

中文摘要 本計畫主要在進行非游離輻射發射源以及公共空間之量測作業,另針對2處敏感地區環境中電磁場進行24小時量測及分析作業,進而將分析結果提供環保署作為管理策略研擬之參考。另一方面,也藉由辦理民眾宣傳會及網站系統操作暨檢測實習說明會,來傳遞正確的非游離輻射概念。 在電磁波發射源抽測方面,至12月26日共完成54站抽測作業。全部抽測的結果將利用本計畫開發的資訊系統,將量測資料建置於資料庫中,以利長遠保留與使用;並利用這些資料,建置地理資訊系統提供民眾便捷查詢資料的方式。 在非游離輻射主題相關的報告及訊息方面,本年度蒐集4篇國際研究資料、以及國內外媒體新聞報導共22篇,陸續公開於非游離輻射管制網。並定期維護及更新網站內容,以提供最新且正確的訊息。 本年度完成研擬「非游離輻射檢測資料分享申報機制」與「電磁波知識交流機制」,期間除了由環保署進行審核,另分別於10月22日與11月26日各邀集3位各領域學者專家再次審核,並根據會議中的建議進行修訂,完成後「非游離輻射檢測資料分享申報機制」提供檢測業者協助執行、「電磁波知識交流機制」提供一般民眾查詢使用。此外,亦辦理北中南共4場次民眾宣傳會、以及1場次環保人員的業務說明會,讓各地村里長、村里幹事、民眾等能就近參與非游離輻射議題的討論,更加讓民眾了解正確的非游離輻射概念。 為協助環保署尋求各方專家代表在非游離輻射相關議題的意見,也為使各方專家代表能有一個共同討論的平臺,本計畫協助環保署擬定我國的「敏感地區新設非游離輻射設施長期曝露預防措施作業規範草案」,亦協助環保署召開4場次相關會議,將蒐集之各國實施相關預防措施彙整呈報於專家會議中。
中文關鍵字 非游離輻射;電磁場;預防措施


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-F105-02-201 經費年度 102 計畫經費 3250 千元
專案開始日期 2013/02/23 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 蕭振龍
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 千一科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA102F10502201P.PDF 18MB

Non-Ionizing Radiation Management Plan

英文摘要 The goal of this project was a focus on measurement and analysis of non-ionizing radiation emission sources and public areas, and also for operations of two sensitive areas’ environmental field strength’s 24-hour measurement and analysis. The results will then provide references for developing future strategic management. On the other hand, it will convey correct concepts of non-ionizing radiation through public workshops and training sessions for the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). In terms of non-ionizing radiation, emission sources measurement had been conducted on 54 sites, up to December 26th. The management information system developed specifically for this project was able to store all measurement data into the database for future reference and usage, and to use such information to enrich geographic information systems for providing the public with a convenient way of inquiry. In terms of non-ionizing radiation reports and messages, 4 international research reports as well as 22 articles of domestic and foreign news collected during the year gradually were made public to a web site about non-ionizing radiation control. Also the web site was regularly maintained and updated to provide the latest and correct information. This year the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (EPA) had planned “Non-ionizing radiation detection declaration data sharing mechanism” for Detection operators and “Electromagnetic wave knowledge exchange mechanism” for people. After review by the EPA, it also was re-examined by three invited experts and scholars in October and November. Lastly, this project had held 4 public workshops and 1 training session for EPB. It played a vital role in promoting correct concepts to village heads, village directors, people, and gave them an opportunity to participate in the discussion regarding non-ionizing radiation subjects. To support the EPA gathering advice of subjects regarding non-ionizing radiation from, experts represented different domains, and provided them with a platform for exchanging information as well as opinions. This project held four related conferences, and gathered, analyzed, presented precaution measurements of other countries in the meantime which helped draft and establish the long-term exposure precaution measurement principles of new installation non-ionizing radiation emission source in sensitive areas in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Non-Ionizing Radiation;Electromagnetic Field;Precautionary Measures