

中文摘要   嘉義市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為積極推動節能減碳相關工作,並配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)低碳家園發展策略,推動「低碳永續家園推動方案」十大運作機能項目中之「低碳生活」運作機能,透過推動各局處、各鄉鎮市區暨所屬單位執行節能減碳無悔措施、辦理節能減碳宣導活動、執行低碳永續家園推動方案、廣播宣導、行動標章推廣及住商節能省水診斷輔導等,達到推動節能減碳生活的社會運動,讓民眾主動參與,並於日常生活中落實節能減碳之作為。   本年度協助環保局於「102年度直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比」中,獲得「低碳生活執行績效」特優之殊榮,相關推動成果摘要說明如下: 一、輔導企業及社區參與行政院環保署辦理之節能減碳行動標章遴選,共輔導8個單位參加,其中嘉義市頂庄社區發展協會、嘉義市磚瑤社區發展協會榮獲社區組「績優獎」、劍湖山世界股份有限公司嘉義分公司-耐斯松屋百貨、嘉義商旅管理顧問有限公司獲得企業組「績優獎」,鈺通大飯店股份有限公司、嘉強電子股份有限公司榮獲企業組「特優獎」。 二、為推動低碳生活行動項目,鼓勵里、社區落實,提供2個低碳示範社區,8個非低碳社區補助經費,執行低碳生活行動項目,各村里、社區推動之低碳生活方案,在低碳飲食、低碳旅遊、推廣低碳生活課程與活動方面,總計減少807.052公斤之碳排放量。另外各村里、社區積極營造環境綠化,利用社區空地,或改善社區髒亂點,種植樹木,增加之環境綠化面積及植樹,增加101,037.4公斤之固碳量。 三、成立節能輔導團診斷,提供包含社區大樓、醫院、旅館、賣場、交通場站等共10處之免費節能診斷輔導,由輔導團依據現場診斷結果撰寫低碳診斷報告書,針對受輔導單位提出具體之節能省水改善建議方案,並估算改善之成本效益、減碳效益等,提供受輔導單位參考。建議之節能省水改善項目包含合理契約容量的訂定、照明設備改善、屋頂隔熱、設置省水設備等,10處受輔導單位若依據低碳診斷報告書之建議進行改善,預估改善投資經費為196.03 萬元,可達成之節能效益為404,877 KWh/年,可減少之碳排放量為213.98公噸/年。 四、鼓勵受輔導單位進行實際之節約能源改善,本年度補助財神帝王大樓及盧亞人醫院,完成包含汰換節能照明燈具、省水設備,以及設置電動車充電站等改善工程,二處完成改善後減少碳排放量29,053.03kg/年(約29.05公噸/年)。 五、辦理低碳生活、節電省水宣導活動,並以符合低碳活動方式規劃,於活動中不提供紙本資料、不提供一次性使用之杯子及瓶裝水,請與會人員自行攜帶環保杯等總計完成18場次活動之辦理,並於「綠網」登錄活動訊息及成果。辦理之活動包括「節能減碳行動標章甄選活動說明會」、「綠網節能減碳平台」操作說明會與「住商省電省水宣導說明會」各2場,以及「低碳生活宣導與自我用水量管理」宣導活動12場。 六、於「綠網」發佈節能減碳、再生能源、資源回收、環境綠化、綠色運輸等相關訊息共165篇,發佈之文章共被分享2,922次。 七、配合環保局低污染運具之推廣,完成汰換二行程機車之廣播宣傳761檔次(30秒/次)。 八、未來建議推動事項: 1. 透過環境教育課程之規劃,將節能減碳課程納入學校環境教育課程、志工訓練課程中,讓學生從小建立節能減碳觀念,志工了解正確之電力、水資源使用方式並協助進行推廣,讓正確之用電、用水習慣融入日常生活中,達到更大之節能減碳成效。並因應網路、3C產品之發達,建議把資訊平台之應用納入環保志工培訓課程或國中小電腦課程中,讓更多不同年齡層的市民都能透過節能減碳平台,學習或獲得相關節能減碳資訊。 2. 推廣、教導民眾正確之用電、用水習慣,改變使用習慣可獲得之減碳效益大於設備改善、汰換之減碳效益。 3. 培訓節能診斷志工,建議可招募具水電背景之志工,或對節能輔導具有熱枕之環保志工進行訓練,未來可協助推動節能診斷服務,解決技術人力資源及經費問題,並可協助更多單位進行節能改善之評估。 4. 推廣再生能源使用,推廣家戶使用太陽能熱水器,減少電力使用需求,減少碳排放量。
中文關鍵字 低碳生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 3810 千元
專案開始日期 2013/07/03 專案結束日期 2013/12/10 專案主持人 歐文毓
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張永信 執行單位 傳閔工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 內文.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 Chiayi City Environmental Protection Bureau (hereafter refer to as the Bureau) in order to promote mission of energy saving and carbon reducing, and cooperate with Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereafter refer to as the Administration) Low-Carbon homeland development strategy, actively promote “Low-Carbon Life” section from 10 operation actions of “Low-Carbon and Sustainable homeland promotion plan”. The plan was executed by promoting each office and department undertaking energy saving and carbon reducing plan、holding activities of energy saving and carbon reducing propagation、executing Low-Carbon homeland plan、playing broadcasting、promoting action medal and assisting energy saving diagnosis on business and residents. In order to let people get involved with energy saving and carbon reducing promotion, and actually undertaking in their daily life. This year the Bureau obtained the best in “Low-carbon Life executing achievement” from “2013 municipality and county environmental protection department undertaking Low-Carbon Life competition”, and the execution results of each task were as follows: I. Assisting 8 units to enter the selection of energy saving and carbon reducing action medal held by the Administration, and in the end Dingzhuang Village received the best in neighborhood group, Nice department store and Chiayi business hotel both acquired best in business group, and then Uton hotel and MIPRO company obtained the best honor in business group. II. In order to promote Low-Carbon life actions and encourage neighborhood to follow, providing funding to 2 Low-Carbon villages and 8 non Low-Carbon villages to undertaking actions. The promotion of Low-Carbon actions including Low-Caron food、Low-Caron travel、Low-Caron lessons and activities, and the total number of carbon reduction is 807.052 kilograms. Furthermore, the villages also undertook planting and environment cleaning, increasing the number of trees and greening in neighborhood, and the total amount of carbon fixing is 101,037.4 kilograms. III. The energy saving guidance group was established, and it assisted 10 units including department、hospital、hotel and transportation section. The group produced Low-Carbon diagnosis reports based on the observation on-site, and provided improvement strategies and benefit analysis to the units. The improvements included making appropriate electricity contract、improving light equipments、blocking heat on rooftop and equipping with water saving. If these 10 units undertake all suggestions from group, then the estimated investment would be 1960.3 thousands, and energy saving is 404,877KWh/year, reducing carbon emission is 213.98 tons/year. IV. Encouraging the units to take energy saving improvement, and choosing King Community and Yaren hospital as the targets to receive subsidies. The improvement included replacing light、equipped with water saving and establishing electricity charging, the total reduction of carbon emission is 29,053.03 kilograms/year (almost equal to 29.05 tons/year). V. Holding Low-Carbon Life and energy saving propagation with Low-Carbon way, which means that no paper information provided during activities、no cup and bottle water supple、requesting people to bring their own cups. There were totally 18 activities held, and published related information and results on green net. The activities included “marks for energy saving and carbon reduction action explanation”、 2 “operation of Eco Life energy saving and carbon reduction platform”、 2 “guidance of energy saving and water conservation for residence and business” and 12 “guidance activities of low-carbon life and self-management of water use”. VI. Publishing 165 messages including energy saving and carbon reducing、renewable energy、resource recycling、environment greening and green transportation, were issued on “Eco Life” website and were shared 2,922 times. VII. In order to promote replacing low pollution vehicles, the plan completed 761 times (30 seconds/time) of polluted motorcycles by broadcasting announcements. VIII. Suggestions of future promotion 1. Arranging environmental protection education lesson, and combining normal courses with energy saving and carbon reducing concepts for students and volunteers, in order to let them understand the correct views on energy saving and carbon reducing, which can make all these concepts get connected in daily life. And as now the website and 3C products are popular, suggesting that putting related information into students’ computer courses and volunteers’ training sessions, let many people can learn these useful information by the platform on net. 2. Propagating and teaching people the correct habit to use water and electricity, cause the change of habit can lead more benefit than replacing equipments. 3. Suggesting that recruiting volunteers with water and electricity fixing background, or environmental protection people with highly passion. In the future, they can assist in promoting energy saving diagnosis, reducing the cost for hiring others, and undertaking more missions of energy saving improvement analysis. 4. Promoting renewable energy, like residents can equip with solar heaters, which help in reducing energy cost and carbon emission.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon Life