

中文摘要 資源回收工作及補助審查相關工作方面:102年度經常性經費,截至102年12月31日止合計已撥付金額約佔核定總補助額之99.27%,購置機具及施作工程共計為貯存場興建1座、整建2座、相關機具43件。103年度補助計畫全數縣市皆審查完成。完成創新型補助計畫擬定及協助相關行政作業。另已協助環保署辦理北(花蓮縣)、中(彰化縣)、南(屏東縣)三區資源回收研討會相關工作。 全國執行機關資源回收工作績效考核:平時資料輔導計畫已於102年8月辦理完成;102年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收績效考核計畫,已於103年2月辦理完成;「103年度資源回收績效考核計畫」已公布供各縣市依循。 輔導資源回收率偏低縣市方面:本項工作篩選出雲林縣、嘉義縣及臺東縣三縣市為輔導縣市,受輔導縣市資源回收成效均有進步。其中臺東縣更獲102年度資源回收績效考核特別獎榮耀。 協助辦理補助資源回收車輛汰舊換新計畫:本計畫協助「102年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環保局汰換老舊資源回收車計畫」審核工作,截至期中,各縣市提報計畫均核可,共計汰換155輛資源回收車。 輔導執行機關貯存場建立資源回收貯存場證照作業:本計畫調查之結果,目前18個縣市資源回收貯存場回報之現況資料中,使用中之貯存場共208座,有15.87%(即33座)取得使用執照,另有175座尚未取得使用執照。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、資源回收績效考核、平時資料查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-HA14-03-A281 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2013/08/05 專案結束日期 2014/06/30 專案主持人 蔡永興
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 黃怡菁 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 定稿本.pdf 15MB
英文摘要 Recycling and Grant Review Related Works: Until December 31, 2013, the recurrent funding of 2013 has financed 99.27% of total grant for purchasing machines and constructions including building 1 storage sites, renovating 2 storage sites and 43 related machines. The review of 2014 national grant has finished. This year has been completed develop 2014 national innovative grant and related operations. In addition, we have assisted the related works of recycling seminar for Hualien County, Changhua County, and Pingtung County held by EPA. National Recycling Performance Review: Regular information counseling program has completed on October, 2013. The promotion for strengthening local authorizes’ recycling performance review has also finished on February, 2014. Besides, “2014 Recycling Performance Review” has announced for all the cities and counties to apply. About Counseling the Cities and Counties Having Lower Recycling Rate: The counseling cities and counties in this work have selected Chiayi County, Yunlin County, and Taitung County to join the program. Among them, Taitung County also honored 2013 Recycling Special Award. The Program to Assist Replacing Old Recycling vehicles: This program is to help review “2013 Grant for Replacing Old Recycling vehicles of Municipal, County (City) EPA.” Until mid-term, all grants have been approved for replacing total 155 recycling vehicles. Help Issue the Certificate for Local Authorities to Build Recycling Storage Sites: After investigating, the data summarized from 18 cities and counties has shown 208 storage sites are in use. Among them, 15.87% (Equal to 33 storage sites) has acquired the licenses, yet 175 sites haven’t.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Assess Efficiency, Inspection of daily data