英文摘要 |
Global sustainable development is not only to consider the reduction of greenhouse gases, but also consider the living environment towards sustainable development that has become an important trend. The project focuses on with low-carbon sustainable society action to promote on low-carbon living strategies, and analyze policy evaluation and the practical implementation, understanding of low-carbon living on the practical implementation and the policy. Through experts Advisory Group of low-carbon living technology and information Committee, they give advice. The central government assists city governments to promote on low-carbon living, and integration with central and local resources on promotion, integration nationally consistent approach, mutual support, and maximize carbon reduction benefits. The implementing low-carbon life actions of low-carbon sustainable society promote the project to establish a low-carbon environment-friendly living to make Taiwan the beautiful low-carbon sustainable society.
The project was completed, including that the operation mechanism of information and technology advisory group for low-carbon living of low-carbon and sustainable society of on functions, objectives and tasks, and completed two jointed meetings of central and local low-carbon living, and conduct a joint meeting of technology and information advisory group of low carbon sustainable society. The two conference will be completed before the end of December; complete the collection and analysis of foreign countries (United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, China, Canada, New Zealand, etc.) for energy conservation and low related carbon life short, medium and long-term plans focus on the content of policy and implementation, as well as the completion of a certification system and promotion of low-carbon life strategies and practical implementation of the policy side analysis, and completed the content of low-carbon sustainable society news reported results and related updates jobs, all of the meetings have been completed for low carbon demonstration; complete the counseling expert consultation meeting to promote low-carbon life action project demonstration sites and demonstration of a point, and low-carbon life coaching certification level consulting job.