基礎訓練人數30人。 經訓練完成之志工,即可提供環境保護志工服勤能力,將人力資源做最有效的運用。102年環境教育志工總計運用153人次、700人時,而服務人數則近萬人。 2.創意教學工作坊 創意教學工作坊邀請32位本縣國民中小教師、高中教師及教育處相關人員,進行2天1夜的參訪行程。本年度環境創意教學工作坊主要參訪台南市後壁區永安國民小學及高雄市美濃區龍肚國民小學,並辦理1場環境教育創意教學策略研討與經驗交流以講座。經由學校之間能相互觀摩相互學習,及經驗分享交流,創意教學工作坊使與會學員建立積極正面的價值及態度,以引導學生產生環境行動力。 五、相關輔導作業 1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導 環境教育設施場所認證說明會已於102年5月21辦理,本次說明會邀請臺東縣唯一取得環境教育設施場所認證之永安社區,前來分享「環境教育設施場所認證經驗」,會中藉由環境教育設施場所輔導問卷調查表,初步瞭解各場所申請狀況符合情形及其申請意願,並選出4個場所本身條件及意願較高之單位,分別為「國立台灣史前文化博物館」、「卑南文化公園」、「台東縣自然史教育館」及「初鹿牧場」進行後續輔導。 經實地現勘輔導後,各單位相關設施與資源均相當豐富,且「國立台灣史前文化博物館」與「卑南文化公園」於7月分取得人員認證後,都已具備環境教育設施場所認證條件,但因其內部既有業務排擠因素,至今仍未遞件申請;其餘2處則仍未有認證環境教育人員。 2.社區改造及環保校學堂計畫輔導 為協助協助臺東縣轄內各社區瞭解103年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂計畫,本計畫於102年10月23日辦理1場說明會,而由進一步輔導鼓勵,目前計有5社區表示申請社區環境改造計畫之意願;另有2社區表示申請環保小學堂計畫之意願,後續將持續協助具申請意願之社區填寫申請文件。 六、協助各項環境教育競賽作業 1.第2屆國家環境教育獎 本年度已於102年5月21日辦理1場次國家環境教育獎參選說明會,並經環保局及本計畫之努力甄件,至6月30日報名截止日前,本縣計有3類3件參與本年度國家教育獎,分別為個人類:陳雲芳小姐;學校類:國立台東大學附設實驗國民小學;以及民營事業類:超能生化科技股份有限公司(初鹿牧場)。經組成各類參選項目之評審團後,於10月25辦理現地勘查,審查委員依據書面文件資料及現場勘查討論結果,給予參賽者建議事項,並由参賽者進行參賽文件補件作業,現階段乃將參賽補件文件提交委員作最後評定中。 2.環保志(義)工環境知識競賽 活動分兩階段進行,首先縣內初賽共有8支隊伍,約120人組隊報名參加。透過地方初賽的辦理結果,集結約70名優良之環保志(義)工組成「台東金鑽隊」參加102年9月7日由行政院環境保護署舉辦的「全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」活動,與全台各縣市的環保志(義)工們一較高下。最後「台東金鑽隊」在掃除貪瀆接力賽、認識環教場所、同心協力做環保等競賽項目勇奪全國第三名;在廉潔誠信大拼圖競賽項目取得第四名之佳績,將平日對於環境保護的知識及團隊合作默契展露無遺。 3.臺東縣環保知識挑戰擂台賽 本年度縣內初賽計有國小組121人、國中組107人、高中職組17人與成人組40人,四組合計285人參與,和去年參賽比較,人數增加50%。經過一番激烈的環保知識挑戰後,今年每組成績均相當亮麗,國小組第一名成績87分,國中第一名成績93分,高中組第一名成績100分,社會組第一名成績99分。
中文關鍵字 環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 4314677 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/19 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 張智泳
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳淑姬 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 本文-全.pdf 11MB

102 Taitung environmental education to promote the implementation of the annual work program

英文摘要 102 years of the program since April 19 contract executed 102 years until November 15 , the executive summary of the results of the session are as follows : First, Taitung County Environmental Protection published a very short film experience and observation Taitung County Environmental very short film this year has 20 entries from total , after the composition of four members of the jury , on June 3 be selected works . Taitung County jury contains EPA Environmental Health Management Division chief Chan Ping Shen , Taitung Wan Ho Jin Shang Jiaozhang small Yasukuni , National Taitung University , Department of Fine Arts industry facilities can associate professor of wood , and the European Association of Taitung leisure travel industry Wei Deputy Director-General etc. , selection results to elect the first to 5 , 5 and 10 selected famous masterpiece. Winning the award was open to the public on June 11 , where the first five works and placed in Taitung environmental education information network on demand for public appreciation . Second, the Environmental Education Outdoor Learning 1 Jhihben Nature Education Center The event on May 13 to May 30 Day 5 echelon apply , namely primary and secondary school teachers and students who participated in a total of 353 students combined field of environmental education programs through personal involvement Jhihben nature education center , children 's environmental culture awareness, willingness to take the initiative to improve educational matters concerned with the environment , and the impact of family, friends, in order to achieve harmony between man and nature, the goal of environmental protection and also learning gained knowledge of the wonders of nature . 2 incineration plant With the April 22 Earth Day , the environmental education program of outdoor special election held on April 22 and 23 Tour events date Taitung incineration plant. This time the event has attracted 454 teachers and students to participate in Taitung County . Kids first walked incineration plant for waste treatment processes are all amazing. Also recognize the advantages of incineration is to reduce the volume of trash , garbage incineration temperature has been killed by one of the toxins, relatively safe. However, the high cost required to build incinerators may also produce other pollutants , thus reducing waste generation and recycling of resources is the fundamental way . 3 Our Lady of Health Farm The event attracted a total of 141 employees within the Taitung County government agencies and react to the general public to participate in the activities aim primarily through the personal involvement of the Virgin want health farm , understanding farm life , agricultural ecology , recreation and agriculture . In addition , with a low carbon food, land activities , outdoor education , environmental protection and site visits enzymes DIY way of making organic vegetable garden planted with organic fertilizers , and let people know the common vegetables , know the conditions necessary for plant growth , organic farming way and focus on protecting the ecological and environmental resources , experience the relationship between humans and nature, known human activity will change the environment. And through ecological observation , can recognize a common move, living plant growth , to understand the diversity of life , and promote harmony between humans and nature of the relationship . 4 Wing Community Environmental Education Center Environmental planning activities for the year autumn season at Wing community handled and divided according to subject area teachers, students and the general public were handled , including the general public for a total of 221 ​​participants participated in two sessions , participants in three sessions for 368 teachers and students to participate . Organized by the " discovery Jade Longquan " kick off " ecological corridors " and " the world of the five senses ," immediately after the navigation , so that participants experience the rich ecological communities Wing . Finally, environmental protection material " DIY creation" , the use and application of environmental protection from a variety of natural materials , concepts advocacy reuse , so that participants who operate in a fun learning , inspiring its environmentally conscious natural mind. 5 Kuanshan wetland Off the mountain wetland consecutive three days exploring junior high students and teachers organized attracted 300 participants, this event is quite attention, because in the past few wetlands exploration activities handled . Wetlands so that students learn to explore the wetlands purify water feature, heavy metals in sewage , phosphate , organic matter , ammonia , nitrite and nitrate nitrogen removal , to water purification purposes. In addition, a rich wetland ecology , navigation personnel through commentary, so that the students are all amazing. Third, the Environmental Education Act Section 19 and 24 related jobs 1 to assist with environmental education workshops During project execution , a monthly list of the 1st workshop provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, curriculum planning workshops and seminars invitation to start up at the end . Total handled a total of 5 to October 6 games, workshops notice number 316 people, 154 people to complete the class , after deducting leave , remote application , the number of non-delivery , which are not under the total overall attendance rate was 80.9% . 2 units counseling Failure to apply the provisions of Article 19 This project has been in 102 years , respectively, on April 23 and May 6 , respectively counseling Binmao Jinfeng Township , Taitung and Lanyu villagers elementary school representatives , through counseling after the units have been described in detail to understand the relevant annual Environmental Education plan and the results reported to time , and a clear understanding of the online reporting process , which are not reported in the 101 plan is missing , but also improvements in counseling briefing day . 3 . Environmental Education Seminar Completion of the county's 16 townships touring environmental education seminars, in addition to providing four hours of environmental education , it can also specify the object nearest to receive environmental education counseling . Fourth, environmental education and creative teaching volunteer training workshop An environmental education volunteer training Volunteer recruitment training sessions were handled 7 , namely " environmental education volunteer special training " ( 2 games ) , recycling volunteers specially trained " ( 2 games ) , " river patrol volunteers specially trained "," green living year and consumer volunteers specially trained "and" volunteer basic training . " The completion of a number of specially trained volunteers Environmental Education 48 ; .. 2 Recycle volunteers specially trained persons 41 ; 3 river patrol volunteers specially trained persons 31 persons ; 4 green living and spending numbers 30 specially trained volunteers people ; and five basic training volunteers 30 persons . After completion of training volunteers to provide environmental protection volunteer duty service capabilities, human resources make the most effective use . Total 102 volunteers in environmental education using 153 passengers, 700 people, while the number of persons serving nearly ten thousand people . 2 creative teaching workshop Creative Teaching Workshop invited 32 national primary and secondary teachers in the county , high school teachers and education personnel office for 2 days and 1 night itinerary . Environment creative teaching workshops this year to visit the main rear wall area , Tainan and Kaohsiung Mino Wing Elementary School Elementary School District, Long belly , and handle a field of environmental education and creative teaching strategies in order to discuss and exchange of experience seminar . Between schools through mutual learning from each other and share experiences , creative teaching workshop enables participants to develop a positive attitude and positive values ​​to guide students to produce environmental mobility. Fifth, the job -related counseling An environmental education facility sites certified counseling Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification Seminar was 102 on May 21, apply , this description will be invited to an environmental education facility Taitung unique place certified Wing community , come to share "Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification Experience" will be in by place by the environmental education facilities counseling questionnaire , a preliminary understanding of the situation of each application and apply for places in line with the wishes of the situation , and to elect their own conditions and four places higher willingness units , namely " National Museum of Prehistory ", " Puyuma Cultural Park "," Taitung County Museum of Natural History "and" Chulu pasture " follow-up counseling. After the site survey now counseling, facilities and resources related to each unit are quite rich, and " National Museum of Prehistory " and " Puyuma Cultural Park " in July, 2011 after officers obtained certification , environmental education facilities have been certified workplace conditions , but because of internal factors existing business exclusion , has not yet been handed filings ; rest of the two has yet to be certified environmental education staff. 2 . Community improvement and environmental school school counseling program To help assist the County jurisdiction communities understand the 103 years of community environmental improvement and environmental protection small school plan , the plan in 102 years on October 23 will apply for a description field , and encourage the further guidance , taking into account the current five community expressed willingness to apply for community environmental improvement plan ; another two communities expressed willingness to apply for a small school environment plan , subsequent applications will continue to assist with the wishes of the community to fill in the application documents . Sixth, to assist the operation of environmental education competition 1 2nd National Environmental Education Award Conduct a screening this year was the National Environmental Education Award candidate briefing 102 years May 21 , and the efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency and screening parts of this project , to June 30 registration deadline , the county has a 3 meter class 3 member participation in national education award this year , for the individual category were : Miss Chen Yunfang ; school class : national Taitung University Affiliated Experimental Elementary School ; well as private business categories: super biochemical Technology Co., Ltd. ( Chulu pasture ) . After the jury of various types of election projects on October 25 to deal with the current investigation, the review committee based on written documentation and site inspection results, discussion , giving participants the Proposal, the contestants perform operations by participating file additional documents , additional documents will be participating at this stage is the submission of the committee to make a final assessment . 2 Green Chi ( meaning ) working environment quiz Activities carried out in two stages , the first preliminary round total of eight county teams, a team of about 120 people to attend. Preliminary results of the handle through the place , was centered about 70 excellent environmental protection Chi ( righteous ) workers formed the " Taitung Diamond Team" participate in the " National Environmental Chi 102 years on September 7 organized by the Environmental Protection Agency ( righteousness ) work environment knowledge Contest "campaign , with the city and county environmental Taiwan Chi ( righteous ) workers under a high. Finally , " Taitung Diamond Team" eliminate corruption in the relay race , recognizing environmental education establishments , working together to make environmental protection project won the national contest third place ; achieved success in the fourth place of honesty and integrity big puzzle contest project, weekdays for knowledge and understanding of environmental protection team accentuates . 3 Taitung environmental knowledge Challenge Cup Challenge Meter preliminaries year the county has 121 national teams , junior group of 107 people , high school and adult group group of 17 people to 40 people , four combinations of total 285 participants, and last year's competition compared to a 50% increase in the number . After a fierce challenge environmental knowledge , the results were quite bright in each year , the national team first scores 87 points , the country scores 93 points in the first high school group first scored 100 points, the first social groups score 99 points.
英文關鍵字 environmental education