中文摘要 | 目前公害事件處理上常見困難為環保人員於事件發生後未能於第一時間抵達現場,故如何加快第一時間蒐證之機制為本計畫主要重點,本計畫透過各機制研擬及相互配合方式之確認以加快第一時間蒐證之機制、提高現場作業效益,期使應變及蒐證同步作業。 針對工作項目一之研析各縣市因應公害事件蒐證處理能力部分,挑選好發公害之6縣市並規劃公害糾紛處理相關資源調查表,用來分析環保局設備及器材、資源配置、應變系統及程序完整性,後續再邀集專家至環保局訪視,評估公害事件處理能力並給予建議,並且使用假如分析法進行公害糾紛處理評估分析,利用問與答方式列出公害事件處理過程中可能造成無法確認因果關係,針對現況提出改善建議和應採取之行動方案,彙整分析以上工作結果可看出多數環保局常面臨之經費及人力限制問題,且仰賴委辦廠商之情況甚重,針對局內人員之教育訓練應再予以加強,另協助雲林縣政府環境保護局提供蒐證海報及摺頁供參考,以利宣導公害事件發生後之民眾可自行蒐證項目,期能透過宣導減少民眾對公害事件不理性行為應以合適之方式處理。 針對工作項目二維護及提升公害糾紛處理資訊系統功能部分,現有公害糾紛處理資訊系統已具備公害糾紛及鑑定資訊查詢、公害案件查詢、公害案件資料管理、相關表格或資料下載等功能,而為使各功能對使用者更加友善,本計畫亦持續進行資訊系統之內容強化與功能新增,目前已完成建置公害事件處理相關網站蒐集40個並製作使用說明供使用者參考、公害糾紛緊急紓處小組名單以及環保署公害糾紛裁決委員名單、建置專家學者(領域涵蓋環工、農林作物、水產生物、人體健康、法律、化工、蒐證、環境教育與資訊管理等)總計78人,並提供環保單位蒐證及採樣之建議、建置北、中、南、東各分區之鑑定單位聯繫方式以利環保單位聯繫並進行蒐證或送樣分析之協助;且利用系統自動完成篩選所需補正資料,定期寄信給環保局承辦人確認資料正確性並同時控管案件之進度、定期更新各環保局(連江縣除外)最新任公害糾紛調處委員名單。 針對工作項目三研析公害蒐證與環境污染應變結合之機制部分,為使公害蒐證與環境污染緊急應變程序能同步進行,本計畫蒐集國內外既有公害蒐證與環境污染應變機制作為,並自現有各種環境污染緊急應變程序中評析其介入蒐證步驟之時機及分工,且透過辦理討論會之方式蒐集環保單位之意見,以確保兩項作業同步進行之可行性,目前已初步完成公害蒐證與環境污染應變結合之機制,由地方設立資訊平台,彙整事件資訊後通報予中央,以妥善處理事件 針對工作項目四加速公害事件現場蒐證之效率,提升公害事件之處理成效部分,為提升公害蒐證效率之各工作項目做法,包括協助提供處理原因不明公害事件之建議,本計畫已完成設計可縮短蒐證準備時間之公害蒐證箱,便利箱內物品為事件處理所需最低應變之要求,環保局則可依實際狀況設計本身的蒐證工具清單,並分別於於高雄、台中、台北分別辦理一場地方環保局說明會,說明討論公害便利箱使用方式,參與人數合計為289,另協助嘉義縣環保局至現場勘查3件公害事件,並提供後續處理建議,加強環保局之處理效率。 針對工作項目五增進地方環保單位公害糾紛處理經驗之交流部分,已於10月30日及31日辦理102年度全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會,邀集各縣市環保局人員共62人,分享公害糾紛事件之經驗並提出相關意見。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 公害;公害糾紛;公害鑑定 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-102-K104-02-201 | 經費年度 | 102 | 計畫經費 | 3030 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2013/03/28 | 專案結束日期 | 2013/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 黃紹揚 |
主辦單位 | 管考處 | 承辦人 | 陳建中 | 執行單位 | 國立雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 02_期末報告-F.doc | 16MB |
The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology
英文摘要 | One of the problems of environmental protection bureaus in public nuisance event processing is failure of arriving at the scene at the first time. Therefore, the project aims to speed up the efficiency of evidence collecting. We planned some mechanisms to make sure evidence collecting more efficiently. The first work item of the project is to analyze the evidence collection abilities of local environmental protection bureaus in public nuisance events. We selected six public nuisance prone counties and planned resource questionnaire for public nuisance event processing. The questionnaire was used to analyze equipments, resource allocation status, response mechanisms and process integrity of local environmental protection bureaus. Then we invited experts from related areas and visited six selected local environmental protection bureaus to evaluate the public nuisance processing ability and propose suggestions. The experts used What-If Analysis to conduct Risk Assessment of public nuisance events processing, used Q & A mode to list factors in failure of causality confirmation, and proposed suggestions for improving current situation and actions to be taken. Some results from the work items are: 1) most local environmental protection bureaus often face problems of restricted funds and manpower, and deeply rely on commissioned firms, and further education and training are necessary for strengthening the abilities of bureaus staffs; 2) the project provided helps to Yunlin Environmental Protection Bureau in promoting populace self-evidence collection in order to reduce irrational behaviors of populace and promote appropriate methods of processing public nuisance events. The second work item of the project is to maintain and upgrade public nuisance dispute information management system. The system contains several functions such as: public nuisance disputes and identification information inquiry, public nuisance cases inquiry, public nuisance cases management and data download etc. The project established 40 public nuisance events processing related sites and manuals, information of public nuisance related units, information of 78 experts from different areas, information of public nuisance identification units. The system filters lacked information in the established cases and send e-mail to local government each quarter, in order to preserve the validity and grasp the progress of the cases. The third work item of the project is to analyze the integrated mechanism of public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution response. In order to synchronize the public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution emergency response process, the project collected current foreign and domestic mechanisms, analyzed the time points and work divisions of environmental pollution emergency response process in getting involve to each evidence collection step. We hold several meetings and collected opinions of local environmental protection bureaus to ensure the feasibility of synchronizing two operations. The project initially completed the integrated mechanism of public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution emergency response process, local bureaus need to set up the information sharing platforms, collect events information and inform central Environmental Protection Administration in order to deal with the events properly. The fourth work item of the project is to accelerate evidence collection efficiency. In order to enhance the effectiveness of dealing with pollution incidents; we provided recommendations for some events. We also designed the box containing equipments for evidence and held three meetings to discuss suitability of that . The fifth work item of the project is to improve the experience exchange of dealing with public nuisance events. We held a meeting on October to provide more experience sharing opportunities for local Environmental Protection Bureaus. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Public Nuisance;Public Nuisance Disputes;Public Nuisance Appraising |