

中文摘要 本計畫收集彙整國內外土壤污染管制標準相關資料,考量以風險評估為基礎,協助提出現階段土壤污染管制標準修正之建議方案及土壤污染管制標準研議架構,以及研擬建議我國土壤污染法規標準之風險管理目標、風險評估暴露情境、分區方式及其暴露途徑、所需風險評估參數。提出現階段土壤污染管制標準優先修訂範疇包括:修正土壤戴奧辛污染管制標準與訂定水源水質保護區之土壤污染管制標準。本計畫完成全國代表性土壤品質特性調查之規劃工作,並於本期執行桃園、彰化、臺南計26處土壤模式剖面採樣調查及分析。另同時規劃土壤品質資料庫的建置方案,以後續整合各相關計畫及各部會有關土壤品質資訊之資源,及建構土壤資訊共享平台,本計畫嘗試發展土壤品質評估方法及指標,以建構科學性之土壤品質評估方法。本計畫規劃三處潛在新興污染物地區進行採樣調查,也同時調查其土壤背景基線及土壤品質資料,調查結果顯示霄裡溪沿岸農地土壤銦及鉬濃度有明顯高於一般土壤的背景值。計畫調查範圍土壤之新興污染物有機物項目濃度多在偵測極限以下。
中文關鍵字 土壤品質、土壤污染管制標準、土壤品質資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-GA13-03-A257 經費年度 102 計畫經費 19498 千元
專案開始日期 2013/08/01 專案結束日期 2015/01/31 專案主持人 陳尊賢
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 謝菊蕙 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-102-GA13-03-A257.pdf 13MB

National soil quality properties investigation and management research program.

英文摘要 In order to establish the suitable soil pollution control standards, relevant information and regulations have been collected and analyzed. The risk based assessment has been taken into consideration while propose the soil pollution control standards amendment. The framework of the soil pollution control standards has been suggest as well the risk management objectives, risk assessment of exposure scenarios and exposure pathways, parameters of risk assessment. The priority works of soil pollution standards amendment include dioxin standard modifying and proposing soil pollution standards of source water protection area. National soil quality and property investigation has been planned. Soil quality and property of 26 soil standard monoliths in Taoyuan, Changhua and Tainan are investigated. To integrate relevant soil quality information and develop soil information sharing platform, this project planed the national soil quality database system and tried to develop soil quality assessment methods and indicators by scientific methods. Three potential pollution areas of emerging contaminants have been investigated. The result shows that agricultural soil concentrations of indium and molybdenum along the Xiaoli River are higher than the background levels. The soil concentrations of emerging organic contaminants are found below the detection level mostly.
英文關鍵字 Soil Quality, Soil Pollution Control Standards, Soil Quality Database Management System