

中文摘要 本計畫持續進行協助現勘並查證以解決民眾之疑慮。另在法規修正方面,將檢視現有環保相關法規,針對機車排氣定檢站協助防止不當改裝之作法。並協助環保署督導地方環保局執行噪音車稽查計畫,且辦理一場噪音車檢舉及稽查作業聯繫會議使本年度機動車輛大執法執行順利。 現勘並檢視部分五都或桃園縣機車排氣定檢站,並研擬不當改裝通報與環保局通知到檢機制,訓練定檢站進行不當改裝照片辨識作業,建立新車排氣管照片資料庫等配套措施。藉由上述作為以防止不當改裝,並加速環保局安排通知到檢作業。
中文關鍵字 使用中車輛噪音;車輛噪音;噪音報告;易發生噪音設施;噪音許可管制;聲功率量測


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-F105-02-203 經費年度 102 計畫經費 3820 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/18 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 陳建維
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林志純 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 使用中車輛噪音管制策略計畫.rar 23MB

The Control Measure of In-use Vehicle Noise

英文摘要 This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website system, also updated and enhanced the function of system in accordance with the suggestion of citizens and EPD. The exclusive section for police report was online this year and over 1,000 vehicles had been reporting. To raise the public participation willing, the prize-drawing activity for the people who reporting noise car kept holding and the reporting cases increased greatly. For the past four years, nearly 30,000 report cases were received. And the first three counties were Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taichung County. Almost 90% of the cases were motorcycles. One training course for the EPD officials was held and the noise measurement procedure was demonstrated. During the enforcing in-use vehicle noise time, this study helped the EPA to inspect the processing of EPD in situ and proposed improvement suggestion. This project assisted the EPD to carry out five times of enforcing sites and 118 vehicles were measured. To propose the feasibility of preventing improper refit, 26 motorcycle repair stores were surveyed and some regulations about environmental and vehicle management were studied. To support the policy of the permission control measures of prone to noise emission facility advanced by EPA, this project proceeds to some assistant measures continuously. In this year, this project revised the program system for applying and examining the “operation permission for prone to noise emission facility”. In the revised version, multiple net-work operation platform and file management system were considered, the types and examples for application and examination were prepared. To extend the program to assist the 4 environment measurement companies for establishment of capability of sound power measurement of construction facilities, two companies have been qualified by Environment Analysis Laboratory of EPA.
英文關鍵字 In-use motor vehicle noise;vehicle noise;noise reporting;prone to noise emission facility;noise permission control;sound power measurement