中文摘要 | 本計畫之主要工作在協助環保署辦理汽車新車型噪音審驗合格證明作業之各項工作,並檢討我國現行機動車輛噪音管制制度的合適性,以提供改善策略及方案供主管機關作為施政參考;另亦持續研究歐盟及各國發展趨勢,適時建議修正國內相關法規,以確保我國法規管制與歐盟調和同步。 首先,在噪音合格證審驗作業方面,2013年至12月13日止共計噪音車型組審查共1183件,核發機動車輛排氣與噪音審驗合格證共1119張,新車抽驗及品管測試報告的統計結果均符合品質一致性的要求。 其次,在新車噪音審驗管理方面,為落實簡政便民的施政原則,本計畫亦積極與柴油車污染審驗單位、核章單位及業者研商重型柴油車輛的污染與噪音審驗整合作業。電子化審驗作業系統已於今年初修改完成,所有車輛種類均可以二證合一流程進行審驗。本(102)年度亦新開發「噪音審查管理與統計作業模組」至電子化審驗系統,以有效提升審驗效率與資料庫統計管理。 此外,為有效監督指定噪音檢驗測定機構執行法規測試之過程實況,本計畫於審驗辦公室建置了「噪音檢測流程影像數據傳輸系統」並與噪音檢測機構即時連線。藉由機動車輛噪音監測作業程序,可提高對所有機構檢測流程公正性與品質之掌握。 最後,為即時因應國際法規發展趨勢,並改善使用中機動車輛噪音管制執行問題,本計畫持續追蹤歐盟法規修訂進度,並與環保署及車輛業界密切研商我國五、六期噪音管制法規。目前歐盟機車已明確自2016年開始實施新版機車噪音管制標準,而汽車新法規實施期程較不明確,推估若順利定案則最快可能在2017年實施,我國應備妥相關方案以便可與歐盟法規即時調和。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 新車型噪音審驗;使用中車輛噪音管制;法規調和 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-102-02-F105-104 | 經費年度 | 102 | 計畫經費 | 4420 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2013/01/04 | 專案結束日期 | 2013/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 莊邵權 |
主辦單位 | 空保處 | 承辦人 | 謝仁碩 | 執行單位 | 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 執行機動車輛噪音新車型審驗新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫-公開版.pdf | 1MB |
Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and th
英文摘要 | The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to examine the applications of new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, to review the current regulations and noise control policy for further improvement and to study the world-wide regulations development in vehicle noise control area. Firstly, for the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, examined 1183 new type cases and 1119 new certifications were granted up to December 13, 2013. The statistics of new vehicle spot check and quality control test reports showed fully comply with the COP (Conformity of Production) requirements. Secondly, to implement the policy of briefing examination process, this project reviewed with emission examination, authorization and industries to integrate the Emission and noise certification process of Heavy Diesel Vehicles. The E-Certification systems have been modified at the beginning of this year, and all vehicle-types can be examined with the emission/noise integration process. In this year, we also developed the “examination and statistics modules” in the E-certification system to improve the examination efficiency and database management. Besides, in order to monitor the testing process of the authorization laboratories, a vedio data transmission system has been setup in examination office, and it links to the authorization laboratories with realtime connection. The monitor program can improve to audit the impartiality of testing process and operation quality for all authorization laboratories. Finally, for the purpose of quick response to international regulations trends, and to improve the implementation issues of in-use vehicle noise control tasks. This project continually paid close attention on the progress of EU (European Union) vehicle noise regulations legislation, and consultation with EPA and industries for the next phase 5th and phase 6th vehicle noise regulations. Since the EU will implement new motorcycle regulations from 2016. The EU new regulation schedule for car is less clear, we estimate if successfully finalized, the fast possible implementation date might be in 2017. We should prepare relevant schemes so as to homonize with EU quickly. | ||
英文關鍵字 | New vehicle type approval;In-use vehicle noise control;Harmonization of regulations |