

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間102年1月1日起至103年12月31日止,以下統計自102年1月1日起至103年12月31日,本計畫執行廢塑膠容器處理之稽核認證作業查核內容主要包括:回收量、處理量稽核、作業程序稽核、環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。本計畫稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,廢塑膠容器認證回收量計392,081,718公斤;認證處理量計389,587,661公斤。 本計畫已完成每位新進人員40小時以上之職前訓練及專業考核,並執行24場次每月定期會議訓練。此外,於102年1月25~26日、102年2月24日、102年3月16~17日、102年8月10日及103年2月28日~3月1日完成5場之專業集訓。 處理業作業程序查核結果中,不合格比率以不符合回收、貯存、清除、處理方法及設施標準規範之缺失為最高,占總查核缺失次數之不合格比率43.3%。處理業執行環境工安查核結果中,不合格原因主要為廢棄物庫存期限及清運合約期限、廠區作業環境及工業安全等缺失,經本會確認受補貼機構皆已改善完成。一般通報異常部分以CCTV異常次數最高,占異常總發生次數47.2%;小磅作業異常次數次之,占總一般異常發生次數之32.1%。 會計稽核之執行,並未發現任何重大異常情事。處理業書面資料審核已完成39次書面資料審核工作及2次處理業現場勘查審核工作。另完成32場次受補貼機構質量平衡分析,並針對廢塑膠容器完成12場次逐支檢視作業。 本計畫執行期間已累計執行稽核認證5,444場次,此外,處理業因違反稽核認證作業手冊之規定而予以記點扣量處分,共計發生54次缺失記點及8次缺失扣量,記點點數為103點與扣量總重為87,552公斤,此外,受補貼機構地磅抽驗已完成64家次,相關抽驗結果並無異常情形。
中文關鍵字 稽核認證量、作業程序稽核、環境稽核


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-HA13-03-A002 經費年度 102 計畫經費 52136 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/01 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 謝永旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 林高正 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

Project of Auditing & Certification Group on Regulated Recyclable Waste (Plastic Waste Containers)

英文摘要 The project period was from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2014 whereas below data was collected from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2014. The main objectives of the projects included the quantity of collection auditing, the quantity of recycling, operation processes auditing, environment auditing, and accounting functions auditing. The total certified collection quantity of plastic waste containers was 392,081,718 kilograms and the total of certified recycling quantity was 389,587,661 kilograms. As of the results of auditing training course, it was mandatory for every inspector to complete at least 40 hour of training and professional examination. Also all inspectors finished 24 monthly training sessions. Moreover, inspectors participated in 5 professional trainings on January 25th ~ 26th, 2013, February 24st, 2013, March 16th ~ 17th, 2013 and Auguest 10st, 2013 , February 28th ~ March 1st, 2014. Within the auditing results of operational processes for recycling facilities, the majority of disqualified items were failure in the collection and recycling facility standard which accounted for 43.3% of total disqualified items. In addition, within the auditing results of environmental safety and health inspection for recycling facilities, the majority of disqualified items were failure in waste management defects. The abnormal items fall in CCTV category which is responsible for 47.2% of total. On the other hand, the abnormal condition of weighing scale contributed 32.1% of the total minor abnormal items. There was no critical failed compliance within the scope of the accounting function auditing. During the period of project, FTIS had completed 39 document inspections and 2 field inspections for recycling entities. FTIS also completed 32 mass balance analysis for subsidized entities and 12 waste plastic container inspections. During the project period, total of 5,444 field inspections were conducted. Violations of auditing and certification were recorded and penalized with point recording or certified quantity deduction. 54 violation points and 8 quantity deductions were counted as a result of violating the facility standards. The total deduction of recycling quantity was 87,552 kilograms. No abnormal event occurred among 64 random verification events of weighing scales.
英文關鍵字 Inspection and certification quantity; Operation process auditing; Environmental safety and health auditing