

中文摘要 聯合國氣候變化政府間專家委員會最新公布的氣候變遷報告第 5 次評估報告 (AR5) 中明確指出,有效減緩與調適氣候變遷成為國際最迫在眉睫之棘手問題。近年來,我國主動向國際社會宣示我國自願減碳目標與期程,行政院環境保護署針對產業界規劃推展多項溫室氣體管理政策與措施。 為協助環保署推展企業減量與氣候風險管理作為,本計畫推動成立「清潔發展與碳權經營策略聯盟(清碳聯盟)」,促進政府民間雙向溝通與交流互動,蒐集國內外企業因應氣候變遷減碳技術、資訊與經驗,增加國內企業減碳合作機會,緊密團結公私夥伴關係。此外,為提升氣候變遷夥伴聯盟資訊傳播效率與普及度,建立清碳聯盟網站平台,發布整合之資訊、影音、電子報等,以廣泛傳播國際產業減量及氣候變遷議題,增進公眾意識以與國際趨勢接軌。
中文關鍵字 清潔發展與碳權經營策略聯盟、氣候變遷、節能減碳


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-FA11-03-A298 經費年度 102 計畫經費 5750 千元
專案開始日期 2013/11/08 專案結束日期 2015/01/07 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-102-FA11-03-A298.pdf 67MB 推動因應氣候變遷夥伴聯盟運作與資訊傳播專案工作計畫 期末報告書

Project of Promoting Patnership on Cliamte Change and Information Dissemination

英文摘要 According to the 5th Assessment Report recently released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), stimulating effective mitigation and adaptation approaches to tackle climate change has become the most urgent issue for all over the world. For the past few years, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan has been promoting numerous actions and implementations with regard to greenhouse gas management in order to cut down national carbon dioxide emissions and to achieve sustainable development. In the meanwhile the actions also echo to the international tendency even though Taiwan has not been committed to reducing its emissions in the international climate negotiation. The project established the ‘Clean Carbon Alliance’ in order to assist and support the EPA to facilitate industrial carbon reduction and climate risk management. The alliance aims at promoting bilateral interactive communication between the government and industries as well as civil society, collecting and analyzing strategies that domestic and foreign enterprises have done to respond to climate change, and enhancing the public-private partnership which is regarded as a good alternative to realize the variety of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects by bringing both private and sector resources together. Furthermore, to strengthen the dissemination of climate change information and the popularity of the coalition, the project sets up a website and a social networking site, platform for publishing integrative information, videos, newsletters, etc. Meanwhile, it could also widespread international industrial reduction and climate change issues and that would be helpful to increase public awareness and to be geared to the international tendency.
英文關鍵字 Clean Carbon Aliance, Climate Change, Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction