

中文摘要 近幾十年來由於工商業的快速發展,工業區及科學園區到處設立,帶動人潮的遷移,同時都會區的發展及生活型態的轉變,皆造成汽機車數量及外食人口快速增加,間接導致加油站及餐飲業林立,再加上近幾年來國人環保意識的抬頭,經常衍生環保相關之公害陳情及糾紛事件,其中又以異(惡)臭味陳情為最受民生關注之議題;異(惡)臭味產生之來源非常廣泛,異臭味除讓人產生不悅及不良感受外,若是屬於揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)或半揮發性有機物(semi-volatile organic compounds,SVOCs)者,長期吸入對人體健康可能會造成更大的危害。 本計畫包括加油站、餐飲業、高異味潛勢污染源及民俗活動與露天燃燒等工作項目;根據101年全國各加油站油量規模及近兩年是否曾進行過稽查檢測等篩選原則,選定並完成15座加油站汽(機)車加油作業時油氣洩漏情形之觀察,根據調查結果解析車輛廠牌、種類、排氣量及加油槍廠牌等因素與油氣逸散情形是否有所關連,發現氣油比(或有無後處理設備)為影響油氣逸散之主要因素,並提出以車載型油氣回收系統、自閉式加油口及減少加油作業之空隙等短(人員操作習性)、中(提高氣油比)、長期(ORVR及自閉式加油裝置)等方案來解決油氣逸散問題之建議。 在餐飲業空污陳情案件調查及設備效能評估部分,根據101年及102年「公害陳情受理系統」之資料,完成30件餐飲業相關空污陳情案件之現場勘查成果陳情原因解析,並在餐飲業現場進行96點次防制設備處理效能檢測及評估,發現不論是靜電集塵器、活性碳吸附或是紫外光臭氧等既有設備對總懸浮微粒及異味之處理效能普遍不高;另外協助環保署調查各縣市環保局執行餐飲業稽查管制所面臨之問題及資源需求,並根據分析各項調查及檢測結果,研議未來可考慮制定餐飲業排放標準及參考加州、美國及中國推動防制設備認證制度等相關管制措施來解決餐飲業空氣污染問題。 強化民俗活動空氣污染調查及防護宣傳工作上,完成鹽水蜂炮及大甲媽祖遶境活動現場懸浮微粒採樣,並針對微粒之微毒性及所含重金屬成分進行分析,雖然以重金屬成分所進行之健康風險評估結果顯示無急性健康風險之疑慮,但在活動現場懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度高於24小時空品標準值數十倍,顯示短時間暴露仍是對健康有危害的;最後根據分析結果檢討修正參與民俗活動民眾及鄰近居民應注意的空氣污染事項之宣傳與告知作業,並撰寫新聞稿提供環保署發布相關訊息。 在許可制度強化高異味風險潛勢污染源相關管制可行性評估部分,根據篩選自「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」及「環保稽查處分管制系統」之資料完成16家高異味風險潛勢污染源污染物排放相關資料彙整,並對其中6家污染源業者之排放管道進行12點次臭味濃度判定、6點次排氣成分分析,以及各6點次周界之氣體成分分析及臭味濃度判定,根據檢測結果進行既有排放管道排放標準與周界標準對應關係之合理性探討,並完成高異味風險潛勢污染源強化許可制度管制所需包含「法源依據評估」、「陳情資料項目」、「判定納管準則門檻標準」、「異味自主管理方案項目及內容」及「異味自主管理方案審查重點指引」等相關配套措施之研擬。 在其他配合事項部分,完成一場次「強化加油站油氣逸散減量管制策略」專家諮詢會議之舉行、「加油站法規」及「餐飲業稽查」管制宣導座談會各一場次及協助環保署發布新聞稿與彙整分析地方主管機關包括:(1)民俗活動空氣污染改善措施,(2)歷年紙錢集中焚燒數量,(3)中元普渡期間提供民眾符合環保祭祀服務活動訊息,(4)「加油站管制工作」、「餐飲業異味管制及環保祭祀」及「露天燃燒管制」等工作推動成果彙整。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業油煙異味污染、加油站、油氣回收、民俗活動


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA12-03-A098 經費年度 102 計畫經費 6080 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/18 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 加強異味風險潛勢污染源改善工作計畫-公開版.pdf 16MB

Potential sources of risk to enhance odor improvement plan

英文摘要 Due to rapid economic development in Taiwan in the last few decades, many industrial zones and science-based industrial parks are set up. Growth in commercial and industrial sectors changes life style of Taiwanese. People own more and more cars and motorcycles and they do not cook by themselves. To satisfy the demand of food for people and fuel for vehicles, a lot of gas stations and restaurants are opened to be easily accessible. This unavoidably caused serious environmental problems and constantly induced tensions between service providers and resident in the community. Among those pleading statements to government, unpleasant odor is the most frequently cited subject. In addition to causing people uncomfortable, these odors could be hazardous to health of human being if these odors are VOC(Volatile organic compounds) or SVOC(Semi-volatile organic compound). This plan contains the sections of gas station, catering industry, potential highly-odorous pollution sources, folk activities, and open-air combustion. Based on whether a certain gas station was ever inspected in the previous 2 years plus the volume of sales of that station, we have picked 15 gas stations and surveyed how they collected the leakage during the gas filling process. We tried to find out the connection between vehicle brand , vehicle type, fuel truck nozzle brand and gas leakage by the findings of investigation. Then the result showed that gas-oil ratio(or post treatment equipment) was the main factor of gas leakage. We also offered advices such as short-term (personnel operating habits), med-term (raise gas-oil ratio), long-term (ORVR and self-closing refueling installation) etc. to solve this problem. We have pinpointed 30 cases in catering industry, according to the pleading statements to EPA in 2012 and 2013, to examine the facilities they were using to collect odors and smell of cooking. And evaluated 96 cases in air pollution control equipment performance. We found that TSP (Total Suspended Particles) and odors removal efficiency by electrostatic precipitator, activated carbon adsorption, or UV-Ozone system are not good. In addition, we helped EPA to investigate the difficulties and requests from every environmental protection bureau in catering industry regulations management. Develop catering industry emission standard and take the certification system experiences which from California, America and China as our reference. We sampled the suspended particulates in the air in the events of Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival and Dajia Mazu Procession. We analyzed heavy metal components and micro-toxicity in these particles. Although the health risk assessment showed that heavy metal components are no acute risk, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were higher than 24 hour air quality standard over ten times. It meant there is hazardous to health in short term exposure. At the end, we should remind participants or residents to care about air pollution issues. We got data and information from "Stationary air pollution management information system" and "Environmental enforcement management system", then collected 16 cases in potential highly-odorous pollution sources emission. We determined 12 odor concentration and 6 emission component with regard to six of sixteen cases. We also completed complementary measures such as "law basis assessment", "petition items", "control standard limitation", "odor autonomous management content" and "odor autonomous management examination guidelines". In another working plan, we hold a conference which is about strengthening the guidance of gas station management regulations and catering industry investigative control. Collected and organized the information about folk-activity-caused air pollution improvement measures, paper money burning quantity and environmental protection worship activities by competent authority simultaneously. We also help local competent authority to collect information which include (1)plan target, (2)working items and contents, (3)schedule and checking points.
英文關鍵字 Catering smoke odor pollution、Gas station、Vapor recovery 、Olk activities