

中文摘要 由於桃園縣工業區與工廠數甚多,若單只靠環保局與義工等有限人力的監控,尚無法全面且有效的掌握污染源排放狀況,也因此導致仍有部分不肖業者存有僥倖心態,試圖以減少前端污染處理成本,利用各種不法途徑蓄意排放污染,謀取不當利益,進而使得環境品質受到衝擊。有鑑於部分不肖廠商之違法排放,為提昇管制有效性及違法排放事件之掌握度,彌補人力不足所造成之陳情案件及環境衝擊,擬透過本計畫之執行,藉由科技化監控系統之建置、測試及示範,針對特定污染源進行監控,達成有效降低不法排放事件及提供即時污染資訊預警,期可藉由科技化污染監控系統之建置,建立遏止不法排放行為之監控模式,進而達到輔導改善及陳情減案之效益,有效提升桃園縣的環境品質。 一、特定污染源快速稽查及監控中心建置 本中心建置之目的,為提升稽查管制業務執行效率,同時活化現有之辦公空間,由於計畫規定於進行建置前,需提供相關之規劃說明並舉辦施工前說明會,目的為交流環保局人員與廠商間的意見,以利後續建置之進行,故本計畫於102年9月18日提送規劃書,並於9月27日辦理建置說明會,然因建置過程環保局提出相關變動施工之需求,因此在10月8日再次提送修正版規劃書,施工期程相當順利,提早於11月5日完成中心之建置,並於11日14日驗收啟用。 二、快速稽查行動app系統功能建置 此部分建置之內容包含快速稽查行動app、噪音管制圖區app、業務稽查文件管理網頁以及上述系統之資料庫建置,相關之軟體開發已於11月25日完成,目前屬於測試階段,將針對相關錯誤與網頁畫面進行改善,預計將於12月10日前完成測試,12月26日前完成系統修繕並舉辦教育訓練會議,12月31日前提供相關開發軟體與文件。 三、稽查人員制服與設備購置 稽查服裝之購置,目的為提升稽查人員形象識別之用,避免執勤時民眾產生不必要之誤解,因此,本計畫於102年9月27日提送規劃書後,並已於11月13日完成夏令與冬令制服各70套之採購與驗收作業。 此外,為提升稽查人員所使用之儀器符合法規標準與作業所需設備之強化,分別購置一組”RION”噪音校正器、12支稽查用腳架、30張4G記憶卡與116頂稽查工作帽,提供稽查人員執勤之用。 四、污染監控改善示範性方案 此示範性方案由環保局提供名單,選定之對象為位於桃園縣蘆竹鄉的諾瓦材料科技股份有限公司,主要原因為該公司於102年10月8日接受環保局稽查時,違法從涇流廢水放流口排放廢水(RD01),以致有污染南崁溪之虞,遭環保局通知改善,因而自報改善,故本計畫於102年10月18日進行現場勘查,10月24日完成監控設備之架設作業且開始執行監控,直至11月4日止完成監控,共計監控時間為11日,監控期間該公司無排放廢水行為。此外,根據成效分析的結果可知,利用科技化監控約較傳統使用人力24小時站崗的方式節省 3,000元/日,更重要的是科技化監控能提供及時且無時差的監控,對於不法污染排放之防範,實有相當的助益。
中文關鍵字 污染源監控


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2755 千元
專案開始日期 2013/09/01 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 魏永信 執行單位 廣萊環境企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年度桃園縣特定陳情污染源監控暨輔導改善示範計畫-工作總報告2.pdf 14MB

Taoyuan County particular petition pollution monitoring and counseling to improve the demonstration project

英文摘要 There are numerous industrial parks and factories in Taoyuan County. The environmental pollutions from them cannot be well and full monitored by only the limited man-powers from Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) and environmental conservation volunteers. That causes some factories to discharge pollution materials illegally for cost-down and extravagant profits, and further to impact the living environmental quality. Therefore, the aim of this project is to establish a more effective and prompt monitoring system to prevent these possible illegal pollution discharges. This system was established, tested, and demonstrated on an automatic technology base for providing real-time pollution monitoring capacity and pollution warnings, and finally to help and guide the factories to reduce their pollutions and citizen complaints, and improve the environmental quality of the county. So far the main work and results are listed as the following: 1. Establishment a fast inspection and monitoring center for specific pollutions The center was established for promoting the task efficiencies of the environmental pollution inspections and controls, as well as reactivating the current office space. In order to gather more and better suggestions and interactions from/between EPB and relevant factories, a center establishment plan was handed in on Sep. 18 2013, and there was an illustration meeting was hold on Sep. 27. Both the establishment plan and meeting were required by the project requirements. Later, a revised plan was handed in again on Oct. 8 after adding suggestions from EPB. The construction work for the center was finished on Nov. 5, earlier than the original schedule. The center is opened already on Nov. 14 2013. 2. Establishment of a mobile fast-inspection app system The system includes a mobile fast-inspection app, a noise control map app, an inspection document management web station, and a database. The software development tasks were done on Nov. 25 2013, and the software set is currently under a test stage for better system robustness and user interface. The test task and system improvement will be done before Dec. 10 and 26 2013, respectively. 3. Purchase of inspector uniform and equipment All official inspectors should wear uniforms to show their public/official image and capacity when they execute inspection missions. Therefore, the purchase plan for two sets of inspector uniforms respectively for summertime and wintertime was handed in on Sep. 27 2013, and the purchase plan for totally 140-suite uniforms was already processed on Nov. 13 2013. In addition, the EPB is expected to purchase of 116 inspector caps, 12 tripods, a set of “RION” noise corrector and 30 memory cards. In order to improve the efficiency of work and identity. 4. Demonstration case for pollution monitoring improvement plan A demonstration case was used to investigate this automatic pollution monitoring system. The company, NOVAX Material & Technology Inc in Luzhu Township, Taoyuan County, selected by EPB was served as the case. The company illegally discharged industrial waste water into Nankan River on Oct. 8 2013, and was tracked down and asked to improve their waste water processing both by EPB. Currently the company is under the stage of a voluntarily reporting the suspension of work to improve their manufactory process. First, this monitoring project had an in-site investigation on this company on Oct. 18, and installed necessary monitoring equipments on Oct. 18 and then started an 11-day (i.e. up to Nov. 4) monitoring observation. The monitoring result reveals that no more illegal emission event during the 11 days. Also, the cost effectiveness analysis shows that the automatic monitoring system can significantly save cost than traditional 24-hour man-power inspection, up to NT$ 3000/day. Most importantly, the system can provide a real-time monitoring capacity. In other words, it gives a very effective power to stop illegal pollution discharges.
英文關鍵字 pollution monitoring