

中文摘要 建置環境資源資料開放平台


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-L103-03-001 經費年度 102 計畫經費 6100 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/15 專案結束日期 2013/09/30 專案主持人 許昭仁
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 葉麗雲 執行單位 資拓宏宇國際股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0環保署「環境資源資料開放平台建置」委辦案-結案報告(定稿).pdf 5MB 結案報告

「Environmental Resrouces Open Data Platform」Project

英文摘要 EPA with RDEC "The Fourth Stage of E-government Project (101th-105th year)," since 101th year by the Executive Yuan Open Data Policy (Open Data), promote the environmental resources data to open for the public which can reuse or value-add these data. In addition to, Open Data may create new opportunities for recycling information cloud. Therefore, the objectives of this project are summarized as follows: (1) Coordinate with the government Open Data policies, build environmental resource data open platform (OPEN DATA), in order to create new value for environmental information. (2) Coordinate with the government to promote the cloud computing industry development plan, build the Open Data platform on the cloud-based infrastructure, as the government plan and an open cloud demonstration platform. Based on the project objectives, we followed the international Open Data standards, referred both local and international practices, obeyed the government operating principles of Open Data which were announced by RDEC, and considered the data management from the future new organization "Environmental Resources Department" , to design the EPA Open Data platform architecture as an environmental data resource. There are various environmental data such as soil, water, pollution control , and so on, through the environmental resource data exchange platform (Central Data Exchange, CDX), from the original operation systems to the Open Data platform. The Open Data platform not only converts the structure data into the machine-readable format which includes XML, JSON and CSV formats, but also provides the file download link for the unstructure data. In addition, the Open Data platform opens the GIS format data to the public for the value-added geographic applications. In the future, all kinds of environmental resources data can be released on the Open Data platform to the public through the standard data process. Following the data collection and management of "Environmental Resources Department", the Open Data platform was designed to match with the environmental resource database (Environment and Resource Database, ERDB) which set up the data standard classifications and definitions. Besides, the transfer mechanism of Open Data platform is prepared for interfacing with ERDB in order to keep the data consistency and provide the public with high-quality data. The Open Data platform can be implemented on the cloud architecture. According to the EPA Open Data cloud architecture proposal, the Open Data platform was built on hicloud for testing as a government cloud plan and open data demonstration.
英文關鍵字 opendata