

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為民國102年9月27日至103年11月30日,為建構飲料杯自動之營運模式,並尋找適合可租用的自動回收設備,因此本計畫收集了歐洲(英國、德國、北歐)、美國、澳洲、亞洲(日本、大陸地區)設置容器自動回收機之作法,發現國內外並無符合本計畫標的飲料杯之自動回收機,故計畫自行開發建構兩台設備,並於103年4月完成開發,於5月完成測試。 由於飲料杯回收價值不高,為了建構回收之誘因吸引民眾配合回收,本計畫結合現有積點優惠平台提供民眾回收優惠,完成飲料杯回收價值及回收獎勵機制比較後,研提了此次飲料杯回收商業模式,並於與現行回收管道互補之場所試辦回收,結合商圈設置自動回收機,經評估設置地點,並於取得合法設置地點相關文件後,分別在103年6月27日及7月24日於公館、西門商圈各設置1台,在設置初期(前兩個月)派有專人現場進行解說及清潔,後四個月則每日派遣人員巡查清潔,截至11月30日統計共回收52,555個飲料杯,平均每月回收5,255個。 本計畫試辦期間調查使用者,取得117份問卷調查內容,民眾對優惠機制滿意度為54%、操作介面滿意度79%;另對回收誘因滿意度為81%、喜歡此回收方式者達93%,現行設備每月須支付費用為 60,314元/月,變賣收益僅有339元/月,由於本計畫執行期間無法獲取廣告收益,估算廣告收益應可維持設備支出,民眾可獲得折扣優惠至少5元,若完全兌換,可增加商圈店家約157萬元收入,採用本營運模式未來無需政府補助,為推廣廢一次用飲料杯自動回收機成果及商業模式,於103年11月舉辦成果發表說明會,收集各界對於後續營運模式之建議。
中文關鍵字 自動回收機、再利用價值、廢飲料杯


專案計畫編號 EPA-102-HA14-03-A273 經費年度 102 計畫經費 2690 千元
專案開始日期 2013/09/27 專案結束日期 2014/11/30 專案主持人 王家祥
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 張寶璽 執行單位 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 一次用飲料杯期末報告定稿版(印製版)FINAL.pdf 9MB
英文摘要 This project was starting from September 27,2013 to November 30, 2014. In order to establish an automatic operation system for waste drinking cup recycling, and searching for rentable automatic recycling machine, this project collected information of European countries (UK, German and north-European countries), USA, Australia and Asia (Japan and China) for possibility in establishing a drinking cup recycling automatic recycling machine. However, we discovered that there is no relevant drinking cup recycling automatic recycling machine. Therefore, our team decided to develop reverse vending machine to recycle waste drinking cups. There were developed in the April and finished testing in May. Because the recycling value of waste drinking cups is low. For encouraging residents join recycling activities, this project combined with reward points platform for public having discount when they recycled waste drinking cup, contrasting the recycling value and recycling incentive, we finalized waste drinking cup recycling operation model. Complementary with current recycling channel, we set up automatic machine in the business district. After final assessment, one automatic recycling machine was set in Gongguan business distict in the end of June and another one was set in xingman distict in the end of July. In the begging of operating period (in the first two months), there were specialists who explain orally and clean surrounding area. In the later four months, there will have cleaner who go around inspect the machine every day. Until November 31,2014, there 52,555 drinking cups were being collected. We have been received 117 questionnaire, residential satisfaction of discount mechanism is 54%, satisfaction of operation interface is 79%, satisfaction of recycling incentive is 81% and “like” this way of recycling is 93 %. Benefit analysis in this project, it cost 60,314 dollars/per month to maintain equipment, selling benefit are 339 dollars/per month, no advertising revenue from it in the period of time in project enforcement. Estimated advertisement revenue should be able to keep the reverse vending machine operated, residents can have at least 5 dollars discount average. It will increase the incoming around 1.57 million dollars for district stores. It is unnecessary for government funds this business model in the future. For popularized waste disposable waste drinking cup reverse vending machine outcome and business model, there had outcome presentation in the November 2014, various district stores owner and business representatives had make relevant suggestion for further operation.
英文關鍵字 reverse vending machine, recycling value, waste drinking cup