

中文摘要 為解決移動污染源所對環境品質之影響,稽查取締與宣導工作刻不容緩,今年度本縣環保局持續落實車輛之維修保養及定檢制度,以達到改善環境空氣品質之目的。本計畫之各項工作相關成果摘要說明如下: 本計畫於期初即辦理職前教育訓練,使計畫內所有成員對於工作項目、工作方法、進度掌控及相關規定等皆充分了解,並不定期實施稽核,以確保各項工作順利推動與執行。 在定檢通知作業部分,目前已完成102年1月份至102年12月份發照機車之通知定檢明信片寄發,共寄發明信片通知133,258件,有70,944件參加定檢,平均到檢率為53.24%,執行未定檢機車攔查、攔檢、巡查21,002輛,其中完成路邊未定檢機車巡查數3048輛次,回檢3023輛次,回檢率為99.2%;完成機車攔檢3012輛次,不合格數共204輛次,檢測不合格比例為6.78%,完成車牌辨識14,942輛,可通知1507輛,通知率為10.09%,通知回檢1152輛,通知回檢率57.9%。 在定檢站品保品管作業及座談交流部分,已於102年6月16日及12月1日共完成2場次定檢站人員教育訓練,本縣各定檢站檢測人員皆完需成環保署每年受訓4小時之要求。 本計畫執行發現,民眾對機車定檢之認知程度尚可,包括每年應實施定檢、不定檢要遭受罰鍰、定檢業務可改善空氣品質等,大部分機車車主仍相當依賴定檢通知單之提醒,因此明信片通知作業與二次通知有必要繼續進行。為使通知作業能發揮更大效用,宜持續更新機車車籍與定檢資料,有效利用車檢輔助管理系統,提升使用中車輛控管,相關作業本公司持續進行資料更新,已應用於本縣車輛屬性分析,篩選5年以上未定檢車輛加強二次通知,進行汰舊輔導。
中文關鍵字 102年台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 6970 千元
專案開始日期 2013/04/08 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 李俊坤
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳惠珠 執行單位 得眾環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 102移動污染源期末定稿本.pdf 38MB 台東縣102年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫期末報告書
英文摘要 To address the impact on the quality of the environment by mobile sources, the inspectors banned urgent and advocacy work, this year the county Environmental Protection Agency continued to implement the maintenance and regular inspection system of the vehicle, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of ambient air. The plan of the work related to the outcome of the explanatory memorandum as follows: The plan at the beginning of pre-service education and training that is handled, so that all members of the work plan for the project, working methods, schedule and control the relevant provisions mused fully understand and implement unscheduled audits to ensure that the promotion and implementation of the smooth . Regular inspection operations in the notification part, has completed 102 years in January to 102 in December, according to the notice issued regular inspection of locomotive sent postcards were sent a postcard notice 133,258 pieces, there are 70,944 members attend the inspection, the average rate for the prosecution 53.24%, do check undecided locomotive stopped the investigation, prosecution stopped, inspected 21,002 vehicles, including the completion of roadside inspections undetermined number of 3048 motorcycles were seized motorcycle, motorcycles to pick up 3023, to pick up 99.2%; complete locomotive stopped motorcycles seized 3012 , a total number of 204 motorcycles were unqualified, unqualified ratio of 6.78%, complete license plate recognition 14,942 vehicles may notify 1507, notice was 10.09%, the notification to pick up 1152, notified to pick up the rate of 57.9%. In the regular inspection station quality assurance and quality control operations discussion exchange section was completed in two sessions scheduled inspection station staff education and training 102 years on June 16 and December 1 JCP, the county each scheduled inspection station inspectors are required to complete EPA requires four hours of training per year. The plan to perform discovery, awareness of people on the regular inspection of the locomotive can still be implemented, including the annual inspection, seizure indefinite suffer fines, periodic inspection services can improve air quality, with most motorcycle owners still very dependent on the regular inspection notice single of the reminder postcard notification therefore necessary to work with the second notice to proceed. In order to inform the work can play a greater role, should be continuously updated locomotive vehicle registration and regular inspection data, the effective use of aid vehicle inspection management system, to enhance the use of the vehicle control, related to the ongoing operations of the company to update the information has been applied to the county vehicle attribute analysis, screening more than five years to strengthen the secondary vehicle seized pending notification conducted eliminating the old counseling.
英文關鍵字 102 mobile sources in Taitung County Examiner control plan