

中文摘要 本教材以部落遷移與環境選址、部落農業行事、部落漁獵採集、部落動物物語及部落植物物語等5個篇章共25篇故事及旅程,介紹並敘述臺灣原住民族的環境智慧。這些篇章儘量不再重提坊間類似科普書籍重複書寫過的題材,以避免刻板印象的加強,另外也避免敘述相關研究已有的成果,而希冀能提出新穎的觀點,以刺激多元的看法。其中有些篇章,夾敘詩文幾篇,嘗試以詩意的表達方式描繪某些詩話式的原住民傳統智慧,期望能增加多元的想像與探索。 書中為了進一步探索原住民某些傳統知識的作法與理由,極力查考其科學根據,以增加傳統知識的科學向度與基礎,對於許多尚難考察出其科學根據的說法如神話或傳說,則試圖探索並詮釋其在生態上可能的功能與意義以激發並邀請讀者一同思考,為臺灣環境的未來,貢獻一投石問路的嘗試與倡議。
中文關鍵字 原住民族環境智慧


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-EA03-03-A211 經費年度 102 計畫經費 1340 千元
專案開始日期 2013/03/08 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 姜樂義
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 徐國豐 執行單位 財團法人美化環境基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(正式).pdf 12MB

Taiwanese aborigines environmental wisdom

英文摘要 The book consists of five parts: tribal movement and environmental site selection, tribal farming, tribal hunting and gathering and fishing, tribal zoology, tribal botanic that makes up 25 chapters to introduce the environmental wisdoms of Taiwan indigenous peoples. These chapters do not repeat what have been over-written or stereotyped themes or topics about indigenous environmental knowledge; neither do they describe literature reviewed but try to provide new perceptions on the knowledge and wisdom to stimulate new ideas. Some of the chapters contain poems to interpret indigenous ideas in a poetic way to explore the poetic thinking of environmental wisdoms. In order to explore the reasons and methodologies which underline the indigenous ways of beings, the book puts efforts to interpret the scientific basis. Otherwise, the book provides information and possible reasons to illuminate indigenous knowledge to bring more perspectives in the translation of indigenous environmental wisdoms. The book is also an initiative on the concern to help better the environmental protection through the indigenous wisdoms on the environment.
英文關鍵字 Aboriginal environmental wisdom